Building underground?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by zeus9999, February 23, 2013.


how do you feel about digging

  1. Time to shoot for awesome, who cares about realistic

    8 vote(s)
  2. I am READY!

    1 vote(s)
  3. Sure it'd be fun

    6 vote(s)
  4. Go ahead i don't care

    1 vote(s)
  5. Maybe a little bit different?

    1 vote(s)
  6. no thank you

    37 vote(s)
  1. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    Well, you get to think harder, although the general consensus is that the game as such isn't mindless, in fact with all these theaters of warfare already its considerably harder than many of its predecessors. Adding another theater would take it from very hard to too hard.
    this isn't generally considered a good point. In effect its the same as doubling the size of a normal map (and if you wanted a map that was twice as big why not play a map twice as big), only with more tedium.
    Unless they hit your commander, so its really exactly the same as a normal game here.
    except metal fatigue apparently.
    There is already a plethora of ways to win.

    It occurs to me that your upsides are either ill informed or not upsides, and at worst, downsides.

    This is without going into any of the actual downsides.
  2. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    ok, ok. i will make the picture and i just can't see downsides really ok?
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    You need to read this thread.

    First off, you're ms-informed, there is no 'galactic' layer at ALL, and while there is technically a System layer(essentially fully zoomed out) there aren't any units directly associated with it unless you count KEWs.

    The view point will be messed up because caves don't have infinite ceilings, so you need to be "locked in" either to a certain zoom level or a limited range. And you still haven't answered how you get to viewing your underground layer yet either.

    Being underground might be countered as well, and having a unit in your underground base doesn't hide you either, so I see the point you're trying to make here.

    That's because it's clear you haven't properly analyzed and thought it through. No idea is perfect, the fact you "just can't see downsides" means you aren't looking hard enough, if at all.
  4. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    An example of a relativly minor downside: have you ever played find the last submerged structue in ta? think of that ony you cant use plains to help you.

    A major downside: some where there will have to be a toggle layer button and if you dont push that and build a base down there to defend against the possibility of your opponent doingnthat yoj are going to lose. but doing that for every base across a dozen worlds in addition to playing a game more complicated in scope than games where there can already be more things than you can concentrate on. the player will be overloaded with tasks.
  5. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    Some of the things that you mentioned as good things are actually downsides in a game like this. Having to look for a single commander longer is in fact not a good thin when there are multiple planets

    How will you see the units underground? Please explain that.
    Last edited: February 27, 2013
  6. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    How will you select units that are underground? How will you tell units to go to a position underground, and not accidentally tell them to go to a position above ground?
  7. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    well as said before there are layers of the game so you can lower yourself. and i will keep repeating myself this WILL make whole new strategies to the game that will make you think outside the box and when i say the slogan is "we are shooting for awesome" tell me this i know they got it from something else but now think they took it out for a reason... BECAUSE IT ROCKS
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    So, from a UI point of view, the surface and underground are 100% separate from each other?

    Not saying that's bad, but it means you need a button to toggle the camera between surface and underground layers. Issuing orders between them requires extra effort because you can't just left-click a unit in one layer and right-click an order in the other.

    How do you propose strategic zoom is reconciled with a button?
  9. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    Yeah yeah we get that it's awesome and you think it's cool, but you seriously need to explain how it's going to work much better. Draw a diagram or something because saying "there will be layers" doesn't help.

    Rey are shooting for awesome, not for annoying gameplay elements.
  10. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    ok ill do the drawing but think of it as space related to the land. you can have thing fly out right? that's kinda how (the drawing might be hard cause i'm doing 3 or 4 and they will be good hopefully)

    (also do you want it in color?)
  11. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    Not to insult you but do are you using google translate? Because your grammar and punctuation is very confusing. Space related to land?
  12. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    well not using google translate but sometimes i get my sentences a bit weird. and for the space thing it was to a older post saying that space has to interact with the land like how the underground would
  13. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    You keep restating that because it is true. HOWEVER more doesnt mean better. in this casue more means overloading the player and potentialy ruining the game.
  14. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    well i don't see how anyone would be overloaded by it maybe take a while to adjust.
  15. yogurt312

    yogurt312 New Member

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    You are taking a game that is already an epic engagement which i find physicaly tiring to play (4 hour 7 player free for all) and giving the player more to do and more to think about. that is almost the definition of overloading.

    And for what gain? its kind of cool and will marginaly expand the incredibly diverse gameplay.
  16. drsinistar

    drsinistar Member

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    For goodness sake, take a typing class and 6th grade English. I don't mean to offend you, it's just mindnumbingly hard and painful to read your posts.

    Okay. So you need to propose a way to make switching between viewpoints painless. Also, executing orders from the underground to surface and vice versa easy.

    You need to tell us why having more space is necessary, when, you know, we have a whole planet to build on.

    Do let us know what new strategies would develop that we could not accomplish on land.

    And for the love of God, respond by using the Shift key to capitalize. It's not that hard... :roll:
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I'll admit, most of the time I really only skim through peoples posts (Not all the time) so his grammar isn't really bothersome to me.

    It's the point that's important.

    And I don't agree with it.
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Well. The big thing about underground battle is that there are no air units. You could probably do that by denying air tech. But there is also no artillery or long range weaponry. All the combat is brutal and up close. You can probably do similar things with a good "hedge maze". But wait! You can also collapse tunnels to kill units and cut off attack paths. Alas, Dustin Browder rocks can do that.

    Beyond those 3 things (which are pretty big factors, admittedly) there isn't much to do underground. There are things that can drill, things that can't, and maybe some nice scenery to enjoy.
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Why not just a planet with no atmosphere and high gravity?

    Or even low gravity making artillery useless at short ranges, TA's moon missions were the best, no cowards in those battles, come and fight or be bombarded to hell. :twisted:
  20. zeus9999

    zeus9999 Member

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    well here are things i can see doing underground:
    1. making a defense maze
    2. coming up under an unaware enemies base
    3. air units coming out of hatches
    4. finding mineral rich deposits
    5. geo-thermal power

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