Tom #s 1. "Hey! It's that guy!" - Used when he recognizes a GT entering a game/lobby 2. "Ahhh Jeezus!" - Used when under pressure 3. "Yeah, that." - Used when he foils an enemy pro and/or kills them. Jon #s (Jon is not too far off base) 1. "You mad, Brah?" - Used when he foils an enemy pro and kills them. 2. "Ahhhohmygawd!" - Used more recently as a war cry, formally used under pressure. 3. "THAT." - Also used when he foils an enemy pro and/or kills them. There are probably more that I'm just not thinking of right now. I have found myself using some of these as well.
If I get chased down for a death, I tend to sound something like this... Troll me ingame, get trolled by me as I counter-class you.
"Jesus sh.itting mother tit.ty christ!" (all one word, when very frustrated) "Go away, Kimberley!" (when my little sis is bugging me) "(A round of America! Yeah! from Team America:World Police)" (When I'm feeling particularly epic/ KemicalEnigma is about. "I love your accent." (To anyone who isn't from the south of England.)
Whereever TromboneSteve[**] (the ** is whatever screwy characters he uses) is, his catchphrase is simply this He was raging less than normal last night, also was hell-bent on playing Support instead of Assassin...
Sometimes I say "F***!" Other times, I say "SH**!" There are a few occasions where I have been known to combine the two and say "F***! SH**!"
^ ^ ^ High School picture The only phrase I say is "Look at this guy", usually whenever I'm enjoying someone's misfortune and stupidity.