Confirmed features and suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xedi, August 17, 2012.

  1. exosymbiot

    exosymbiot New Member

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    Reeeeaaaaalllyyy trying to resist the urge to create a new thread for this idea, but I'll try it here first at least.

    So lots of people are bitching and moaning about "one faction = boring" and I think I have a very elegant solution to it:

    Temporary unit loadouts.

    Hold your horses, hear me out and let me explain why this might be a little different than what you're thinking:

    In the game lobby, under most circumstances, the game starts where everyone has access to every unit. However, if anyone has played and remembers the lobby from SupCom, you had options to disable certain units (for example, No Nukes or No Air Units). Imagine then, instead of a tech restriction, you'd have a tech allowance of, say, 20 unit types that you as a player can build from a pool of 30 or 40. Even better, you can have an option to enable "tech capture" where reclaiming a destroyed enemy unit gives you the ability to build it.

    What this will do overall is create "factional differences" in a game with just one set of units. Any imbalances will be fixed by the players themselves as their strategy with different unit sets evolves.

    Please let me stress that this should be an OPTION, not an unchangeable aspect of the game, or even the default (the default would be an allowance of 40 out of 40 units, granting full access to all units from the start).
  2. ogwi

    ogwi New Member

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    Would be interesting for players to theorycraft and create their very own style of play. However, how would you implement it? Some sort of draft pick would be the only option (in ranked/tournament play) IMO, meaning something like the player 1 picks first unit or x amount of first units, other picks his first units and so on till both have enough. That way neither player gets advantage over other.
  3. exosymbiot

    exosymbiot New Member

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    I don't see a problem with unit choices overlapping. Is that what you're mentioning?
  4. ogwi

    ogwi New Member

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    I meant that if player 1 picks unit set that is in some way very strong against unit set that player 2 has, player 1 gets advantage. When they pick their units one by one, seeing what other picks, they can think and change their unit set to be better against what their opponent has. Using same units is fine.
  5. exosymbiot

    exosymbiot New Member

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    Ah, I understand. Either unit choices would be hidden, or configurable until both players have "Locked In" for a given period of time (say, 20 seconds or so). Or perhaps some other way of balancing it, such as the draft pick idea.
  6. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    It's called "factory choice". Build one factory, and it automatically locks out other units by not being the other factories.
  7. exosymbiot

    exosymbiot New Member

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    While also a neat concept, that's not what I'm talking about here. This would be more like choosing which units you'll have access to for the rest of the game (until you fight and reclaim units your opponent has built), effectively creating a customizable "faction" from a single set of units.

    Again, I'm proposing that this be an OPTION that can be toggled so that players can, if they want, have what is effectively "faction diversity" by choosing a set of units and technologies that work well together.
  8. Gruenerapfel

    Gruenerapfel Member

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  9. mckalistair

    mckalistair New Member

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    I think it would be nice if they did a pre order with just digital stuff but on the same level as the cosmic edition....
  10. 4rni

    4rni New Member

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    Units capable of underground movement( like in Tiberian Sun)
    wall segments,environmental elements(lava) that inhibit underground movement
  11. Aelreth

    Aelreth New Member

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    In TA for example if a unit was "killed" over water it would quickly find itself on the bottom of the water tile and be able to be reclaimed at a later time. In SC for example this was removed.

    Will this be making a return in PA?

    Thank you.
  12. diesofa

    diesofa New Member

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    is their any befits/impairments when i comes to annihilating planets? like maybe you wouldn't be able to use the planet to build on any more but you would be able to extract more resources for building within that planetary system and/or would the planet turn into an asteroid belt and function as such after it was destroyed?

    as far as mining asteroid go are they going to have a higher percentage of accessible rare metals and such like real asteroid belts do? (on planets some rare metals such as platinum group metals get trapped in the core where they are inaccessible)
  13. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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  14. meltedcandles

    meltedcandles Member

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    I think it should float gradually to the bottom of the water. like in TA :idea:
  15. practicedrifter

    practicedrifter New Member

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    Is this the Suggestion Box thread? It seems several essential features are not listed.

    Team Features
    Multiplayer Ranking system - I am tired of remembering players by their name, so I don't get stuck on a team with n00bs vs. Axiom's crew of the top 10 pros. I want to least know what I am getting in to. Simple rank flag would make evening teams out easier.

    Unit Donate System - Your teammate just disconnected from the game, cause his wifi blipped. His units are all destroyed. You are doomed. Can we have his units go to a spectator, or to one of his teammates?

    Verbal abuse - Chat is nice, but people abuse it. Can we have settings for turning on a game censor, or muting specific trolls? (Your mutes only affect what YOU see/hear, and are applied on a per-player basis)

    Setting Choice Gridlock - Can we have a simple vote system, where you pick the settings you like in the menu, so when a group of players show up the settings default to the most popular choices?

    Game Features

    Intelligent Squads, SupCom2 style - Maybe this is assumed to be included, but I would hate to going back to having to select individual units or crossing-window to make squads. In SupCom2, groups of units were automatically recognized, and selected with one click. Squads did not have a unit limit.

    Commanding Commander - The worst part of SupCom2 was the Combat Commander (if you want it done right, do it yourself). It wasn't even an RTS any more - players would do a whole game with just a commander, like Mech Warrior. Commanders should command by building or giving bonus to nearby units, not by being Rambo.

    Econ choice - Rates VS Purchasing. The endless debate. Some players love rates, some love purchasing. Why not let the player decide which system they want to use? Provided that they are equalized, there is no reason why a purchase player cannot play vs a rate player. Everyone happy.

    (If these suggestions are included elsewhere, need to be submitted elsewhere, or are bad suggestions, I apologize. I am prepared for the flames.)
    Last edited: February 25, 2013
  16. meltedcandles

    meltedcandles Member

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    :mrgreen: i always wondered if there was going to be a spore-like commander creator. if there is i would love it, and others would probably like it too.
  17. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    hey Uber Team will you consider underground buildings at all (don't look at mine it's a mess)
  18. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    DO NOT TYPE IN YELLOW. thought I should put that out there.
  19. rakasob

    rakasob New Member

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    Could there be an option to name your captured planet/asteroid or your territory on a planet?

    This perhaps has no meaning what-so-ever, but it would probably feel better if i destroy someones planet with an asteroid named "Santa sends coal". :twisted:
  20. bubba41102

    bubba41102 Member

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    definitl;y i think we should be able to rename our stuff

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