Curent Balance is too game-ender-y; UBER, how do you propose to support the famed week-long PA match

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tatsujb, October 27, 2014.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    then have the mediocre unit fixed ?
    what says the droppods wouldn´t cause similar issues?
    also again if the "awesome" one (merely by looks only) is in why have the mediocre one at all?

    so make them both be mediocre? ... ok ...

    how do you want to know how exactly the unitcannon will work when it even is not in yet?
    because of words and a concepttrailer?
    there was no update on the unitcannon for easily half a year everything that has been said and thought could have long changed ..
    why shouldn´t it do it just the same thing?
    how do droppods launch even then if not via orbital launcher or anything?
    they can carry everything and land at the same time? ... like the austreus? ... or do they drop leviathans too?

    " ... bla ... other than performance reasons ... bla ..."- me

    - 1 on infinite asteroids

    also your take on asteroids kinda goes against the "WYSIWYG" philosophy of uber ...
    and performancewise i could see this creating its own issues ...
    that kind of asteroidbelt would at best turn that match it is in into another bombingrun at best ... so .... hmmm ...

    as for the pods ... i am not convinced having them in will be that worthwhile as you imagine ...
  2. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    We need more options.

    Teleporter is the ideal tool for orbital invasion. But also the hardest to deploy.
    Astreus needs too many manual orders. I would not say it is "micro heavy", just that it is APM/Attention heavy.
    Also astreus is way too vulnerable to anti-air to be a lategame solution.

    Astreus could be the early-game interplanetary tool. Maybe cheaper and faster on IP level. But not really a lategame solution.
    A more powerfull multi unit transport could be the midgame tool to get your beachhead in enemy territory going.

    Of course the issues are largely because the planets are still a bit on the small size. On a 2.5k Radius Planet you would have a lot harder time deflecting orbital invasions then on a 300 Radius Planet.
    So I guess the "fix" will actually be to allow proper sized planets. Wich requires some rework of how the Client stores the planet and how the sim works (like a single thread per navigation sector + a few for orbital).
    I doubt they will add any units before they fried the planetsize fish.
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    the very definition of micro :p

    not could, it IS the early game interplanetary tool ... as it is good for transporting single units or a small squad

    personaly i don´t see too much an issue with planetsizes ..
    that is realy rather a matter of having units that can brake trough the orbital layer immidiatly ..
    the austreus can already do that so lets have the multiunittransporter, orbital aircraftcarriers and a crossplanetary interceptor aircraft ...
    the later would be ideal to give your transports enough time to get on planetside .. before they become targeted ..
    so basicly have those interceptors and additional avangers as escort .. avengers deal with the orbital layer the interceptor deals with the hostile airlayer on the enemy planet while also beeing aa meatshields/fodder for your antiground stuff to get in ..

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