Broke as hell stuff

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Devak, June 17, 2014.

  1. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    OK so today i tried GW again. PA so far has been an on-and-off experience. Sometimes it's silkysmooth. Sometimes it crashes and burns.

    Today's results are kind of the usual. I start up the game, wait for 5 minutes to begin the battle. Now, the game crashes when the music starts. "doesn't react" as windows puts it so nicely. Two more tries and now it does work. And i'm treated to this:

    1: Look at the time. 6:31. Yes, i have 2 mex, 1 power and 1 factory after 6 and a half minute. Because the game froze for 5 minutes. I can't select my starting spot because the game says "**** you" and starts after 2 minutes. This is against an AI in galactic war. Why the arbitrary force start when i'm the only one getting fucked over?

    2: Look at the metal spots. 4 white metal extractors. That's because the AI got bored of me doing nothing for 5 minutes and starts stealing my crap. Worse is that they're my subcommanders and for some reason beyond me i can't Ubercannon the **** out of them, nor use an attack or reclaim command. Great against trolling players. It sucks against trolling AI's.

    3: look at the UI. I have all the default settings. For some reason, all the icons are gone. Including metal spots. It makes it extremely hard to find my stuff from orbit.

    4: it's invisible in this picture, but my mouse turned into a black square. It persists through the menus. It sucks because many buttons are smaller than the black square and i kind of have to guess where to click. This happened after trying to build a metal extractor. The black square is about the size of the icon for the mex.

    5: it ends with this:


    I win. Look at my base. I can barely select stuff, i can barely find stuff, and the AI screws me over some more. Fortunately, with 3 subcommanders i roflstomp the enemy after 12 minutes.

    this kind of stuff is why i have an on/off relationship with playing PA. It's a LOT better than before, but still not there
  2. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Geers likes this.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    If you're playing on Windows and having such issue it's 99% driver issue. Though Linux/Mac versions doesn't crash too, but most recent build have some UI stability issues.

    As @clopse noticed there nothing can be said about that without your system information.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  4. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Update drivers AGAIN? i updated them a month or two ago. Is there any way updating AMD drivers isn't a hell. downloading a program to download a program to download a program to download a program to download a program sucks, and even when i correctly imput all data it STILL links me to the program-downloading-program-downloading program.

    I have no mods whatsoever, never have.

    dxDiag attached.

    Attached Files:

  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Correct. If you want to see stuff working properly you have to update drivers.

    At moment AMD have proper driver installer: 7 - 64#amd-catalyst-packages

    If it's not work check for clean driver installation in my topic:
  6. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Other thing I need to bring your attention to:
    Memory: 4014MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 4014MB RAM
    You only have 4GB RAM so if you're starting game on too many planets or just too large planets, or you just leave some Google Chrome in the background your laptop will freeze because system don't have enough RAM.
  7. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    i stopped playing on custom planets ages ago. This is galactic war, it's just a standard planet. IIRC it didn't even have a moon. Perf seems to be better on moons and metal planets than on anything with a tree though.

    EDIT: i'm updating drivers now. i'll report ASAP. The rest of my OP is still bugs though.
  8. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    O let's see.

    Not sure why your game frozen and what exactly you mean as "frozen". If this game/PC don't respond it's can be low RAM.

    Only one show state of game/AI for sure. Yeah there need to be ability to reclaim AIs buildings. :D

    If you totally sure it's default settings and not "Cinematic" mode then it's most likely driver glitch.

    Driver glitch again.
  9. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Uhm what are you doing with your AMD drivers?!!!

    All you do is download the full installer for the latest driver from and run it?
  10. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    He have a laptop. Few months ago AMD support website didn't even have direct link to mobility drivers and all their "auto installers" is total crap that newer work properly. So I totally understand what update problems he's talking about.

    Driver installers for desktop GPUs work pretty well except one from legacy drivers.
    cdrkf likes this.
  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Ah I hadn't realised it was a laptop... yeah AMD aren't really there yet with Laptop GPU drivers :(
  12. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    precisely. It's a LOT better now. Previously i had to download a program, that would download a program that would install my drivers (if everything went well).

    I can't quite figure out how and why. The driver update doesn't seem to do much when it comes to performance. I can be patient, and i don't care if i can't move beyond an AI match. By the end of the year i expect to buy a new computer as my current laptop is getting close to 4 years old. I just hate that the game still forces me to start. If it waited for me, i could actually play just fine.
  13. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    It's strange cause my Laptop is weaker than yours, and yet I have no issue playing PA on it (first get i5 -dual core-, with 8gb ram and a GT420 gpu which is pretty basic, game runs smoothly on low settings and doesn't hang or lag really).

    4gb of ram is plenty for small systems so that shouldn't be a problem, there's definitely something strange going on.
  14. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Are you running game via Steam?

    If yes can you try two more things?
    1 - Try to run game without "Steam Community Overlay":
    Right click the game in your Library -> Select Properties -> On the General tab, uncheck the box next to Enable Steam Community In-Game
    2 - Try to run it using standalone launcher

    Game give you about ~1.5 minutes for start. What exactly wrong about it?

    Current version of game already have pause (can be activated via ESC), so I really don't get what other problem with start...
  15. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Ill see if i can get some
    Yea i run via steam, i'll see if it helps.

    1.5 minutes is a long time on a smooth game. Last round put me 6 minutes late into the game. I was an orbital commander versus a Hard AI and found myself fighting an already developed AI with an orbital launcher and whatever i could grab in 1 minute. AKA i'm behind by 4.5 minutes.

    I can't pause the game, because it's in a sort of limbo state as it loads. I tried bringing up the performance, and sim, server and client delays all show 999.mseconds delay. The main delay seems to come from the "other" part of the Client. Sim runs at 10 and server at 1 (like they should) but show quite the lag. Could it be bad internet?
  16. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Are you connecting via wifi or wired? I had tons of lag a few minutes into any game I played because of my wifi connection, as soon as I plugged in the good 'ol cat5 it was fine.

    SXX said it was something about packet loss, honestly I can't remember, my head's full of amplifier and video switcher manuals. ;)
  17. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    i have a cable plugged in.

    I made a video, not sure how i'm gonna share it. I used my phone to make a video of how stuff reacts. Shamefully i forgot i wear headphones so it's basically soundless.


    turns out it's mostly a boring video. Here are some screens of what happens when the planet is generated:

    Last edited: June 17, 2014
  18. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Is still better than when I wear my headphones after a playlist is finished listening to nothing for hours without noticing.

    Coincidentally, Meta posted a nice checklist on what they need to diagnose these problems:

  19. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    My post above yours has some screens of sim and stuff.

    1: thats in the pictures
    2: didn't do that
    3: it's a simple Earth planet with a "moon" moon in galactic war
    4: already done, as above
    5: no mods whatsoever, never installed any before.
  20. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Any chance you accidentally set "resolution scaling" to higher value than 100%?

    Also keep in mind that your mobile graphics card with 1GB of GDDR5 can only handle "low" quality for "virtual texture". Once your video card is out of memory you'll get catastrophic performance loss like on screenshot.

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