Can you see why he is saying this?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Trisdino, June 29, 2014.

  1. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Enter sarcasm.
    Hey, I heard they just deleted the search function because no one was using it.
    End sarcasm
  2. zhaii

    zhaii Active Member

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    That's hard to imagine, ever work at UPS? I remember loading thousands of the phallic Amazon boxes.
  3. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    whoa, this morning, this thread went up, come back and theres 14 pages o_O
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  4. LeatherNeck2382

    LeatherNeck2382 Member

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    Timed exclusive commander from the sounds of it, so more like a temper tantrum the likes of which my kids throw when they can't have their cookies before dinner. Honestly, I'll get it when I get it, and that's fine.

    For all we know the Gamma Commander is gonna be 10x cooler. :confused:
    popededi and cdrkf like this.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The game hasn't been as fun as it is now with mods.

    The vanilla game is really messy, only because they are adding units and testing things. I do hope it gets back to the point where there is a clean t1 and a utility t2. They just need to continue seeing what they can do with missiles and antimissiles and cloak and such.

    As is, the game is too finished to back out. Besides, Uber has no benefit of doing so, they could make this platform of theirs into a longterm thing like the unreal engine is, as long as they steadfast with it.
  6. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    The main reasons not to are payment options and warranty. There are plenty of shady dealers around and nothing quite beats walking to a nearby store and having it, well, easily fixed. (in stead of sent by post and losing it for a long time). People in the USA may all have creditcards but over here if you ask if someone has a credit card, you'll certainly get weird looks.
  7. ohhhshiny

    ohhhshiny Active Member

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    People here seem to have a tough time seeing the difference between "of course they try to make profit" and "getting their dirty claws on every cent possible, where it doesnt matter if it is shady or not" - im pretty sure EA fanboys would argue the same way.
  8. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    I can understand every reason why people would want this game, no doubt about that, but selling a boxed early access game which has never been done before, feels like you had no way out, like nordic was pressuring Uber to launch the boxed game, but you didn't want to because it's not finished, and this was the solution to that problem.

    Now if i was right, i can understand it. But since you told us your mains reasons and seeing that as the hole truth, it's just wrong, i will explain why.

    You're not a big company with loads of money that should experiment with this kind of stuff, because as a small player in the game industry that already experianced money problems in the past, you kinda want to play this as save as possible! (but that's just me) I can't believe you guys just did this on a hunch like, well we have an experiment attitude so why the f*ck not! It just feels like you guys didn't think this one through and looked at the consequences (i'm probably dead wrong) From my point of view and thinking this one through as a owner of a company, i would only do this thing if
    A: i have the stuff to back it up with, so if it horribly fails it wouldn't hurt the company financial wise
    B: to influance a market which has been the same for many decades, you should be a bigger player that can influance it.

    I'm only after the best interest of your company how negative or poisonous i might be about your standing in this matter.

    It's not that i would love to be right and want it to horribly fail and kick you in the gut when your defenseless lying on the ground and saying I TOLD YOU SO!!
    I'm probably dead wrong in my feeling and opinion about this matter, and i'll accept that and still wish you the best of luck and hope it will have and even better result then you hoped for!
  9. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    That's not quite how business works. The way that small players become big players is through innovation and experimentation. If the little guys just copy everything the bigger guys do, what incentive do consumers have to support them over the bigger brands?

    Risk and reward. Uber have taken a risk with this approach - now they can only watch and see whether they will be rewarded for it.
    DeadStretch likes this.
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I truly hope it pulls through, as I really love this game, and even if balance and what not might not be the best in the vanilla game, all that's possible through the game is great! I'm really hoping modding takes off for this game, in a big way, because modding has already made the game tons of fun, and there are so many possibilities.
  11. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    Altrough i do not like Early Access (it is for my own reasons), i can understand why it is vital for some compagnies.
    Okay. Funding, blabla.

    However, selling a Boxed Early Access should NOT be done.

    Do you know how many people still don't have a correct internet access nowadays ?
    => I travelled quite a lot for my work, and you'll be amazed how slow it can be to download a 100mb file sometimes... Like, forever...
    Do you know how mis-informed 95% of the customers are ?
    => Early Access mean jack to anyone that is not in the gaming experience. Most of people will think about some kind of privilege, where it is totally NOT the case.
    Once on shelf, there is no turning back. A kid see the game, ask for his parents, that don't know what the meaning is behind early access, buy the game, kid is unhappy because of buggy game. No complain possible. Game Code in the box used, no refunding nothing.

    And in theory, as an indie compagny, the game is not even guarrantied to be finished by Uber...

    I must say that altrough technically Uber have made some incredibly AWSOME job, on the side of Public Relation & Marketing, i am simply terrified...
    (Extremly Expensive Early Access with degressing price, Unreasonnably high Micro-transaction in a full price game, Early Access RETAIL BOX...)
  12. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Oh the game'll be fine regardless, don't worry. I was only talking about the success of this particular approach (the boxed early access); it'll either make Uber money or cost Uber money.
  13. Dromed

    Dromed New Member

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    I'm not entirely sure why people are even upset about it. A lot of folks still don't even know about Planetary Annhilation - I only found out through the steam sale. And yes I am a die-hard TA nerd who played the game through more times than I can count, played online, through LAN, and modded.

    It is all very harmless to be honest and this shouldn't effect any persons individual enjoyment of the game. Oh yeah, and maybe some more players and more money might push the game towards its intended goal.
  14. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Why is it that every second month these devs do something that make everyone go crazy?
  15. phantomtom

    phantomtom Active Member

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    And in the end, ho ever writes about this game is mostlikeyly wrong and or have no idea how to play it.
    Or have fun playing it. My best guess a rage after loseing many many games with bugs, lag and reallife problems.
    Not enught coffee
  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    This is a bit crazy but bear with me people. It's a pretty insane idea but... Did anyone think to tweet him back? Anyone? At all?
  17. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Whaaat, that'd be insane good sir!
  18. tigerwarrior

    tigerwarrior Active Member

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    Where's my Armalisk? =(
  19. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    I reserve my judgment until total biscuit clarifies his statement.:)

    Fixed that for you.;) When PA was released on steam as a early access I was there on the discussion page helping people. Due to how visceral and knee-jerk the reaction was I left.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  20. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    Uber does something that hasn't been done before, innovators often deal with stuff like this.
    Although the "exclusive" commander part I don't agree with.

    Last time I checked being able to read and think are still requirements to play the game.
    Who buys something without reading the small letters?
    And if the box says early access, I'm pretty sure that's clear enough to let people know what they're buying into.

    Don't treat the guys who buy games at physical stores like retards...
    squishypon3 likes this.

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