I do this, but since hot sauce and jalapenos are a massive source of vitamin c, I usually also take some of that emergen-c. So basically, enough Vitamin C to treat polio.
I'll try that today. I'm feeling the first signs of getting sick, and I need to be healthy next week because I go to Japan. So I bought a bottle of Johnny Walker - Black Label and prepared some blankets
If you are going to Japan, then you should have tried Sake. That will make you sweat and get into the theme. Haha.
Hmm, never heard of it. Funny, the application sounds like how we use Vick's VapoRub, but a much more natural alternative. The Internet says it's 95% menthol - that must be the magic ingredient
It mostly just clears the sinuses. It has to be spicy enough that you can smell the heat from tasting it so that it gets through your nose. You need to keep having spicy things to keep the sinuses clear, but with a good supply of cayenne peppers you should be able to function normally for the most part.
Yup it's like Vick's only stronger and you can inhale it, put a drop in a cup of tea or take a hot bath with a couple of drops. Don't get any of it in your eyes though! It's kind of unpleasant. Like chili. I learned that the hard way.... ='3
When I lived in NY I used to need to keep a Vick's inhaler on me during the Spring and Winter. That was the time of the year when my allergies were the worst. Of all things my allergy is to pollen. It was mainly for my stuffed nose but I also used it during the winter when the air is cold and more dense. Breathing in the fumes help with my asthma during the winter.