Change these things: And I will cry tears of joy

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by tinygod, March 4, 2011.

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  1. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    A list of changes that would please me:

    Class Specific:

    1) Support earns Assists whenever the target he is actively healing scores a kill

    2) Hitting the "Use" key while next to the firebase, will toggle it between "target bot" or "target pro" mode. While in Pro mode, a firebase will stop firing at bots when a pro comes within range, and will instead engage the pro. The opposite will happen when in bot mode.

    1) Lunge is now Tied more directly to Dash, it will consume 10% of the dash meter when ever used. Lunge cannot be used if the Assassin does not have at least 10% of their lunge bar left.

    1) Bomb and Charge, skills have had their recharge timer increased by 25%

    2) When the Assault uses Charge 3 from the air, it will act exactly like charge 2, dealing the exact same damage as charge 2, and pushing threw whatever it hits.

    All Class Changes:

    Deploy: Time required to deploy has been increased by 35%, however the time required to Un-Deploy has been decreased by 75%.

    (Note: The increase to set up time is harsh, however remember you can fire while using deploy, so its only a hit to mobility. The decrease to Un-Deploy time was added in the hopes that it would help to make deploy a slightly more tactical skill. Currently deploying is powerful, but almost always means death as soon as you are focused. The change to Un-Deploy means that you may actually have time to find cover. However the increase to set up will still get you killed if focused early, as you cannot Un-Deploy until you have fully deployed. Overall I wanted a way of making deploy more useful when you are up against a skilled team. In its current state, deploy is amazing when teams are stacked in your favor skill wise, but any competent sniper, assault, or ROF Tank, can kill you before you can Un-Deploy, even if you react instantly to the first shot)

    Grapple: While grappling you now take "full damage" from turrets and firebases. They will negate the natural damage reduction you have while grappling and while being grappled.

    (Note: I did this to punish pros who grapple people near enemy turrets or firebases. For instance, as a support it makes no sense that an assassin can grapple you while your firebase is wailing on them and still get away when the grapple is complete. The same can be said for Pros who get grappled while inside the enemy base, those turrets should be hitting them for full. I would honestly like to see the dmg reduction removed for all forms of damage, but ultimately I decided that the Turret damage increases were the best way to punish bad grappling, without limiting grapples too harshly)
  2. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    I don't think this is a firebase-related issue. As it stands, all turrets continue to shoot at one target until it's no longer in range, or dead. I think if anyone takes the time to write new AIs for any turrets, it should affect all turrets.
  3. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Well, I agree a little. But I think the nature of the fire base (a skill from a class) juistifies its ability to toggle between two different AI's.

    I would love to see the support be able to decide if he is controlling a bot lane, or denying pro's access to an area. The firebase is already so easily killed by air strikes.

    I also wouldnt mind seein airstrike damage reduced, to deal 100% of a firebases life, so that it would take 2 to kill an over healed firebase. But thats not something I deam is NEEDED.
  4. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Assault hasn't had a balance change since the 360 version even.

    A) Its really easy to play around bomb. You simply pay attention and don't walk into them.

    B) Charge 3 according to these forums is apparently bad already.
  5. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I'm less concerned about bombs laying on the ground, and more concerned about "good assaults" who detonate them as soon as they are in range of you.. Its simply too spamable IMO

    and Charge 3 is bad, for the reason I changed it, it deals no damage to targets who are in the air, and deals no damage if you are in the air when its used.

    The change i listed will let you use it from the air, and it will act like charge 2, giving you the ability to choose if you want a grapple or a burst damage.

    It cant fix the no damage against airborn targets, but a good assault will just air jump before it, so that it deals damage to air targets, if he thinks they might jump.
  6. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Not many people use them as land mines anymore.
  7. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    exactly, they are far better if tossed and detonated upon impact, or even before impact.

    They are just FAR too spammable IMO, for how much power they have.
  8. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I know that. That doesn't change anything I said. There's actually a lot of time to evade bombs between them throwing it and detonating them. There is the time it takes to land, and the 1/2 second delay you get detonating it when it hits the ground.
  9. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I don't think thats very true. Especially if they are throwing it from above you, and you can't see it coming. Its a spammable BOMB that has a huge radius, does massive damage and has huge ringout power.

    I main assault, and even I know its OP in its current state, I mean don't get me wrong, I'd be less powerful with a gimp to it, but I should be less powerful.
  10. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    IIRC you can't shot while deploying as a tank. Don't quote me on that one though.

    The grapple change is terrible by the way.
  11. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Out of those ideas, the grapple change has to be the worst. It is essentially be encouraging Support to camp next to their Firebase, which is extremely powerful already, not to mention nerfing Assassins even further as they must get within close range to outdamage what a lv3 firebase can heal.

    So basically, this change would remove support as a viable Assassin target, while other players are limited to ranged weapons.

    Moar criticism to be edited in soon.

    *edit* Your balance changes seem to only serve to the benefits of the Support. Talk about being bias. Fail thread is fail. :|
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    It would stop a support next to his gun, from being a viable assasin target. HE SHOULDNT BE A VIABLE BACK STAB TARGET.

    The fact that you think a support standing next to a level 3 firebase should be killable by an assassin, is all I needed to hear.

    You obviously have no idea what the word "balance" means.
  13. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    And allowing a Support to stand oblivious next to his firebase is considered balance, or even skillful? The firebase should be a deterrent, not just sit there and get kills for you, nor give you an excuse to not watch your back.
  14. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    I don't think it would be considered "balance" if you basically make one class, which pretty much lives off of grapples, and has low health vulnerable for several seconds.
    And yes, the sin is the most affected class in that act of "balance".
  15. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Airstrike, Mortar, nades from a ROF Assault, Flak + sniper, 2 people attacking. All murder turrets..

    Grapples should not. I'm sorry but grappling in range of a fire base or a turret should be punished. If the assassin, smoke bombs the firebase than takes out the support, than thats skill and should be rewarded, as it requires good positioning and distraction..

    other wise seperate him from the fire base, or ignore him as an assassin, or shrukien bounce the support out from cover and pick him off.

    and to answer your question YES a fire base should be a way of watching your back.
  16. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    the sin doesn't live off grapples, he murders bots and turrets and gains juice quickly.

    And it only stops him from attacking supports infront of their firebases.
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Eh, no, it's stops everybody from doing that.

    Hell, no matter what class, I would then always think about it twice when I want to grapple anything, because you know, there maybe be a sniper or an assassin just waiting for me to grapple somebody so they can get a cheap kill on me.

    Oh and "sin doesn't live off of grapples", go check how many kills from a sin are because of grapples without juicing. Thanks to your ideas that number would then go towards one or two.
  18. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    As of now, you have no solid reasoning behind your proposal, judging by your rather weak counter argument. So for now, I have to assume you are a kid who rages at every kill an Assassin gets on you.
  19. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    You consider using a firebase to watch your back, balanced? Tell me, what skill goes into camping next to the turret and having it kill Assassins for you?
  20. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    what are you talking about? did you even read my original post, it only effects damage done by turrets and firebases while grappling.. snipers and other pros still deal reduced damage.

    Maybe read what I wrote, than argue it.
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