Confirmed features and suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xedi, August 17, 2012.

  1. holmebrian

    holmebrian New Member

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  2. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    It's funny I'm the guy that originally wrote the code for the nano spray and the effect itself is mine too. There was no such thing as a "shader" back then so the programmers pretty much wrote the effects.

    Striping oh yes!
  3. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Neat :D
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Heh, you're like some kind of walking museum! But all the better to tackle a project like this!

  5. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    A walking museum of the games industry, pretty much. Went to my 17th GDC this year.

    This game is going to shorten my lifespan ;)
  6. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    You are my hero.
  7. bibbly

    bibbly New Member

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    I think as a strategy and gameplay element stabilized - engine assisted orbits would be great. So you could have a cluster of asteroids set to the side to use as weapons. A-la Fragile Alliance.

    Also, some atmosphere swapping / playing on gravitational fields with fluid / gas effects.

    I think a lot of things in terms of gravity fields would be something refreshing and fun.

    My suggests are really to look at games like Fragile Alliance, Dungeon Keeper, and Cortex Command to really nail a sense of scale and combat orientation. First person unit command really hasn't been done well since Dungeon Keeper. Fragile Alliance was all about the nukes, planetary engines, ramming planets into each other - and a little deeper - stocks, trading, and politics. Cortex Command is just a cluster **** of beautiful 2D actionc combat.

    I look forward to this game!

    And I dig the whole -spray - 3D printing construction thing going on in the concepts.
  8. endopathic

    endopathic New Member

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    THE SUN: I would like to see the most dominant feature of the solar system used in the game somehow.... maybe energy weapons?

    BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS: Organic weapons that use the methane or organic gases from gas giants.
  9. shamusaran

    shamusaran New Member

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    I was just wondering, if any of the stretch goals weren't met, would they eventually be added later in patches/expansions?
  10. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    I was actually wondering about this myself, as I haven't seen anything about how the planets are going to be positioned on the "map" yet

    I made a thread Here
  11. Frostiken

    Frostiken Member

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    One of the things I liked to do in the original TA was to issue a fleet of construction aircraft a move order and then while they were flying overhead, assign them to repair / assist something underneath them. They would then fly all over the place spraying green crazy everywhere :D
  12. driecoolguy36

    driecoolguy36 New Member

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    How about moving asteroids(or even moons!) from planetary orbit to orbit using similar (but more powerful) engines that were shown the KS trailer? Then they could be used as forward bases. And maybe some sort of tech to extinguish/use the sun(as a huge mega bomb that could destroy all planets in a system?) And planet to planet missiles (that are either powerful and inaccurate or precise but weak, for balancing purposes) Just a couple ideas that I hope might be taken into account by Uber.
  13. boolybooly

    boolybooly Member

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    Asteroid combat looks like it will be big fun. Was thinking it could be good if there was some strategic cunning gameplay involved.

    I see the awesome asteroids and am wondering "what if that was aimed at my base?" and thinking along the lines of counter strats like asteroid nudgers, something which impacts or latches on to an enemy asteroid which has begun an approach and nudges the orbit off so it misses its target or hits an alternate target and is neutralised eg sun. Like planetismal snooker. Requires detecting and predicting enemy engineered asteroid movement (some kind of sky scanner facillity building perhaps) and deployment needs to be timed to prevent corrective actions else corrections may nullify nudges.

    Nudgers could be smaller engineered asteroids which impact a weaponised asteroid to nudge and or destroy asteroids, or space craft with some kind of front end grapple and a ******* huge rocket stuck to the back end and maybe thrust burn out detonation, to damage enemy asteroid engines etc and delay corrections deprive enemy of materials comprising the rocket.

    Then what about anti-nudger nudgers? We cannot allow an anti-nudger gap...!
    babble babble babble
  14. ascythian

    ascythian Member

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    Regarding those talking about the sun and moving planets, how about strapping engines onto the planet that you and your enemy is on and then evacuating before flying the planet into the sun!
  15. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Yes. All of the yes.
  16. karst45

    karst45 New Member

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    First of all, Congratulation on reaching your goal (that don't mean you other people can stop pledging) quite impressive

    As you asked, i would like to make a little suggestion, am no programer so i don't know how challenging it would be.

    It mainly for atmosphere but i don't think it was used for such game. You said in your KS video that you were going for orchestra/choir music, that you were looking for "emotional music"

    Of course creating that: "I want to destroys planet" feeling is a must have, but there a lots of other emotion that music can give. Here were my suggestion begin, yes all before that was just a prequel.

    What if the music were following your progress. By that i mean; You army is strong so the music is loud, strong, "aggressive". But as you loose more and more unit, at least more than your opponent, the music reflect the situation, giving more of an "scared" uncertain feeling, that we see in horror movie.

    I think it would make the player more personally involved in their game, even if they are just moving mass of units around. Imagine Your have a "war drum" sound track going on as you obliterating this enemy force, then suddenly at the corner of your eyes, an Giant asteroid moving toward your planet, the drum fade away, replaced by "the jaw" (yes i know it not classical/choir music but focus!)

    You try everything to stop that behemoth, unfortunately you fail. As you watch your last planet slowly burn away, the Adagio For Strings (yes am an HomeWorld fan) gently start.

    Again am sure the player would get involved even more in their game since those would be even more like a movie on playback. a movie with it own soundtrack.

    Hope you like the concept, I don't think i seen that applied to a game yet. At least not in a skirmish, unscripted, multiplayer game.
  17. rechar

    rechar New Member

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    I just want aircraft to bank and do cool barrel rolls like in TA, that little touch of flavour made the game all the sweeter.
  18. nemoricus

    nemoricus Member

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    Given that I haven't seen these yet, I thought I'd post the main things I'd like to see in the game.

    1. The command interface is the most critical component of the whole thing. PA is meant to be a strategic game, with a focus on armies, not individual units and tactics. With that in mind, I hope to see some or all of the following in the game:

    a. Base templates, both pre and user defined. This way the player can set down a base layout that they use a lot and have it be constructed without further attention.

    b. SupCom style factory assisting. The way SupCom factories worked, you could set up an order queue for a group of factories and have them work together to make the units from that queue. Also, I'd like to see the SupCom loop button for the queues you want to build endlessly.

    c. A good high level interface, where you can manage all of your factories, wherever they may be, from one menu. Command and Conquer 3 did this well, where you could select the factory you wanted to build infantry, vehicles, or buildings from anywhere on the map, without having to scroll all the way over to it.

    2. Total Annihilation/SupCom style info war abilities. The large ranges of units, the role radar played in those games, and jamming abilities are nearly unique in the RTS world, and I'd love to see those make a come back in Planetary Annihilation.
  19. coldboot

    coldboot Active Member

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  20. r0ck1t

    r0ck1t Active Member

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    I liked the strategic zoom feature in SupCom where you could get a much larger common picture of the battle, but the one issue I had with it was that the NATO unit symbology was small and hard to see. If this will be included in PA, was wondering if you could at least have the option to increase their size.. although, I understand it may over-saturate the strategic view with overlapping symbols that may not accurately portray unit positions/numbers. Just the option to enlarge them would be nice.

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