If you're able to actually get ingame, ignore it by choosing install later. If you're not, cancel the update and verify cache. They're supposed to have a fix for it on a patch later on. No offline co-op for PC is a bummer. The game looks quite nice though but Claptrap just wont stop talking. Major letdown on the first one. I'll focus on TL2 myself.
Nah it was no problem. There's apparently two versions, I uninstalled both, reinstalled the standard one, and had no trouble.
I feel like they tried too hard to reference every meme on the internet. Level 14 now, Maya has some pretty amazing second tier stuff I can't wait to get
hahah arrow to knee joke xDxDxD Also, I have a question for a Zer0 player if there are any here. Do you actually equip his sword or is it just his melee weapon?
Just the melee weapon. It kinda sucks at the start, but his higher tier stuff sounds badass, like, "melee kill while cloaked puts you back into cloak." Endless chain cloaks.
The only reason I wanted to play him was for using his sword, but only having his melee doesn't sound fun at all
My friend plays Zero, and he always seems to be having way more fun than me. The sword is ridiculously strong, and Zero has this ability which allows him to dash around everywhere, and practically fly if there a flying enemies. The other classes seem to be completely overshadowed by Zero.
Been playing a bunch recently and I couldn't disagree more. Siren's crowd control and utility is insane. Gunzerker probably have the best dps in longer fights. And the Commando is soooo very, very helpful aswell. Turrets draw attention, do constant DPS, can shield the group and a lot more. Also makes killing bigger guys a breeze; the shield dudes especially. Just drop the turret behind them, then shoot them in the back as they turn around. Zero probably have the best burst damage, though, being focused on both snipers (which naturally have really high damage numbers) and his melee, which he can boost to extreme numbers through his melee skills.
Salvador is the most fun. I take my dual shotguns out and take on 4 player content solo, because my friends are doing god knows what god knows where. He's an actual Rambo character, not just a character falsely played as if they're Rambo.
Yeah, I got to see a lot more of Salvador and Axton today. Axton's turret seems pretty awesome by level 15. I'm sort of indifferent on Salvador. I kind of wish Phaselock could grab multiple enemies, but with all those awesome things to come in the later parts of the Motin and Cataclysm trees, it doesn't really matter. Harmony tree seems like something I'll invest in more when they raise the level cap from 50. I keep finding myself getting through these missions and hoping that they aren't the last ones as of late. I really hope the campaign lives up to the length of the first games'.