Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggestion)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by miesha, November 24, 2012.

  1. zachb

    zachb Member

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    Re: Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggest

    You know what would have balanced all of the shield overlapping in Sup Com?

    "When a shield 'pops' it pops all the other shields that it's touching" (and those shields pop other shields recursively)

    And that's it, when you take down a shield, all the other shields it was touching also go down. Totally solves all the overlapping Sup Com super shields.
  2. ekulio

    ekulio Member

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    Re: Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggest

    LOL, we both had the same idea at the same time!
  3. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggest

    I cant realy take credit for the suggestion. It was Miesha's suggestion first, i just tryed to develop it a bit further.

    ^^ Considering that a long range artillery installation tends to be very expensive (if we use Supcom's artillery as the base, i know they might do it another way, but i doubt they would make it cheap) and put a constant drain on your economy (they drain a whooping amount of power everytime they fire), i fail to see why the defense shouldent also be expensive and put a constant drain on your economy.

    Even if you disagree, its certainly not stupid to have a expensive building giving you protection against another expensive building.
  4. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggest

    Shields are not just an anti-x unit. They are a force multiplier. They make EVERY role better by preventing damage and rendering some amount of enemy force worthless.

    The problem with Supcom shields is they scaled much faster than the midgame. When shields started stacking, there was no way to deal with it until late game. Getting rid of that will help.

    The other problem is that it provided free damage protection when nothing else could. Supcom2 fixed a lot of issues in this area, including making artillery less effective at crunching bases and much easier to recover from. Then they screwed it up again by changing the economy. Shields didn't use energy and thus could be spammed without any supporting infrastructure. C'est la vie.
    "It is an AoE, so let's multiply the number on a single shield."
    That's... exactly... what a damage type is...

    Congratulations. None of this gives shields a role. Instead, you made rules that are completely arbitrary and confusing, on top of making shields impossible to design or utilize in any meaningful way. Now bases can be protected with an eco crashing high explosive. Uhm. Yay. Just build more robots.

    I can also make a shield that provides exactly one layer of coverage and completely understands AoE. It's called the armor booster from Supcom 2. It's actually quite superior to the options you've laid out, yet it remained a terrible and nonsensical unit. If the superior option was so bad, how can this iteration be considered good?
  5. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggest

    You replied out of context. We were talking about the suggested umbrella sheild (thats not anti everything) not the supcom bubble sheild.
  6. miesha

    miesha New Member

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    Re: Can I come with suggestions?(Edit: I came with a suggest

    If people are going to keep discussing how shields work, make sure you realize the difference between my suggested Umbrella Shield and SupCom's bubble shields. There's a rather big difference.

    Also, some people seem to imagine it would only be anti-artillery. To be honest, I have no idea how artillery will work in PA. My suggestion is to make something that is anti-base destroyer. Intercontinental or cross-planetary. It would block most attacks coming from above. But only kinetic stuff like artillery shells and high explosive bombs. It wouldn't guard against nukes, asteroid impacts, giant frikkin' space lasers or what have you else. It would only guard against Kinetic damage raining from the sky.

    Mid-range artillery from SupCom 2 shoot at a low angle. Long range artillery from SupCom 2 shoots into orbit. So the mid-range artillery would still be able to hit the base because the shots go under the shield's height. Like I've posted before, I just want to see shields implemented in some form. My suggestion entails shields in the form of a guard against long-distance strikes, not only on the planet, but from across planets.

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