Chronicle Privates

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, May 28, 2011.

  1. joker

    joker Active Member

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    another solid day of private matches, gg's everyone
  2. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    gg's today to everyone.

    can't wait to get a mic to talk **** to some of you guys though.

    can't believe chron let the ball go back up on grenade III though. better luck next time chron.
  3. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Nothing2Nowhere

    Nothing2Nowhere New Member

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    I really need to get into one of these tomorrow.
    If I'm on, Invite me like crazy. And if I don't join, my brothers playing. send him (Christian) multiple messages.
    Be creative :lol:
  5. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    I would like to play but i don't think i am good enough just yet, i have been partying up with some people from here and they have helped me improved loads so far though.
  6. arbac

    arbac Member

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    I sent chron a friend request yesterday and am excited to play some more privates.

    I play mainly assault, support, and assassin. I'm passable as a sniper, but its really a last resort. Don't make me play a heavy class. I hate clawing!
  7. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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  8. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Dear lord, way too much MNC yesterday. On a side note, great games and a good time to work on some skills and started to play quite a few more competitive scrim-based matches as well. Subs galore, but still enjoyed it alot, even compared to random privates.

    Both are way better than publics, other than when we played slap-sins and LOLz DUBBLE GRAPPLE snipers for like 3 games. Doing nothing but mugging people and uzi whipping them to death.

    Keep up the games, and...

  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    yes indeed the private matches lately have been better than ever. with the return of some solid familiar faces as well as some of the now familiar newer faces developing well and holding their own, the beaten up teams from people quitting are being fixed with all the talent and interest running around from the revival of regular private matches. only a matter of time before brand new teams develop, and with a couple more i will personally host a double elimination tourney in a timely fashion so it doesnt take three months.

    good to see manouso and yan templar back, and good to see these new faces holding their own instead of being held up by the veterans. good stuff everyone

    p.s. when the game has clearly been won, finish the ball, and dont add insult to injury with juice killing or spawn striking. these are meant to be friendly competitive matches and people will start sitting out if it continues, and yes i do have that power since i always host and assemble the matches

    2nd p.s. i like the captains and picking teams, we will do that more in the future
  10. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I wish I could play more...
    but this whole life thing is getting in the way.
  11. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    invite me when you guys have room
  12. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Hint to new players : Don't change classes whilst part-way through the match. Don't think " We have no Tank, I'll go tank!!!" Because when that happened 2 days ago, everyone but me on the team changed at least once to fill the other persons place, which kept happening for the full 2 minutes of that match. So just make sure you all go one of each class (Or one double if absolutely neccessary) to avoid this.
  13. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Were you guys able to pull off a "draft" last night? We've proposed it at least a couple times, but nobody ever wants to be the captain in that instance, so we've just brushed it off and forged teams in other ways. Could get interesting to continue the draft format in the future.
  14. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    I actually think a good way to get some newer folks interested in these matches is to do the draft thing and let the newer people be captain that way the captains are as impartial as possible?
  15. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    Problem I can see with that theory, is that the newer players won't know who is good at what, or who is more skilled than who, so you could end up with some ugly stacked teams.

    I like the thought because it would keep the newer player from being "picked last" and feeling inferior, but I think having gamers with knowledge of at least 90% of the participants would make better captains.

    Example: (Note: Tom will NOT play Gunner)
    "Oh he picked Miracle, if Miracle is playing Gunner, than nobody other than Tom#s stands a chance in matching up against him..."

    Somebody new to the game could end up with a stack of people who play support and sniper, and nobody that can play assassin and gunner.

    Like I said, I like the thought of it, but it just kind of seems like unless they've played some games in the privates already, that they'd have no idea what they're getting themselves into.
  16. cadco96

    cadco96 New Member

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    I stopped playing this game after my friends stopped because public matches were just boring... I would love to get back into it with some organized gamers. I know a lot about the game, but I am sure that there is plenty more I can learn. Add me! GT: Cadco96
  17. jackp0t08

    jackp0t08 New Member

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    GT: jackp0t08 (both zeros)

    I am looking to get into some competitive play because we all know pubs arent anywhere close to a competition. I am on nearly every day, so if you ever have room just hit me up. I am pretty confident i can match up skill wise. I am mostly just eager to get to play with some other decent people with mics.
  18. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    Some feedback from my first ever private match.

    Please note: I have no idea what to do differently in a competitive match than in a pub match, so i just played how i would in a pub.

    I played assassin and tried to push bots in both lanes and hopped upstairs once in a while to see if i could snag a kill.

    At the start of the match certain people where saying its cool your new to this just have fun, 5 mins into the game same person was saying i was so stupid i should not be allowed to play...

    It seems like you guys are trying hard to appeal to newer players, perhaps in future you (as in the competitive scene) could instead of saying oh that guy is ******* stupid, could perhaps point out what he or she should be doing instead and improve his or her game rather than make said person not want to play again.
  19. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    One of the reasons why I will never ever play any private match.
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    people will always have something to say when things are going wrong, but if people dont have a hint of thick skin and are willing to steer clear of competition because someone had something negative to say then thats up to you. plenty of people have taken heat in privates before and keep coming back getting better and now are solid contributors. people who stay away entirely and never try them for themselves because they dont want to do poorly or have someone tell them they are bad, you are doing us a favor

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