[CLIENT] lgir ematarkus queue by default

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by emarkus, July 7, 2020.

  1. emarkus

    emarkus Active Member

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    Ematarkus Queue By Default

    Good players in PA use the shift key in order to queue new buildings to be build by fabbers. Not pressing the shift key drops the queue and starts a new build command. Nobody should use this default behaviour.

    What if we would have a mod that queues by default? This is what wondible already coded with his queue by default mod. It's a good idea but it don't like it's exact behaviour. If feels kind of inconsistent when mixing move and build commands. Maybe I just didn't understand the original intension. In wondibles version, to queueing a move command or not also depends on whether there is more than one command already queued. So you always have to know if there already is a move command queued and need to press shift or not to press shift. But as I like a consistent behaviour, i created my own mod variant.

    This mod (de.ematarkus.pa.lgir.queue_by_default) always queues by default. For build commands and non-build commands, both. The build mode can be left using right click. The selection mode can be left using left click.

    Disadvantage: spontaneous air-drop ecetera are a bit more complicated sometimes.

    I plan to implement the use Caps-Lock for turning default queuing on and off.
    Last edited: July 20, 2020
  2. bthirteen

    bthirteen Member

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    So that's why your spark drop reactions are so slow? ;) (jk)

    I don't understand "If feels kind of inconsistent when mixing move and build commands" I use it for a move, build and attack orders and never had issues
  3. emarkus

    emarkus Active Member

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    In wondibles version, to queueing a move command or not also depends on whether there is more than one command already queued. So you always have to know if there already is a move command queued and need to press shift or not to press shift.
    bthirteen likes this.
  4. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    In vanilla game, I press the shift key to see what the existing build queue is. Then I can decide whether to extend or break the queue. Does the "use shift key to show build queue" still work in your mod?
  5. emarkus

    emarkus Active Member

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    yes. shift shows build queue.
    But personally, I changed my PA settings to always show the build queue and recommend to do so. Shift makes the paths between the build orders visible.
    Last edited: July 8, 2020

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