1. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    Except no- I've already outlined to you the practical purpose of it and the kind of people it benefits(men and women with busy life schedules.).

    Whether you like to believe it or not, games themselves can be sufficiently addictive enough to entice anyone. If a game has enough depth to make you want to continue to delve even further(Which is any successful game.) then you're not going to want to press alt+tab or pay attention to anything else. I know...shock horror! Also whether or not the game is an MMO or has individual sessions lasting for days or some arbitrary amount of time has no bearing on addictiveness(Because you can restart as many sessions as you want.); Tetris was once considered addictive. From what I can tell, Planetary Annihilation is going to be a game that's hard to master. It will also accommodate a lithany of player decisions that can be made, enough so to make you want to keep exploring them.

    It has nothing to do with individual laziness; this is a false premise.

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