Comparaison between TA and Supcom closed view

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by torrasque, September 9, 2012.

  1. thefirstfish

    thefirstfish New Member

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    Actually I'm a slightly above average ZK player and improving despite not having much time to play. I usually have a pretty good idea of why people beat me.

    Not that this is the point at all. I play games to have fun. There are no rewards for winning a computer game, no penalties for failure, unless you're the 0.00000001% of players who play professionally. I don't watch replays because I have a career, train sports, and have other things in life. I might get 60-90 minutes free some evenings and I want to spend that time playing the game, not watching it.

    Like it or not I represent the reality for most players. Not many people who play a game become serious competitive players. The whole reason any game has a player base and popularity is because it's fun.

    Bashing icons and dots against each other for 2 hours is not fun to most people.
  2. thefirstfish

    thefirstfish New Member

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    I don't find it obvious from the video how things will look from the normal player view.

    Doubt everything in the video is set in stone for the final release anyway. I do like the art style so hope that stays.
  3. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    the only thing shown in your video is how that player chose to play supcom. it has no relevance to how you or I or anybody else chooses to play supcom. i played hundreds of hours and beat some pretty good players in my time. i did not play like the guy in your video.

    and this is where the funny part comes in. you use a "serious" gamer example above of how supcom is really played, and then point out that you and "most" players are not the guy in the video. but then you'll complain that you have to be like the guy in the video or will have been "disadvantaged". talk about making the argument up as you go along.

    i don't know how many times i have to point it out to the deaf ears (blind eyes?). you can play FA at any zoom that suits you and remain competitive.

    the ultimate irony to all this is the zoom UI actually makes these kinds of games easier to play for people like you with "careers" and "90 mins of free time a decade" etc. funny stuff.
  4. thefirstfish

    thefirstfish New Member

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    You are reading a lot into my posts that I have never said. I have not said that I feel disadvantaged. I have not that said I have a problem with the zoom UI (I think it's great). If top level players can gain an advantage by using an icon view of the whole map/planet 95% of the time I'm completely fine with that.

    I would just like to be able to play fun, moderately competitive games where I can see robots shooting each other and I can clearly identify each unit. Having played SupCom 1 and 2, TA, and ZK, I find that TA and ZK offer this experience, but SupCom 1 and 2 do not. The wide range of unit sizes, long weapon ranges, and art style of the SupCom games prevents units from being clearly discernable when playing.

    As you can see from other posters I'm not the only person who thinks this way. I would appreciate it if you and others could discuss this topic without trying to insinuate that others are intellectually handicapped for having a different opinion to you. Please also attempt to answer the points that I have made instead of attacking me over subjects I've never mentioned.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    this! I so love this game just like that.
  6. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    Yep, and I like it. I hope it will not change too much.
  7. w00j

    w00j New Member

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    Then go play SupCom?

    I also hope scale doesn't change, the game play portrayed in the video is perfect.
  8. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    Why? I am waiting for Planetary Annihilation currently.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    For the same reason you could just stay with TA. After several years something new is always appreciated.

    Funny, from the discussion here people could get the impression that our ideas of scale are very different, but I like the trailer just as much. So I guess in the end we will all realize that our positions are not that far away from each other and can be easily brought together in one great game. :)
  10. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    I would be quite proud to have made a thread where people come to an agreement :)
  11. kdr11k

    kdr11k New Member

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    All I want is to be able to tell what my units are doing when zoomed out. The worst example would be Star Ruler where you can't see the shots they're trading without zooming in very far (just not feasible on a game of that scale, you need to see at least a couple dozen solar systems at once) and battles usually consisted of some of the icons disappearing or turning gray (control systems failed, i.e. crew dead or computers offline) without you being able to tell what happened. Really bad in a game where you need to design ships in a way that takes system failures into account.

    In AI War Fleet Command it's very feasible to see what's happening even when zoomed out really far (enough to see the entire accessible area around the planet) as projectiles remained visible and unit icons are the same sprite as the full unit graphic, just smaller and all in team color. You lost very little information when zoomed out and since the icons weren't very abstract it didn't look much different from zoomed in combat. Yet it has unit ranges varying from literal melee to sniping across the planet. And it still feels awesome to see a Cursed Golem cruise through a system with faint red dots spreading out from it and enemy units disappearing by the dozen all over the place. Sound cues may also be a major part of it, unit deaths are always audible even if they happen in another star system so you know when fights are going on, the low booming of a planet-wide EMP or tachyon pulse going off is impossible to miss and all the major superweapons have their own sound effects.

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