Currently: Bronze: 28 Silver: 33 Gold: 43 Platinum: 62 Uber: 92 Seriously is looks like the bracketing system is upside down. Gonna keep complaining until this is changed! ;P
Had no mods enabled. Ah! That explains why I had such trouble finding an area I could build on when playing a lava planet last night. I'm also on Linux. I'd have provided one but when filtering on "My Games Only" I get an empty list.
Can someone please post a quick guide to the various map editor shortcuts? e.g.
To add to a list of bugs, there are two other ones that I need to point out, and really need to be fixed Sometimes the CSG edits don't save. Editing a planet's stats after CSGs or metal is edited will not save changes.
while watching a replay i noticed this, AA turrets attacking ground units in a ranked match just noticed its only on that plateau
Well I wonder if "attack ground" on an anti AIR turret makes sense. I mean if it can shoot the ground why would it not just directly shoot land units?
Searching for a spot to build is indeed very hard with invisible mountains! I searched for my last game, but searching for replays never worked well for me. For some reason I can only view the top ~30 'most recent' or 'most viewed' games. Filtering only filters this list, it doesn't load more replays. Maybe only a few replays are stored, and most are deleted after its not in the 'most recent' list any more?? Anyway, I am very sure I have no mods installed. I removed the steam local content, and the '~/.local/Uber Entertainment' folder. In the last game I even closed the game and reconnected, the same bug still was there.
So this is the two "symmetrical" start positions. With the help of the minimap alerts mod you can see that these arnt symmetrical and the north player has an extra mex in the start position. Check the red arrow too.
lol I never noticed xD Good job with the arrow! Maybe that is a result of the feature placement, one happens to block that mex slot?
Screenshot of the bug: Replay: Hope this helps! The replay is just 2 minutes, showing the bug. No 'real' game. Bug is in the first minute... Unedited, raw video:
PA Stats link for the lazy: Screen how it should look like: Can't reproduce at all.