Boxart concepts?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Kraqen, February 2, 2013.

  1. calmesepai

    calmesepai Member

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    I second that one
    the planet one looks better
  2. Consili

    Consili Member

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    I'll second having a variant on this kind of thing for the box art.
  3. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    I dunno. I know PA is all like 'Yaaa planets go boom' but seriously, is that the ONLY thing that interests you people?

    I mean, do you watch the Deathstar blow up Alderaan over and over?

    PA is gonna be so much more than just chucking asteroids at each other it's a pity so many people skip over the ENTIRE GAME and think only the ending is awesome.

    It's like going "YEAH WOW BABY I CAN BUILD A MAVOR THIS GAME IS WIN" for supcom :p.

    TLDR: agree with Ayceeem
  4. calmesepai

    calmesepai Member

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    Don't read to much in to things.

    Tha astriod pic say more about the game then astroids are for the win
    if you look closely you see units on it so you can make it mean diffrent thing like astriod turned in to space carrier aproccing planet showing it is rts on mutiple planets.

    But if people see it as an astriond kill planet type game it is true also we just kill them before that stage and hell if any on buy it for that is still a win
  5. ucsgolan

    ucsgolan Member

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    I do not want to see asteroid bomb or planet killer, I just want to see a picture like this.

  6. poncegabriel

    poncegabriel New Member

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    Yeah i can't wait to see some concepts on the boxart. Will the community be able to vote on a design or will the team see what best fits?
  7. Consili

    Consili Member

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    That is a bit of a simplistic way of looking at it. It is less about 'Yaaa planets go boom' and more about using imagery which evokes what the game is about, as well as matching the title and the aesthetic (after all it is called Planetary Annihilation). In addition to this, the presence of a multiple planet battlefield and the capacity to hook asteroids and using them to destroy said planets are two of the most unique draw cards this game has. Surely the most unique aspects of the game are things which warrant consideration for the box art?

    By contrast we have what amounts to a carbon copy of a version of the Supreme Commander box art, the issues I see with that are:

    1) Although some may say it is just the box art, I would still like to see it differentiated from SupCom and TA a bit more and have its own identity. It is a spiritual successor and being made by a separate company. And I am getting a little tired of all box art consisting of a central character standing amidst flames.

    2) Although TA and SupCom featured 2 and 3 types of Commander respectively (4 for SupCom if you include the Seraphim) PA already has far more than that, and looks to have more. Which Commander should feature on the box? none of them would be universally representative like rockets on an asteroid are.

    Following this, what about what is on the rear of the box? I think images like these:

    Moon base

    Jungle Base


    UI (subject to changes in what the UI ends up looking like)

    Would help encapsulate what the game is about to those who have picked up the box.

    [Edit]: On a separate note, why oh why did SupCom wind up with the awful box art they did over the clearly superior box art that ayceeem posted.

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