Cup of rage (team talk and recruitment)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by Bonecrusher, January 18, 2011.

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  1. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    You never fail to make me laugh :lol:
  2. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  3. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    private ryan ^^^
    thats him there.. ive seen him online but hardly posts.. i suggest copy and paste the group link to his xbox live account or try here too..

    GRRRKILL New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    Everyone has been added to the clan except for Thoraxe I will send him a message over Live later this week. And Horsemen I will add some pics in and everything so we can be fancy.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    Like the ground-level rpg look of the pic. On that note, I still think our team needs a runescape captain too lmao.

    Or I am just trying to grab for some kind of title. How about street fighter captain instead? :ugeek:
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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  7. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Looking good!

    Dammit I have to get a hold of Private Ryan. I never see him on XBL.
  8. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    :shock: :| :x
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Sad thing, are there that many exploits in the game? If there are, and they used ALL of them, then that deserves credit in itself. Really. Admit it.

    Anywho, it's bull.

  10. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    Thanks for missing the point here, Bro.

    The point is, now people are hating on everyone while only a few dicks in here use exploits. I'm taking this serious, guys.
  11. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I'm the **** who uses exploits. And you chose me for your team.
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Point is, the pot is calling the kettle black, while I am simply calling the bunch of 'em racists.

    Exploiters using exploits, calling other people who use them "bad", and then I say it isn't that bad of a thing if you aren't serious. I used to use damage mods in C&C Renegade, in RPG servers just to play around. Shoot nuclear strike beacons, and disarm them in one shot any range with my pistol.
  13. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    I know a couple of players who arnt on team who like to abuse them alot... they are really close buddies with each other and well maybe thats one of the reasons I havn't put them on a team.

    as leader of cor I want to make one thing clear..

    If you steal from the store and get caught. face the fire.

    BTW: I know the whole concept of cor is rage quitting but you don't need to do this to make people quit... also think our motto should be..



    also nother tourney to look into and please get your team added to this thread
    that way tiger knows how many teams are interested
  14. L3G3ND 09

    L3G3ND 09 New Member

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    Posting in hopes of Grrr seeing this:
    If we don't have a team sniper I would like to step up and take that role unless designated otherwise. I can play tank(obviously), but I can also play a damn good harassing sniper, and i mean I will put that enemy team in their place!

    ... :roll:
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    We should be flexible anyway. I could play tank if they had multiple assassins, you can play sniper if they have multiple heavies, someone can help me with support if they have multiple mediums.

    Stacking against an enemy balance is the "art of war".
  16. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    I'll give everyone a heads up about picking their classes for a tourney. You might want to think ahead on who your playing and what classes they usually play. Best way to tell this is from playing the people and remebering what things they do or tatics they use.

    Counter the classes for the matches.. don't pick 3+ heavys vs 2 snipers.. youll be sitting ducks.

    Each class is productive for certain things.

    Gunner-slayer/turret kill/juice monster
    Assault-slayer/moneyball killer/ejector+analiator/juice defence
    Assassin- bot killer/quick juicer/turret killer/annoyance/ejector+analiator/money ball killer
    Support-Healer and bot/turret killer (gapshots)
    Tank-Bot killer and assassin killer/juice defense
    Sniper-Bot killer and heavy killer/base defense (ice traps on turrets)

    Now I'm not going to tell all of you or your captains what is best etc... You are all gifted with certain classes and should at least learn/pick a backup class. Theres plenty of time to practice.

    Captains bare in mind what is best for what your trying to accomplish.
    You need 2 bot killers.. one in each lane. Slayer killing people.... support healing them and stopping bots

    In tourneys if your playing snipers.. counter with assaults/assassins
    If your playing vs gunners counter with snipers/assaults
    If your playing tanks counter with assaults/snipers
    If your playing assassins counter with tanks/assassins
    If your playing vs supports counter with gunners/snipers/assassins

    If your going to do say 2 supports... I suggest healing pros over healing turrets due to the fact 2 gunners/1 assassin can destroy everything in seconds.

    Theres certain things in tourneys which fail in pub matches... youll understand what I mean.

    As long as you keep the bots out the only thing that will kill you is over time.

    If you keep the ball down shoot it long range out of the sight of turrets/pros
    Each map can be long shot hits on the ball at safe ranges. You need to practice vs each other in privates and other teams to gain the team work skills and ideas.

    Can't go out playing a tourney like a pub. Just giving everyone a heads up.
    Also make sure your team shows up and you give them proper notice.. almost week/3 days + notice. Contact the other teams and captains talk to the other captains.

    During lag tests I wouldn't pick your main class as your telling the opposition what class you are going to play as. Pick the best player/connection on your team for host.

    Start a party and invite your team then host joins the oppositions party and invites their team. Go to game chat and begin.

    Also want to give everyone a heads up.. overtime is what killed us in our tourney and a certain member not showing up when we needed them. Prepare juice rushes, keep a counter on things with an alarm.

    And one big thing.. COMMUNICATE.. dont sit there silent.. if you need help say it.. if theres something which might be a trap or a firebase etc talk.

    And k/d means nothing in privates... Our team has won games going completely negative.

    Not much else I can say except we should play each other team vs team so the other teams who havn't been in a tourney know what to expect.
  17. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    But the MAIN rule in privates is: "When in doubt boost your stats." - (miracle)
  18. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    well if you figure your going to lose. If you can kill a player and can't kill a jackbot/bots then something is wrong with that.
  19. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    Would like from this point on to put what classes everyone is going to be on their teams. To clarify who needs to be what.
    Team one
    MLGIntervention: ASSAULT/SNIPER
    Fearless: Tank
    Pinchey: gunner
    Runecscape: support
    Crimson: assault
    Typical: assassin
  20. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Re: Cup of rage

    I don't know if thats a good idea to let others know what class we main as but then again I can play most classes other then tank but it will throw off my game plan.
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