Class Lockout/Limit

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by JPMaxx, August 22, 2010.

  1. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    great you want to turn this into tf2? they had this first and a lot of people dont like this game cause they think its a knockoff then u add this and bam more complaints! btw back out like i do its way more effective

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  2. starwolf333

    starwolf333 New Member

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    I am so tired of going into the LazeRazor arena, finding out (belatedly) everyone is a support, and every time you turn a corner, BLAMMO. Firebase.

    Though I gotta admit, depending on map/circumstances, two assassins can really work well in tandem. I play a lot of assassins personally, and I find that on maps like the GrenADE iii arena and Ammo Mule arena - basically with two very distinct routes to take - one assassin to a lane works very well, without stepping on the other pro's toes, or being too overwhelming for the other team.

    Really, if nothing else, there should be map limits to each class. I've noticed that each map is more favorable to one class than others. GrenADE to snipers, Ammo Mule to Assaults, Steel Peel to Gunners etc. Just a matter of knowing the terrain really.

    An idea just struck me. What if there was a sort of power pool that all like-classes drew from. The more there are of one class, the more that class would be weakened. It wouldn't be noticable really with only 2 people per class and could be compensated for with endorsements, but 3 and up would start to notably reduce effectiveness in battle.
  3. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Today i played a game with.. 12 Assassins, i do have to say one of the funnest, craziest matches ive ever played
  4. lazersuprise

    lazersuprise New Member

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    you should just be able to set up a match and ban certain classes form the start, mainly the pansey-a*s assasin
  5. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    1) No. I do not want to turn it into TF2. TF2 is saturated with whiny needle-**** jerks and foulmouthed brats that need a healthy regimen of sunshine and a severe ***kicking from their parents who are confined by the stupid laws of society that prevent them from giving them the good old fashioned discipline they so badly deserve. We haven't sunken that low yet.

    TF2 as a game is great - but TF2 is not MNC. Yes, you can draw paralells - there is a fundamental building block of things that make a good team-based Shooter. Adding the innovation of The Option For The Host To Host Games With Class Limits is hardly turning MNC into something else. If the host wants to run a game where EVERYONE is an Assault, some people will actually be cool with that.

    With the new updates, I assume this will be a lot easier to manipulate. And I know for a fact that there are a lot of gamers out there who would love to see MNC hosts run a game that will lock out or focus on specific classes. From what I read for the game's updates, they will have a vastly improved lobby.

    2) This is not a crime against nature. Stop posting about it like it is. Keep it calm, keep it civil. Again, if stuff like this makes your blood boil, the Internets just isn't for you. Take a step back, get something nonalcoholic to drink, breathe.

    3) Harshing on other classes, lazersurprise. Really? It's not necessary, just don't.

    4) There are 200,000 people who have this game, nearly. A given thousand have gotta be on at one time, any given time of the day, playing Crossfire. That's at least 80 games ongoing. You're gonna be able to play your preferred class. I promise.

    Remember - I'm talking about a Host's server option, not a gamewide class-limit lockout.
  6. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Everyone should just make sure they are skilled with a few characters not just one. So when you see 2 assassins, roll Tank or support. whatever Else your good with. I do great with tank, support, assault, and gunner so i never help this problem :p
  7. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I love how everyone thinks Assassins are pussys while there in the battlefield and not playing hide and seek like Snipers and never leave the protection of their base, lol.
  8. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Is this argument really still ongoing? I'm sorry if you don't like letting other people make decisions affecting you in a team game, but just quit the game and find a new team. If that's the solution you propose to people who are going to be locked out of the class they want, then why not just stop whining about too many of the same class and do something proactive?

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