Chronicle Privates

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joker, May 28, 2011.

  1. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    I hope so. Lots of decent people and the host is good for most people (if not then everyone).
  2. benzito7

    benzito7 Member

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    Would love to play with you guys, please add me gamertag : PsychoBen777

    Looking forward to play with decent people.
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    starting them on right now. msg me to get in
  4. joker

    joker Active Member

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    good games to those who participated today. was nice to see players and moderators getting along so well! also gg's to jimmehtwoballz who made his privates debut today, keep at it. keep the FR coming, i added psychoben777 he expressed interest
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am a mod. I am bad. They have a grudge. Isn't life grand?
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    wrote a big long post and realized it wasn't orangous who posted..

    who's hating on stretch?

    oh yeah btw it's cool too see the community coming together a bit more. It used to be a few of us who'd scrim and had teams saying everyone else sucks because they play pubs. Now more and more people are interested and playing privates. I have been playing against so many people I've never seen before or that I have only seen post a few times on the forums.

    I'd rather scrim than play privates, but I'm glad the privates are actually thriving lately.
  7. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    He's just another random to me. :?
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Anybody who has been playing in these customs be sure to add me. GT: Teapot Yo

    I'm clearing off a lot of old spots and looking to fill them.
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Another great day & night of privates. Be sure to check out the Thunder Eagle Forums as well guys, which is sticky'd at the top of the general discussion area, lots more in depth discussion about and from the top teams/players in the game (several banned from here). Read, Join and post, whatever floats your boat. I will still be here to keep advertising and continuing awareness of the thriving private matches lately.

    As FOR the privates lately, while there are tons of new faces to them, its still the old familiar ones dominating the games and really determining the outcomes, and when everyone plays on class it really gets entertaining lol.

    That being said, who will be the next rising superstar?
  10. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    Im still not sure the role of the assassin in MNC private? is her job to just take care of bots and turrets? is that it? no going for kill and what so ever?
  11. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Bots, turrets, Annihilator, kills when appropriate. The assassin is who has the primary job of controlling bot lanes and keeping your moneyball safe, as well as pushing in bots and threatening & downing the opponent's moneyball, along with the tank as a hybrid of bot control and slaying/harassment. Shammas recently made a guide that goes over each class and what they should do in publics & privates, check it out.

    By the way, new people coming into privates, and those who have started playing with us, try to be able to play more than one class. Its incredibly difficult when one team has sometimes 2-3 ppl who can only play support or a sub par assault (no offense but if one person on assault is solid, its painful to have them switch to something like tank and then our assault gets run over).

    Practice makes perfect, and practice with multiple classes makes valuability, which is really cool. Would also like to thank some of the better veteran players for almost constantly playing off class lately to help out newer people, balance teams, and fill the cracks for the people who only play one class lol
  12. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    assassins job is to make sure no bots take your ball down as well as pushing your own up the lane to their base. everyone else on the team will have an easier time killing pro's then bots, while you have a way easier time maintaining the bot lanes then killing/putting damage on people. I find bronze health recovery a must so you are constantly able deal with bots.

    assassins are great for taking out turrets and sneaking up on supports/snipes occasionally. well timed gremlins can change the game instantly, and one of the most important things for the assassin is to be on the annihilator when it comes up.

    Anyway, nobody stood out as the next star to me. I already knew a lot of the players who were on tonight are good, but I'll give props to desertfalcon and bobs' whatever his name was. Haven't played with you guys yet and you showed me that you guys can absolutely hang with everyone in that game.

    I had fun not playing assault at all tonight. Tank is a lot more fun in privates though.
  13. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    Ty Teapot and Chron1cLe for the assassin tips, ill be on pretty much EVERY day same time since thats when i get home from school and i dont study, so it'll be awesome if you guys could send me invites so i can learn assassin and other classes.
    I can play Tank ok-ish and I can play any other class but sniper, i can body shot pros but i cant headshot pros all the time
  14. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    Im really happy that "joker" started this private match thing
    1. because now new players in pub matches wont be pub stomped a lot like before
    2. MNC is fun once again
  15. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    It was cool to see a private going on, even if i accidentally ended up there. id like to get down again the future if you all are looking for one more.
  16. Reanimated Ace

    Reanimated Ace New Member

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    I love the private matches, dont' get me wrong. But, I think that statement is inaccurate. I think temporarily (because we're in privates) the new players won't get stomped. But for the middle skil -> upper skilled players that are in the privates, they are only going to improve more and pub stomp worse whenever they end up back in publics again.
  17. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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  18. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Questions. Do these go on every day or what? I have Chronicle on my FL, anybody else I should add?

    Hopefully I can attend once where I can have a good connection
  19. joker

    joker Active Member

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    myself and tom (alternatingcaps, can add him from my FL), i usually host them. they have been very frequent lately, another 10-15 games today, fun times
  20. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    Fun games today, team balance is needed though.

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