Negative, it is possible to be a minigun equipped wall jumping light. They have already patched the most common way to do it, but it can still be reproduced.
How about this one: As a Heavy go to buff a running Light and you will run just as fast as them. Before I am about to give the buff I left go of the button. That way I can keep doing it.
Euston and the Gerund are the best. Both have to REALLY be burst-fired, but they do work when you do that.
i use the bulpdaun smg. slightly less dps than carb9 but amazing ADS accuracy (but mostly because it isnt a carb9). as far as competitive goes on xbox, there are only a handful of weapons worth using: gottlung chinzor gerrund barnett carb9 sea eagle belgo the heavy weapons have a reasonably high learning curve to them. in the hands of a novice, you will get destroyed by carb-9s regularly. in the hads of someone with experience you will cut down lights like nobodies business.
The Chinzor and Galactic are what I am currently using for my Heavy Solider. Rhett and Kross for my Medium Engineer. DOOM Bulpdaun and Belgo for my Light Operative. Tampa and Galactic for my Medium Medic.
I guess by Tom's post I fall under the "novice" category, but how do you use the Gottlung vs. other people? I admit it's really fun to use, especially with a weapon buff, but I played a few competitive with it and got smoked.
not being able to use the gotlung inst a novice thing, it is incredibly hard to pull it off effectively. i cant use it either. i would imagine you would need an incredible amount of tactical thinking to use it correctly.
To get the best from it i (when possible) crouch and burst fire it. Against good players its more for suppressive not kills but if you get the drop on anyone close up with it then its game over for them. I actually think the maximus mg is a lot better but its not as cool as the minigun.
so im guessing if you want to use ARs you have to be Soldier? because not many people in pub give you ammo that much, although i could switch to my secondary SMG
Just depends on what size class you play, the heavy has access to all weapons and light gets a slingshot and penknife.
lol light class is awesome playing medic and just running around buffing peoples health and reviving people and running away