Classic Metal Map VS Metal Planet

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by necrillain, January 13, 2014.

  1. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    Oh no doubt, it's just one of those things that could look better once they start polishing things.
  2. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    "That’s no moon. It’s a space station! Metal planets are wandering relics of wars long past, giant artificial battle stations that can be recycled or reactivated to bring a new level of destruction. Harness the lost knowledge and brute power of the ancients by repairing their installations. Then take over the control structures and rain destruction on your opponents."

    Well maybe it isn't "planet destroying", but we do know this for fact:
    • it can be recycled. That says harvesting for metal to me...
    • It is a battle station which means it was, at 1 point, made to fight
    • It can be reactivated, so it can fight again
    • it "bring(s) a new level of destruction... rain destruction on your opponents", so... powerful offensive capabilities in the very least
    Metal planets = king of the hill 100% confirmed. They might as well let mexes go anywhere on them because any map they are in it will be a race to get there. Guaranteed.

    I'm really glad you arn't the 1 making this game lol. It would be very boring and bland with maybe 2 people in the entire community with the same mod setup...
  3. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Wow. That is incredibly flawed logic. Very very poor argument.

    We disagree on one point and you think I would make the game boring? Flawed logic strikes again.
  4. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    care to explain or are you just typing words now? I listed my points as to how I came to that conclusion using facts. All you have is your opinion.
    Wrong again. I find I'm disagreeing with you more often than I do with Nanolathe! lol
  5. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, this sounds like a fun game type that I would play if there was a few metal planets in the solar system that you had to capture with units sent via unit cannons or transporters. Or each team is on a moon that orbits a metal planet that has unique characteristics that can have the metal planet activated with enough troops on the surface.

    Again, I'd prefer it as a game type compared to "standard play."

    Caution: Below is a rant. you don't have to read it.

    Honestly there is way to much fan dude nostalgia on "metal [build anywhere] planets" and how PA needs to have "metal maps" because the arguement is that "TA had metal maps PA needs to copy it"

    Metal maps. Greed Maps. King of the hill maps. Water maps. Air only maps... they are all maps. and they give a certain game play.

    Call of duty has plenty of Game types that lead to certain styles of Gameplay. {Sabotage, capture the flag, team deathmatch, deathmatch}.

    MultiWinnia had multiple game types that were all very fun to play. {Rocketship escape, team deathmatch, Defend/Attack}

    Why people argue that why isn't there metal maps or should make it "standard play" don't understand that it can easily be a Game type that you can play as its own world. DOTA spawned from a very popular gametype that was an offshoot of standardplay in WC3. However, DOTA wouldn't be successful if there wasn't good "standard play" mechanics that can be warped with {mods/gameplay options. etc.}. I would much rather have a good base game where sub games can pop up and become very popular from the base game. {DayZ was created this way as well.}.

    So if you really want metal style planets king of the hill game type with an offshoot feature of when you gather enough Time/metal/energy you can shoot one of the moons off the metal planet with some sort of gladiator elimination style gameplay. SURE MAKE THAT MOD/GAMETYPE/WHATEVER.

    Why does Uber have to make a executive decision where metal planets are a split idea in the community and have to decide on either YES/NO on build anywhere. (why not both with a gametype split)

    END Rant.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  6. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Your argument is, it's going to be so powerful that everyone rushes to it. So let's just add more reasons for everyone to rush for it.

    You could also read it as, this is an OP mechanic, so let's make it more OP!

    I guess I make enemies for trying to help promote balanced gameplay.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    you don't know what you wish.

    4 planet system. One is metal. I bet you wish you got that one. When enemy gets it instead, here is where your balance complaint gets posted.

    there will be a mod for custom games. If not all planets mexes anywhere. There will be games properly balancing metal planet. Not very many games will balance well for metal planets.

    if you got a metal planet first, infinite metal point, infinite build speed reduction, instant build nuke spam, hundred unit orbital army in twenty seconds.

    nobody wants to be on the other side of that fight.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  8. necrillain

    necrillain New Member

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    How hard would it be to not allow you to start on the metal planet, have it be off limits for starting. It would be like an objective point that you try to be the first team to get to. Some of these matches are taking 2 and 3 hours. If one team getting to the metal planet first sped up game play that would be a good thing.
  9. necrillain

    necrillain New Member

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    So three planets available to start on, with a goal of being the first to the metal. That means you have to get to orbital first and then actually be able to hold it. And like someone else said a metal planet doesn't have to be in every system, but it would make for a neat objective point.
  10. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    The orbital game is already race to be first to the metal.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    On top of that, if you get orbital early you usually use your first base but get an uncontested base covering a whole planet with many metal spots that are just yours. The competition in that is how fast your enemy can crush your first base and cause you to stall eco on the next planet, and how fast they can then build an attack force against that next planet (perhaps they can get there and start building with their limitless eco while yours is stalling).

    On a metal planet, instead of losing a planet with 100 metal spots and gaining a planet to yourself with 68, you ate losing a planet with 100 metal spots and gaining one that has, with tight spacing, a thousand. Even if carpet nuked, you could have limitless fabbers spread across the planet and as nukes fall immediately start rebuilding atop the nuke strike and have it all back together in a minute. All while producing instant build orbital units and your own instabuilt nukes. It just is too strong for a vanilla mechanic.

    And I say that as a vanilla mechanic. I think metal planets look really cool, and their gameplay is more organized on chokepoints than other maps. It would be a shame if you couldn't play a regular game on such a usually politely structured map. Not when, for resources, you could play with eco set to 100 (every mex produces 100 mex of metal), or when a mod can come in and let you build mex anywhere on any planet, or when a more sophisticated mex can selectively do that with metal planets and you can play that objective suggestion with them.

    For metal planets to have infinite mexes, it would have to be below 200 to be balanced in my opinion. I am also interested if and when they will have ancient supertechnology on them. It would be less overpowered than infinite metal, but more interesting in terms of planetary cannons and full size 1000 planets that have a superhalley to fly anywhere in the system. Real fun stuff to expect with metal planets.

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