Cheaper Idea Packs

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thisrules, July 29, 2013.

  1. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    My original response to this post was going to be about a minute straight of me mashing my keyboard with all of my extremities, but here's an actual post.

    You aren't missing out on a lot. Want a cheap version of PA? Buy Total Annihilation from GOG at $6, which is probably about 3 or 4 Pounds. Want an even cheaper version? Download Balanced Annihilation Spring and get your *** handed to you by their dangerously small but somehow numerous community.

    Currently PA Alpha is TA with less unit variety on a (really goddamn) pretty space potato with next-gen graphics and a metric truckload of backend programming and transparent structuring to support the awesomeness that is to come.

    And Sim crashes.

    And a lack of significant unit balance.

    And assholes (such as myself) that will tankrush you with no remorse because their Oreos tasted bad.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    It has already been sort of confirmed it will be cheaper than $40. I mean there NEEDS to be an option to buy just the game with no extras.

    oops didn't notice this was a 3 page thread already. :oops:
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Comfirmed where? yourlocalmadsci , knight, see?? see????
    Last edited: July 30, 2013
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Though that doesn't explicitly say it'll be at a different price point.
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I get the feeling people are talking about all kinds of different things here.

    PA at release is going to be 40$.

    Specifically note Neutrino's wording;

    Bolding for emphasis.

    So it's not about the Core game(Combat Edition - Retail Key, Desktop BGs, Soundtrack and Pre-Order only Theta) going down in price, it's staying the same.

    BUT what will happen is what we've already seen with the Galactic Edition happen again with the Warfare Edition. Think of it LIKE Paying by the month for Alpha access, Those of us that pre-ordered before the Alpha started got the Full length of time for the Alpha, so we paid more, now that there is a lesser amount of time left in the Alpha there is "less Value" and thus the price drop. The same type of Price drop will likely happen between Oct-Nov as the Beta gets past the halfway point. Neutrino's comments pretty much say exactly this if you read between the lines and take recent events(Galactic Edition Price drop) into account.

    What the OP is asking for is not some new price drop, what the OP wants is new Editions that would ONLY feature the Retail, Beta and Alpha Keys with NO other Extras.


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