Comments from pro FA players

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pureriffs, October 24, 2012.

  1. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Its not about me trying to alter the game to suit my playing style. Its about trying to get comments from gamers that i know are competent. Instead of comments from people who have possibly never played any of the games, casual gamers and starcraft enthusiasts.
    The only reason i did not include TA pros is cus i did not play it online back in the day. Was just lan parties to me so i dont know who is good and who is not :S But I would still like to hear their views..
  2. chronoblip

    chronoblip Member

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    My apologies, you are correct. You aren't trying to suit your playing style, you're trying to suit the playing styles of players you recognize as "competent", because you're getting tired of the plebeians not recognizing your genius. :lol:
  3. LordQ

    LordQ Active Member

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    I can say right off that bat that people who have high APMs as well as excellent ability to multitask while fighting a war would be the ones most likely to succeed in PA. And these are boxes that pro FA players generally tick to some degree. And certainly boxes I do not tick. :mrgreen:

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