Chron's YouTube Channel

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, April 24, 2013.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I feel that it's a bit of a different situation when it comes to clawing. I don't think the devs ever considered it when designing the Gunner. If they had, I'm quite sure that they would have put a cooldown on the jump jets in the console version as well. And while I know this is a personal issue, I'll share it anyway. I broke a few bones in my hand when I was younger and as a result, I can't hold my hand in the "clawing" position for more than a few seconds without feeling immense pain. A conversation with a doctor (not specifically about clawing) informed me that I can't do it because it's not even a "natural" position to begin with. So I wouldn't be surprised if there are people out there that just can't claw, no matter how hard they may try to.
  2. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    there a several controllers that add buttons to the back of your controller that you can use to jump easier. When i first started my index finger was sore for like 2 weeks and it always felt like i had to crack it to make the pain go away in between games. Eventually though it just went away. Now i claw in every game even if its single player :lol:

    Also i dont think people play gunner because they cant claw. I notice that just about everyone except Chron n' Company have terrible map positioning which cause them to die easily and not perform to what people expect. It also makes the skill gaps between the people that play gunner huge.
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  3. leashkidstill25

    leashkidstill25 New Member

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    Side note: That's what she said!
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I don't know your personal situation so of course there are exceptions.

    Not everyone has the same story or is dealt the same cards in life, but there is probably some way shape or form most people can potentially hold the controller in order to aim jump and shoot at the same time, whether it's comfortable or not. (not talking about pain inducing, but muscle memory and control)

    This is taking it to extreme lengths, but here is a Halo 2 player who was better than me and would most likely place in the top 24-32 range at MLG events. Most clips are on other top 32 players.

    He only has one arm. :shock:

    At 3:29 you can see him holding the controller in his prosthetic arm, while using his real hand to hit every other button needed. Halo 2 would be more impressive than Halo 3 or beyond since there was a lot of fast button glitches that added to the skill gap. At 6:35 you can see him reload, BXR melee cancel to shoot, while strafing to the left, jump, aim back onto the target, shoot, then perform a double shot for the kill.

    That means with one hand, he hit Left Analog Stick + X - A - B.X.Right Trigger - Left Analog Stick - Right Trigger - Right Trigger.RightTrigger.X All in the matter of 2 seconds.

    (+ mean simultaneously . means it's a glitch that requires those buttons in very quick succession, while - means it is its own input)

    He has a Halo 3 montage that has lots of noob kills, and is less impressive, but you'll also spot top pro's like T2, Legit and Elamite.

    You're right though, the dev's probably didn't think about clawing per se, but it's a pretty big oversight if they think it's impossible for someone to jump aim and shoot at the same time. Yeah it's easier on PC and I can't comment on PS2 per se, but I was able to jump aim and shoot on Unreal Championship on Xbox without clawing. So the concept has been there for about a decade before they released this game.

    Claw History Time -

    To the best of my knowledge, Clawing originated in competitive play around 02-03 mostly because of a top Halo player named Walshy. Others clawed, but he was arguably the most successful person to use it, as well as most effective. It became more popular and accessible in 05 due to the 360's small controller. (Remember, people started clawing Halo CE on Duke controllers which were ******* huge. I was like 10 when I first played on a duke so my small hands couldn't full claw well by any means) However I was able to full claw on a duke in 06 which has honestly prepared me for any controller in the future lol. It was still popular in Halo 3 but died out to the "bumper jumper" setting which I used and stopped clawing for a while. It also helped that Halo 3 had incredibly sluggish aiming and strafing. However it's gotten more and more popular since actually became a legitimate term considering we're using it. (the name was originally given just as joke to describe it but it looks like it stuck)
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Chron n' Company... I like it!
  6. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Teapot - Video Game Historian.
  7. joker

    joker Active Member

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  8. thegemicide

    thegemicide Active Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    back when it was worth caring/learning about the games you played.
  10. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    You may be taking my statement the wrong way. I know A LOT about games as well, particularly the old ones. You better understand the present with a foundation built in the past.
  11. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I didn't take it as an insult or anything like that, but it took me a day to figure out CoD's spawn system in black ops II. Although I can thoroughly explain Halo CE's spawn system, I still haven't mastered it over all these years. I give a lot of credit to those who have.

    Games have been stripped of their complexity and skill inducing factors and now use randomness as a way to level the playing feel.

    Not that MNC has some huge hidden depth to it that hasn't been discovered, but I definitely fell in love with the game because I felt there was lots of room to explore the meta game. I do feel like we've reached it in private matches that did consist of some of the best of the best, but that took close to 2 years for that to develop. Only way the game could be improved and more skill based is the removal of juice (if we enforce the no turrets except for the moneyball ones)
  12. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    I disagree, I feel with more skilled players it could have advanced further.
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I think teams could have co-orinated better and used classes more effectively in their roles, but I just don't see any game changing meta or anything huge. I guess there would be no big switch in how the game is played compared to how it was during other eras. The better players could have squeezed and forced more effective play and thinking per class, but how do you think it could have changed? Drastically? Or just fine tuning the method we've been going at it lately?

    as far as I remember privates started turning into a bot punching match and players stopped caring.
  14. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    If there was money on the line, you'd see a LOT of juice.
  15. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    if there was teams taking the game seriously then you would see a lot more juices and coordination.
  16. leashkidstill25

    leashkidstill25 New Member

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    The more Juicing takes place, the faster this game devolves, two reasons.

    1. If you need a mechanic that makes you nearly invulnerable and more than doubles your damage to get kills in a shooter, you're bad at shooters.

    2. Godmode is only enjoyable for the person using it, not for anyone watching, it becomes boring because you know the person with the glowing eyes can't be killed.
  17. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    SS^ in disguise.
  18. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I invited you to a team to play h&s three times. You ignored me three times. You know how they (mainly Shammas) say "you won't play us"? I can say I will.
  19. 5secondaccount

    5secondaccount New Member

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    What disguise, kid?
  20. sorewawatashi

    sorewawatashi New Member

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    It's kinda obvious. Just ignore him.

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