Commander upgrades

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by eukanuba, September 4, 2012.

  1. primewar

    primewar Member

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    Yes I have the whole Sub Com line of games. Honestly, I played them through once, tried the multiplayer and pretty much instantly put it down and reverted to TA. I still play TA with v4 mode (which can be obtained from this website on gameranger with some friends of mine.

    I don't care for the really big units, im not huge on turtle warfare, and I use my commander like the name implies. That said, I'm fine with other folks wanting to go straight mech warrior with their commander. I have no problem using another players play style against them in a net game.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    For those of you with FA should mess around with the BlackOps:Advanced Command Units Mod, It completely revamps all the upgrades, with factional diversity and multiple upgrades per slot and 4 levels for each upgrade to scale all the way from the early game right into the late game, a strong case for Upgrades.

  3. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    This is a giant pile of suck. I don't play the game so I can cower in my base. And I don't play RTS games for the purpose of sniping one unit- which is exactly what this is going to become if the Commander can't stand up for himself.

    Given that you lose if the Commander dies, it will only produce shitty gameplay if the Commander dies if you look at him funny during any portion of the game.
  4. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Well I find the whole risk/reward thing of the gameplay mechanic interesting and enjoyable, it is a dilemma in the true sense of the word, forcing you to choose between foregoing the advantages a Commander can bring on the frontlines or the relative safety of keeping it tucked away.
  5. GoogleFrog

    GoogleFrog Active Member

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    Commander sniping will always occur if killing the commander wins the game.
  6. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Maybe we can make the commander very powerful, but severely limit maneuverability. Allow it to be useful, even in a big fight; but make sure it's 100% committed to it.
  7. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    That has issues in the early-mid game. One of the important principles in SC was that a Commander could not safely approach a PD (unless it had no support whatsoever) without upgrades or Energy Storage. Limiting a Commander's mobility does nothing to stop it from charging into the teeth of enemy defences, since it'll always be more mobile than PD.
  8. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    There's nothing wrong with Commander Sniping. But the game shouldn't degenerate into nothing more than snipe fests. It should be possible without too much difficulty to keep your Commander safe from a small investment all throughout the game. If you attempt to snipe the opponent's Commander, it should require a large investment- at all times.
  9. neophyt3

    neophyt3 Member

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    Hated commander upgrades in SubCom, hope they don't make a comeback.

    It was needed a bit more in SupCom due to them having so many tiers, and such a big difference between each tier (if the commander was at full power from the start, he would be op early on [impossible to get bases up], if he never got upgrades, he would die too easily near the end). If PA is like TA, and the units don't change in power as much through the 2 tiers, upgrades should not be necessary, and would only add unneeded micro.

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