Class Match Ups/Counters

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Shammas, August 19, 2010.

  1. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    Am I the only one who thinks every class can effectively counter every other class? It sure looks like it.
  2. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Every class can kill every other class 1 on 1. Some, however, are less effective at it than their opponents. An example would be an Assassin trying to kill a Tank 1v1. If both players are competent, the Tank will win.
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Even if you are able to get close to anyone, you will get called out and in a short time you will get team-shotted. I have seen mild effectiveness with the assassin, but nothing will really be certain until we see some play in serious tournament settings.
  4. 1uke

    1uke New Member

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    my friends and i made a Gb team today and are currently 1-0(should be 2-0 but the baddies are disputing). My role on the team is either sin or sniper, sometimes i'll be support if needed. I think you just don't see sins used in the right way. when i play serious, i use my sin as a lane pusher. i shurikan bots/turrets and other pros. when the pro gets annoyed, he/she may come at me and get foolish, that's when i assassinate or lure them to my turrets that i built at start of the game. i am very good at pushing lanes with an assassin, shurikans are very underrated and they are great, GREAT at taking out turrets. the lunge with sword/dagger takes out blackjacks in a swipe clearing the way for your bots faster. all the while building juice to take out the ball, pros, or remaining turrets. sin is also great for taking out jackbots, which is very important.
  5. HellBanger

    HellBanger New Member

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    A great way for tanks and gunners to deal with graplers is to deploy when they get a little too close. Its rare for a tank to get assassinated but if your missing 20-40% of your health your most likely to die from the initial hit, ring out, or just other people shooting at you. Not always the best idea but it works on the more hot headed players.

    On a side note lets not say anything about the effectiveness of a class untill the game has been out for more than 2 weeks. You dont want to be the guy who says "X class is garbage because of Y" and then get smacked by the class you just stated was useless.
  6. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    If both players are competent, neither should die. If the Tank doesn't disengage when the shuriken launcher starts ripping him up, he's not really competent. If the Assassin tries to grapple him... She should jump off a cliff and pick a different class.

    Good thing all the competent players roll Assault and Support, huh.
  7. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration. Let me rephrase: If both players are competent, then the Assassin will have a much harder time trying to kill the tank rather than the other way around.
  8. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    vs. gunner (gunner)
    unless a tank can sneak in close enough to land a charge, the minigun does just too much damage

    vs. assault (tank usually)
    assaults are fast enough to backpedal away and shoot but you can still get close with a charge and burnnnn. once an assault has the charge grapple this fight changes completely. if the assault lands a charge grapple he should win.

    vs. assassin (tank)
    even with a grapple from behind u can 1hit an assassin with a level 2 charge. easy win.

    vs. sniper (tank)
    at range u can hit a sniper with the railgun or product grenade and kill it fairly easy and close up as long as u avoids gettin trap spammed its just a charge or just a second of jet gun for the kill.

    vs. support (even)
    the support will almost always die but so will you. if its sitting near a firebase u can try to take it out with the railgun but it takes awhile. if u charge in u will definitely get the kill but the firebase will finish u off. if u fight it without a firebase it takes only 2 or three shotgun shots to die so u hafta try to stay out of shotgun rage or use a charge to stun him. when ur playing a good gunner half the time u get in close to kill him he will stick u with an airstrike so u die during your tea party with his face
  9. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i almost always hear assassins sneaking up on me and just turn around and shoot the rippled air. ive never bothered wiht this jump to avoid grapples bullshit cuz they are easy enuff to see,hear, and kill
  10. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    Good Assassins will often RB Lunge > Grapple you or drop down from above, making hearing them very hard.
  11. MickFM

    MickFM New Member

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    Personally I have quite a lot of success as an Assassin just... turning cloak off. I mean, if I'm already behind my target, they can't see me. Check my surroundings for any enemies who might spot me, if it's all safe just decloak, dash up and backstab. No noise to give me away, and it leaves my cloak fully charged to help with my escape if need be.
  12. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    The assassins main skill is taking out bots. She can take out bots quicker than any other class with her dash ability and she can pretty much take a jackbot from full health in 1 move.

    If you dont think thats useful then you're obviously playing the game wrong (its not team deathmatch pros vs pros, its a strategic game of getting your bots into the enemy base and stopping the enemy bots from getting into yours - at least it will be when the moneyball downing bit is fixed).
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The way I see it, tank does the assassin's jobs better. It kills bots more quickly, it kills snipers, it destroys turrets, and it can actually hold its own in a 1v1. Not to mention, the rail gun is great for maintaining map control.
  14. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    The assassins strength is her speed, maybe the tank can kill bots 1-2 seconds faster than the assassin but the assassin will get there so much faster. She can also kill a key player without having to kill the players infront of that player. Another thing that I've noticed is that an assassin can sneak into the enemy base and shuriken turrets without the nenemy noticing.
  15. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Any team with a setup will notice you running by. Running up on a key player is extremely difficult because
    1. You are easy to hear even if you break the setup.
    2. You will have difficulty getting to that player while the others are watching.
    3. If you kill the player you are open to being lit up by his teammates.
  16. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    It's hard to notice you when you are cloaked and you lunge and follow up immediately with a grapple.
  17. XJaeX

    XJaeX New Member

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    thanks for the guide
  18. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Like I said, you can hear the cloak and the assassin also hums.
  19. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    The point of a lunge is to approach rapidly from a distance and then grapple. When you lunge, you move from afar to right next to your target instantly, so there isn't much your target can do about it.
  20. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    And so the question is: How far can you realistically stand before someone with headphones hear the hum? I think it's safe to assume lunge distance is at least not as audible as walking right up to them with normal walk speed.

    Science is needed now!

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