I'm advocating unit diversity in function and appearance. You don't have to sacrifice consistency of the style to have variety in the units. The terrain accomplishes this nicely by having a consistent style over diverse biomes.
You don't have to, but you do have to spend more artist time re-doing already made units under more difficult conditions than the original assets were created for no good reason. Uber doesn't have infinite money for this project, so I'd much rather have the artists make more new units than waste time redoing units to appease people with Starcraft-like visual design philosophies.
I'm basing my desire off of TA. I've never played Starcraft. And I originally said that I "wish" they were more diverse. I never suggested that they should go back and change the models but that doesn't mean that my views on what would have been better have changed. Besides, there will be plenty of modding to solve this minor inconvenience.