Confirmed features and suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xedi, August 17, 2012.

  1. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    I never had a problem with the unit icons, once you get used to what the symbols mean it lets you know at a glance the make-up of a group of units

    Maybe your monitor is a bit blurry? =P
  2. gnug315

    gnug315 New Member

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    Please excuse me if this has been mentioned, but I haven't gone thru the entire thread.

    If I had to mention the three most brilliant things about TA, which I would love to see in PA, it would be these:

    1) Reclaimable unit debris. This added a huge strategic element to do the game. Winning the local battle was doubly important, because one could recycle upto 80% of the metal resource -- from both side's units. Besides, it just felt good!

    2) Gradual cost of production. As opposed to basically all other RTS games, the concept of paying for construction of stuctures as one goes along resulted in the whole game to flow on the macro level. It wasn't critical to place that building the second one could afford it, or prioritize the whole contruction effort perfectly. If one generally got everything done, the master plan would come into effect. If needed, one could reallocate funds (via con units) towards the more urgent goals at any time. +/- income and expenditure rocked.

    3) Unit interaction. The whole physics engine, with collision detection, resulted in a realistic feel to unit interaction. It also resulted in there being countless tricks in the game, where one could improvise in great and fun ways.

    Apart from these, the game played brilliantly on a huge variety of maps. One could focus on one's fave, or enjoy the whole plethora. There was no complicated armor type or rock-scissor-paper counter system to memorize. Things did what one expected them to do. TA was the first RTS game to feature a (fan-made) replayer, now considered a must in any game worth it's salt (PA must have one!). I could go on, but I promised myself to be brief.

    Anyhoo, best of luck with it. Can't wait to see the finished product!

    - Gnug315, active during the 1997-2001 golden era of TA ;)
  3. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    @gnug315: #2 and #3 are basically confirmed (flow economy and full simulation) :). I'd consider #1 to be very likely as well.
  4. megrubergusta

    megrubergusta New Member

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    You may want to ad the autorepair for structures and buildings by zidonuke:


    It's Acknowledged, but unconfirmed (2nd post)
  5. xedi

    xedi Active Member

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    Added rare resource types, mouse panning, auto-repair, adding orders to the front of queue, no-fly zones, and a bunch more suggestions.
  6. r0ck1t

    r0ck1t Active Member

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    No my monitor isn't blurry but at higher resolutions the icons get smaller. It'd just be nice to increase their size.
  7. levastov

    levastov New Member

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    Wow, this is just such an unwieldy thread! I'd love to read through it all, but for now, put me on the record for wanting space combat, as well.

    Also, I don't know how stealth/radar jamming could ever be debatable features. Some of the most interesting games I ever had in SC1 were made so by radar jamming and secret bases. That stuff's necessary in any kind of warfare.
  8. coldboot

    coldboot Active Member

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  9. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Oh hey! Tooltips!

    Don't know about TA, but from a person that likes details and lore, I loved SupCom tooltips because they gave cool little names to every weapon and whatnot, as well as very helpful information. Also, the designations for "constructor, torpedoes, amphibious, anti-air" were useful as well. The tooltips in FA weren't as fun and fluffy, but were just as useful, and the tooltips in SC2 weren't nearly as useful, especially with the lack of the "I can do this" designations.

    So, I suggest awesome tooltips! :)
  10. coldboot

    coldboot Active Member

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  11. DarkOnistar

    DarkOnistar New Member

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    Posted this here after previously posting in the wrong place.

    Either new suggestion or following onto these ones:
    {O} Orbital simulation of planet motion (which can be affected by player): #1 #2 #3
    {O} Artillery warfare: #1 =debatable=
    {B} Limited unit fuel, ammo, energy, etc =debatable=

    Asteroid/Orbital fires a rocket at speed 1, it then fires a second rocket at speed 2, followed by a third rocket at speed 3.
    The speed of each rocket increments so as to make it so that each rocket hits its destination at the same time causing maximum impact.

    The idea came from talking about Homeworld 2 and how spaceships could affect a planet with limited resources in comparison to a planet. That idea demonstrates that you only need small guns to deal alot of damage.

    In terms of suggestions, I'd imagine it more balanced if this was a unit's special ability and then based on resources or unit energy makes it fair to use.

    - Technically this idea could be done with a non-moving object, but if you apply orbits then you could target where a planet is going to be. (After all, its not like planets can move o_O)
  12. bobwina

    bobwina New Member

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    I thought this suggestion was great:

    It covers both troop organization and production management. Specifically, it discusses some UI features for treating large groups of units or buildings as uber-units to which you can issue action and production orders, and have the AI work out the specifics of making it happen. I think having the AI deal with producing and tidying up groups that I have already defined would be an excellent way to get my robots to war more smoothly.
  13. karmann

    karmann New Member

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    Im not sure if this question has already been asked/answered, im new here :)

    We will be fighting on planets... most planets are orbiting stars right? That creates a light and a dark side... day and night if u like. Will this somehow be have a function in the game? The cycle would ofc fast!

  14. niblette

    niblette New Member

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    I hope the day and night cycle will have an effect on the solar station (which obsiously can't work during night)
  15. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Also, just to throw an idea out, how about oil deposits in the ocean, that could be mined for power? It'd give a reason to make ships and hold a certain area of the sea for more than just shelling the enemy base
  16. xedi

    xedi Active Member

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    Added amphibious transports response from neutrino.
  17. chrishaldor

    chrishaldor Member

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    Some sort of resource available in the sea (underwater metal, oil/geothermal power) would be a nice thing, if stretch 1 is reached. Would make water planets pointfull =P
  18. coldboot

    coldboot Active Member

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  19. pfcoiler

    pfcoiler New Member

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    Would it be possible to have planets populated with Ewok-esc natives that could be destoryed is a most satisfactory fashion. It would also be awsome if the afore mentioned non-copyright infringing natives could be used as kamikaze pilots for the asteroids.
    Also considering the title of your IP would it be possible to start a supernova recation in a planet system to go above and beyond the tried and true world ending asteroids. I mean heaven forbid the enemy has a bruce willis space miner type that foils the planets impending doom.
  20. thapear

    thapear Member

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    This would only add to the development costs. In my opinion the civilians in SupCom did not add much either.

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