That I do! Gosh, I don't want to throw out one of my catch phrases to make room for it... Phrases upped to four and updated. xD
Lol that sounds pretty much like him though that guy from the radio sounds a little more bronx. Gig is polish and very ghetto sounding... It's all where your raised from. I have friends who are cajun or portorican but sound very african american. If you grow up in that area you sound like it. If you ever want to hear him talk again let me know... Just he's loud and its impossible to get a word in. Even sometimes i have to turn my volume off cause I get a headache.
Sensitivepsycho, your tank guide has been quoted by me many times. I even call the sniper a behatted coward and refer to tanks as bearded meteors descending from the heavens. On topic: I don't really have many catchphrases, since most of the stuff that i say is completely random. I have a tendency to use Russian swears at times, though.
When ever my friends yell "Oh my god!!!!!" or "What the ****?!?!" I ask "Did you kill him?" Or when someone joins my party they go "Hey Brian?" and I say "The one and only!"
"Awesome! I really wanted Fly/Deploy/Cloak instead of (more useful skill). Thanks, game!" *teammate gets killed by Air Strike* "Don't worry, at least you have 5 minutes before the next one." I don't think I have much more than that
For some reason, we try to work in... Rhineville: .... the golden waters of Asgard .... Crossroad: .... a time honoured tradition ...... Into at least one sentence every night. We get some weird results. oh and Fuckin' menu-bounce
A few of mine: "WWWHHHAAATTT?!? WWWHHHAAATTT?!?" "REALLY? Really? Really?" "Get off my map." "Buhahaha." And my personal favorite: "B!TCH! B!TCH! (Growl)"
Don't forget: "no one likes the yellow skill," which has become the lament of many who are screwed over on many occasions by the horrible D-pad.
Catchphrases updated! Always remember that if you like one that's NOT listed more than any of the others that ARE, I'll be happy to make a switchout for ya! Speaking of Oxy-cific trends, I've noticed three of us have a "Ring Out" phrase, haha. I wonder if we all do.
I say "Off my level nub" when I ring people out, especially if it's with the Tank's alternate grapple.
A lot of the things i say during battle are not forum friendly. However i will post what me and AARPS/mtchermy say a lot. Its basically what we call the Hillbilly Love Song, by R. Kelly "You remind me of my truuuuuck" and then feel free to add some lines
I thought those to were too redundant, but if you absolutely insist I include it, I will. Also, Rhine, I forgot to say, but tag-team phrases won't count be listed, haha. They have to be something only you say. Psycho (I have the sudden urge to call you Sensi xD), did you want that to be one of your catchphrases? Mudknot, it's gotta be concrete--no improv. You can't trademark it if it changes all the time, haha.
That's what I meant We'd say either one of those in some sort of weird context, it's not something we actually say back to back.
i actually believe ^this was me and i do this with every game but guitar hero. first, its hard to get angry at music, there isnt any real cheap way to play. second, i win. always. im tournament level probably. so playing on live is like Iyo playing SSF4 on live (he won a japanese SSF4 tourney with Dalhsim)