Chronicle's Scenario Q&A and Thought Process

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by joker, January 4, 2012.

  1. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    I usually find that the Sniper juices the most if he doesn't get countered by an assault (usually the assault goes for the support / tank way too much). I've had games where the sniper juices on me a good 5 times where as everyone else has juiced 0/1/2.

    Tell the Gunner to suicide on them along with the assault (providing the assault isn't meleeing bots or pre-occupied with something else). If the enemy Gunner is meleeing bots ( :shock: ) then your Gunner can easily ambush and kill him, along with anyone else (except sniper).

    The more you call something out, the more likely it will happen.

    QQ for pm players : Are any other gunners getting slightly annoyed that they aren't able to build up juice , but you are usually the main target to enemy juiced pro's? I actually enjoy pub matches sometimes because I actually get to use juice!! :oops:
  2. The_Jeff

    The_Jeff New Member

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    ^True that. Gunner got boned in the butt when juice buying was taking out, because now we never get juice all while still being the number 1 target while juiced.
  3. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    And yet we still get 30 + kills :lol:
  4. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    Bit of a necro, but hell: a question is a question. I've really love being Tank, Assassin, or Gunner, but I still feel my game play can lack sometimes during private matches; especially if I've decided to play Gunner. I feel that my main issue isn't my technical skill with the classes, but rather my methods of approach and coordination with my team. Is there anything from what you (Chronicle) have seen personally from my game-play in general that I could adjust to be a better team player in whatever role I must play?
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Your bot play with tank and assassin has the right idea, tbh i dont pay much attention to what the assassins are doing if im not playing assassin or tank which is not too often, but general assassin advice is just keep coordination with EVERYONE on your team (when bots are close on either end to alert slayers of a potential ball-down push, or if you died to a tank and bots are about to hit our ball, a close anni, etc). Also chasing a kill or the enemy assassin is usually a bad idea, just call it out to the team (anyone giving you trouble, particularly the enemy tank, or general awareness of something like the enemy assassin spawn camping bots or giving you any other trouble) and if the team is competent they will respond and help you out.

    In terms of tank play, i could say this about everyone, but just be more aggressive at the right times. i want to pull my hair out when im playing assault and i get 2-3 kills and jump onto the ring or anywhere else in the base and continue with pressure, just to see my gunner patrolling the middle and my tank in a neutral or back position railgunning bots. Had both (mainly the tank) been pushing up paying attention to the killfeed or simply what his team is doing, he could help kill a respawning tank/sniper or nearby assassin who jumps at our bots walking in, and also quickly kill freshly spawned opposing bots which block ours right at the doorstep (this frustrates me more than anything else). aggression, attention, aggression, attention, etc. if you go negative or barely break even but keep the bots/fight on the enemies side of the map the majority of the game, 1 break or 1 big play will win the game (this goes for EVERYBODY, not just tanks). 1 break or 1 big play in your own base or neutral position will NOT win the game, but provide breathing room. however, the objective of the game is not to achieve maximum breathing room, it is to hammer your opponents into their base and get the bots on the ball.

    for your gunner, it simply is just not seasoned nearly enough against other good gunners, and your aim needs more practice (maybe consider a different sensitivity, i use 2 and do fine with it. also the demand for near-perfect aim and attention in pubs is so low, compared to facing off vs miracle, wildman, skill, gunked, etc. so bad habits transfer right into pm play). it comes with time though. you can practice general aim, clawing, etc in pubs, maybe throw on a bad build (no armor, no acc, no rate) to gimp yourself for some sort of challenging compensation, but you wont really get much practice on how to play smart vs an opposing gunner outside of PMs. quick tips to help you out in pms tho, always keep the wall or structures to your left. this includes if someone is above you, always approach a gunright moving to your right, never the left (unless its to shoot a distracted target, then feast away). also, communicate (yell at, same thing) with your assault to make life easy on you. the assault is the gunners best friend, removing a pesky sniper, killing the enemy gunners support, even ridding the enemy tank to create bot trouble which affects the team as a whole (sniper needs to start shooting bots, slayers need to be attentive to your teams assassin and tank, etc). even if the assault dies trying to do you a favor, he will likely die from the gunner going after him to protect his support (which you can jump on the distracted opportunity) or get doubled/triple teammed by a combination of the enemy assault, sniper, tank, also making life easier on you. if your assault is not doing this, and does not do it even upon request, feel free to let them know they suck!
  6. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Adding on to this, make sure you listen for the assault calling out if he has distracted / killed the support. This will 99% of the time make the Gunner turn around and try to kill the assault. You can easily shoot the Gunner in the back and push into their base.
  7. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    Thanks for the response guys; I'll make sure I'll keep this stuff in mind.
  8. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    OK - let's say hypothetically I wanted to get better at assault. Learning in PMs is only possible some of the time, and in pubs they are stupid because even my crappy assault crushes a lot of people.

    Do you think there is validity in using a build like Juice\Rate\Acc in pubs?
    MY thought process is that I think it will get me used to the rate of fire and accuracy I would normally have in a PM so the muscle memory and matchups will be similar, but without the gold armor I can feel challenged a little more by pub players. Also, I will learn to bug out faster so that when I am up against a PM level assault I might be reacting fast enough since he won't be missing half of his shots like a pub player would. Lastly, because I will have the juice glow a lot more often it should make people come at me with all they have got in an attempt to kill me as fast as possible and act with some level of thought when they approach me - like in a PM.

    Do you think there is any value to this?
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    yes i believe there is validity in completely handicapping yourself, but honestly dont even use rate or acc, just use an all out miserable build (juice, health recovery, speed, or something of that nature), never buy juice (since you cant in PMs) and be incredibly aggressive and put yourself to the test in diving into situations you normally never would, including in a pub match. if you run into one of those rooms where its like 4-5 supports with firebases and infinite turrets and turtling, probably should just look for a different room because you wont be able to do a damn thing and its a waste of time. otherwise yeah, i agree with the validity of this when there are no PMs going on. most of my clawing and aim comfort came from endless stomping with miracle, and PMs sharpened everything else in terms of decision making and coming up with new/creative things to do every time out on assault.
  10. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Get Chron to show you some easy to do charges to get away from people when you need to bug out (quite a few good ones that are viable).
  11. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I checked out some of the videos that Xenonox posted a while back to get some of decent charge and bomb jump spots. They have served me well in pubs. I also do watch the assaults when I play PMs, and Gunked's videos have helped there too; the problem I run into in PMs is that I always find myself trying to dodge just a moment or two too late since I am used to surviving longer in pubs due to the level of opponent that I typically run into - don't get me wrong, there are great pub assault fights out there but they are the exception and not the rule. That said, more moves are always better. This was just hypothetical anyway.
  12. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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    Best charge is charging from your spawn ring on steel peel, hitting the lip of the walkway, and releasing fly to land on the center ring instantly!
  13. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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