Clan Wars - 4v4 clan league

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Quitch, August 24, 2014.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    We're up to 85 players now. Remember that sign ups close on the 8th September and home systems must have been submitted by the 11th September.
  2. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    Be interesting to see if they can play together.
    reptarking likes this.
  3. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    Well as long as they all know there parts of if they get it so there system is just a bunch of 1v1 moons then they will do amazing.
  4. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    Thanks to the tireless efforts of Realm member mot9001, my clan is considering reentering the tournament, and Exodus is considering allowing us to do so. The problem remains the color choices, on which Exodus is not willing to budge. In view of that fact, I am asking each clan individually whether they would agree to accommodate us on this matter, before signing up my clan to the tournament again. Here are the allowed color combinations:
    • orange vs. light blue
    • green vs. purple
    • white vs. pink
    We would like to use white in all our matches, but we would also be willing to go for light blue in a pinch, in those cases where our opponents would prefer to not use pink. The way I understand it -- and correct me if I am wrong -- PAG and The Realm are okay with this. Is everyone else okay with it too?
    mot9001 likes this.
  5. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I'm fairly sure no-one will have a problem playing as any colour to get their game going.

    I feel like I might be opening a can of worms by asking this but I am genuinely curious - what are your reasons for refusing to play as pink?
    drz1 and reptarking like this.
  6. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    lol yeah, can of worms indeed.

    I am extremely sensitive to aesthetic aspects (I am an art critic after all!), and several members of my clan are too (though no one as much as me, probably, and certainly not all of them).

    It's not just pink either. I also hate green for this game, and brown, and a number of other colors. The earth-y colors clash with the toy-like design of the units, you see. And pink is just ridiculous for a game that's supposed to represent war. It breaks the immersion for me, and takes me out of the game world. I would even hate to see it on my opponents' units (but at least it will give me an extra reason to want to wipe them out of the map ;)).

    I understand that the esports community downplays the aesthetic aspects of videogames to a great degree, because of the extreme focus on mechanics and competition, but I come from a school of thinking that advocates for the importance of aesthetics in videogames to the same degree as mechanics. I have written a 36-page essay related to this topic published in a 400-page book, which I would rather not link here because I fear it would offend people, but if you want the link, or even a copy of the book, send me a PM and I'll arrange it.
    Last edited: September 4, 2014
  7. mishtakashi

    mishtakashi Active Member

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    I'm sure BRN won't have any issues. We have our colour preferences (mostly associated with burning :p) but we are more interested in some epic team battle action :)
    cdrkf likes this.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Just a reminder that sign ups for season one close in three days on the 8th September. No new sign ups will be accepted over the course of the season. As we don't yet know how long this season will run for I strongly recommend you have any stragglers sign up, even if they don't think they have the time, because signing up doesn't oblige you to play but allows you to do so if your situation changes,

    I want to once more draw everyone's attention to the rules. Please ensure that if you are participating you have familiarised yourself with them, in particular the requirement for PA Stats (those showing as MISSING on the players page will not be allowed to play until this has been fixed) and guidance on acceptable language. Phrases like "this is gay" or "we got raped" are a surefire way to an immediate ban.

    And finally, remember that home systems are due before the 11th September. Make sure you upload them to System Sharing and notify me once you've done so.
    drz1, cptconundrum and cwarner7264 like this.
  9. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    What is the bug rule? Play the game as is or exploit bugs where possible? Radar bug is a tough one to get around but ones like mines and infinite commander orbital travel could cause issues.

    Can we have like a check mate rule? When a player has no chance of winning or drawing and just prolonging the game for his/hers own lols.
  10. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    U mean the immortality of mines? I think Roll-off time scraping is our worst enemy if you talk about bug abuse.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I didn't want to get into ruling edge cases, things like that will fall under the discretion of the tournament director. Something like infinite orbital travel will result in a giant slap coming down upon the clan from space.
    websterx01, Bsport and drz1 like this.
  12. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I know one of our top players has a very strong prefference for Orange, so I think the Orange vs Light Blue would work for Promethean (as he's likley going to be one of our regular team members).
  13. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    I'ts a shame black/grey is not allowed :( I think I might start that riot after all... D:

    jk/jk I don't care about colours and i'm perfectly fine with the rules set up on them as I can fully understand why.
  14. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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  15. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Kung Fu Hussle 2 omg im waiting for that movie for toolong...
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hi Quitch, just to clarify that in the case of players with 'Missing' listed for PA:Stats, I'm assuming that not having this fixed before the end of sign up *wont* exclude them from the entire tournament? Obviously they still need to get it sorted out before they play in a match...
    Quitch likes this.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    That's correct.
    cdrkf likes this.
  18. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    I guess I should PM someone from Voices of War? That's the only clan that hasn't responded.

    On another note, I have two suggestions to make. The Exodus website is very slick, so little oversights stand out all the more on it. One such oversight is that we nowhere see the names of the clans. We see their tags all over the place, but not their names. Especially in the list of players, the full clan names should be mentioned somewhere, if for no other reason than for the benefit of outsiders who don't already know the clans (and by the way, my clan's name is "The Cult". "CULT" in all-caps is merely the tag). If anything, it should be the other way around than it is currently -- the full names should dominate, and the tags should mostly be listed before each player's name.

    Which brings us to my second point, which is a little more important to my eyes, this being that most players (or at any rate at least half of them or so) do not even use clan tags. I mean... come on guys. Exodus is strict on so many things, why not also on this, which is so important? You are supposed to be representing your clan -- how are you doing this if you can't even be bothered to display their tags next to your names? And not only for the tournament, but also in the multiplayer lobby. I've been playing for 5 weeks now and I haven't encountered a SINGLE instance of another clan playing MP as a group. I see the occasional lone clan member playing with randoms, but NEVER a two-man clan team, let lone a three- or four- or five-man one. When people come into our clan lobbies and see five of us there they always comment on it. Either stuff that they are scared etc., or asking us how to join a clan, etc. It is a terrific advertisement of the clan system, especially when you hand their *** to them in the game. If the MP lobby is full of clan members who use their tags and fight as teams, and near-always destroy their opponents, this will cause more people to want to join clans to learn, or to start new ones.

    And finally, the only clans who both use tags AND use the exact same tags are PAG and mine. Everyone else can't even seem to agree on which exact tag format to use... I can see how this would be a problem with The Realm, because it has so many members, but at least the rest of the teams should be able to agree on the use of a single tag.

    I hope you'll take my suggestions at face value and not ignore them because they are coming from the "weird guy" ;). I think they are good, helpful, common-sensical suggestions. (I kept the weird ones to myself lol.)
    Last edited: September 5, 2014
  19. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    Currently the site has no concept of a clan :( just tags. But its on our road map, I'd like a "about this clan" So you can click on the clan, then get taken to a page were clan leaders or designated people can fill in about the clan add a Logo/banner/website change clan name and tag and people can see a clan roster. Much like the player page, but with clans. But before that we need some way to say this person is clan leader so can edit and a some other code in place, which we are working on :), so it will come, but baby steps, lots of ideas but only so many hours in a day.... :(
    cptconundrum and Quitch like this.
  20. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    So sign ups close the week of the 8th? grey area or does that mean the 8th? Reason been Matiz is a little mia and forgot his password.

    Edit: Last seen today at 9:58, haha he is just lazy.

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