Hi there! I just have bought MNC... I played the tutorial, and then i wanted to try the game on Multiplayer trough internet. But, no server appears! It keeps "refreshing". I fowarded my router ports as well just in case, but the problem persists. Any ideas? I really want to play it online
Have you checked the filters at the bottom? Same thing happened to me and it turned out I had a bunch of wacky parameters appear for no reason.
try this to find out of it's a problem with the serverlist or the servers (they need to respond to appear on the list) go to http://vps10217.xlshosting.net/?p=browser click on "Install Url Protocol" Launch the setup and install. Go back to http://vps10217.xlshosting.net/?p=browser and click on a green play button for a random server If the game joins the servers just fine then it's a problem with the steam master serverlist. Let me know if this is the case, and i'll give further instructions to possibly fix this.
Your description makes it sound like a firewall issue to me. Are you using a 3rd party firewall? The windows firewall never caused me this problem, but after activating a 3rd party one I faced the same problem. If you do have a 3rd party firewall... I'd try deactivating it at least as a test, and then restarting MNC to see if you get servers showing on the list.
I had the same issue once, right after i updated firmware on my router. reverting back to the old fixed it. if nothing works you could try to update the router firmware. see if it helps.
So, i used the browser server list, i and finnally could connect! =D But... there are still no games on my multiplayer section. Any ideas? Filters aint the problem; and i have no third party firewall (I even deactivated windows'). Any suggestions? BTW: First time online and i got killed badly
i created the join from webbrower option for just this kind of problem, glad to see it working okay so it's a problem with the master server Try opening port 27011, that is the port the Master server uses ( try to ping it using command prompt and the ping command. does it respond? is down. http://isitup.org/ http://isitup.org/ I'm in a DMZ with no active software firewall on my PC. Steve MCITP is up, my webbased server browser uses it for it's information. and it also pings just fine for me.