1. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Well you did, but everyone else (including myself, I think) was talking about juice. Anyways, something needs to be done about ice turrets especially. Right now, it's very hard to judge when it is a good time to put them up, and they're way too easy to take down.
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Right and if you had read the entire thread, you would have seen it was all about turrets. I think I covered everything you could think about concerning turrets.

    Honestly I don't think you can talk about the price of turrets being a problem without talking about the price of juice (which makes destroying any turret a breeze). The proof is in the pricing for those who have decided not to click the link.

    Level 3 rocket turret: $1,400
    Buying juice once: $500

    If you kill three people and then the level 3 turret you've almost got enough for another round of juice. That's stupid and problematic.

    Honestly bases either need some above ground turret nubs to guard the upper ring, or we need to be able to buy a team specific forcefield: It lets friendly team members enter but keeps out enemies (indestructable but lasts 3 minutes). The cost should be something like $5-600. You can only purchase the forcefield for the front upper ring of your base on Grenade III, LaseRazor, and Ammomule. On Steel peel you can buy one that blocks sniper shots to turrets on the left side of your base. The steel peel forcefield does not block entry. If you try and upgrade the forcefield, you just renew the timer for another 3 minutes. It would be identical to the forcefield that guards your base exits, except that you can only buy it for that one spot and it only lasts 3 minutes.

    This would prevent the overtime rush through the center (past the juice machine) right to your ring on Grenade III, LaseRazor, and Ammomule. For Steel Peel it would prevent sniper caming cheese : I sit in my base and shoot at bots coming out of your base for free juce/turret kills.

    Due to the layout of steel peel players with jetpacks can still land on the upper ring of your base. But I'd be happy to live with 3/4 maps being fixed.

    I started to add my forcefield idea to my original turret thread but didn't.
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I still think placing a 60 second cooldown on purchasing Juice would be the easiest fix. Sure, they still need to adjust the juice gain and damage rates per class but that is another issue. Snipers are simply broken in regards to juice gain rate and even worse against the moneyball. Assassins can too easily decimate an entire base with a single juice. Balanced? Not a chance.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I still don't think juice is the problem in itself. A cooldown won't solve anything, but will just make it important to know when the last person bought juice.

    Although I have just had a thought. What if purchasing juice only gave you have the duration and half as many boosts?
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    A cooldown will solve plenty. Are you honestly going to tell me that a sixty second cooldown won't prevent an entire team from buying juice and swarming your base? Or one guy from juicing, charging, retreating, buying juice, lather rinse repeat?

    I'm not sure how those problems still exist with a cooldown. the major issue is the rapidity of the assaults, as well as the magnitude. A full team would have to sit on their juice for six minutes; even two people would mandate a minute. A single player could only go back to the well every minute, giving plenty of time to rebuild or defend.
  6. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    You covered turrets and one set of options. I am simply discussing them in a different aspect.

    That said, there's a very specific reason I did not mention buffing turrets in terms of health, and instead, am strictly speaking to the cost of a turret and the relation to that cost to the general cash ecosystem for pros in the game.

    Reason I don't think turret health should be increased is because I think it would greatly reduce the pace of the game. Uber has already stated that they put in overtime because without it, games were taking up to an hour, if not more to complete. Making it harder to kill a turret only adds to the fortification of a base thus slowing the pace of the game and increasingly the likelyhood of turtlers.

    The other possibility, which I was discussing, was reducing the cost of the rocketturret (or the turrets overall). That way if they are being destroyed, at the least, the cost to benefit ratio for building one is proportional enough to the speed in which they can be destroyed.

    You have to also consider what the idea behind the turrets were. As they are now, I don't think they were designed to be a "set and forget" type of buildable so your team can run off and conquer the other moneyball. Some management for them is required, which I think is more than appropriate.

    Also, since the bulk of your complaint hinges on juice - a simpler solution would be to simply reduce the amount of damage a juiced player has on a turret.
  7. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    The game could potentially benefit overall from an "overdose" cooldown that's specific to each pro for juice. I think a global juice cooldown is a bit much and removes tactics. But if each pro could only purchase juice every 60 seconds (earned juice would not be a part of this) it would force teams to coordinate juice rushes a bit more as opposed to when you're cash rich and just buy, buy, buy. I don't think that's a solution to turrets, however.
  8. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Even that would limit base ownage.
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I'd either like to see rocket/ice turrets go down in price significantly or go up in effectiveness. I'd rather they remain expensive and be more powerful rather than cheap and easy to destroy. Earlier tonight I upgraded two rocket turrets from 1-3 and a few other turrets as well. I still had money to buy juice a few times during overtime. I make a lot of money, but cheap easy to destroy turrets would be worthless.

    Clearly we agree the price to build some turret is disproportional to how easily they can be destroyed.

    While I agree that unhacked turrets need attention I disagree that 3.3 turrets should need constant babysitting. I see nothing wrong with the idea that a few hacks and overheals should keep out pros unless they coordinate their attack. The idea that one guy can just slip in and kill all the turrets is just dumb.

    Actually I think turrets are broken in several aspects. The juice comments are a reflection of price. My biggest issue with turrets is that they have blind spots even when hacked; this is why I usually just don't bother buying them. But I would love to see a change so that juice does not increase damage against turrets. Considering firebases are an extension of the support character they should still be destroyed quickly with juice.

    Honestly if you have trouble killing a turret then one of two things is happening. You either don't have a gunner on your team or two supports are healing the turret. Every team should have a gunner and a support. They are irreplaceable in their roles and not having these classes is a mistake. If two supports are healing a turret then the rest of your team can be killing the other turrets. If there are no other turrets then your team can slip in and kill the supports.

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