Bomber Spam.

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by eroticburrito, October 15, 2014.


What do you think?

  1. I agree there's a problem with this style of play.

  2. I don't see the problem, it's clearly your fault you lost, you should have had more AA.

  3. I agree there's a problem and think your solution holds some merit.

  4. I agree there's a problem but have my own ideas (post below).

  1. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    Just to say, I did try this. People are often pretty truculent when it comes to forming alliances.

    It's not like saying the Annihilaser is imba (which it may well be, in that it is an instant win and can't be stopped once it starts, but that's off-topic). Bombers are T1 units, they shouldn't be the go-to spam tactic for a quick win.

    A single nuke isn't going to win you a game with more than one enemy Commander, particularly a FFA. Actually nuke cost is pretty balanced in my opinion - gone are the days where Nuke spam/rushing dominated games.

    It is not silly to say "His stuff was in the water". You were secure in the water. If I tried to mass Air to attack the water, I'd be overrun by land units. The only reason you could go Air so hard without getting encroached upon is that you were turtled in a lake.

    The fact is, this isn't an intended game ender (like the a Nuke or the Annihilaser). This isn't somebody who has managed to get a T2 Army together. This is 15 minutes in with a dozen or more T1 Air Factories on a lake, churning out T1 bombers for Commander snipes. No combat, just sniping. It's not fun to watch or play, and defeats the purpose of aiming to have a balanced, dynamic unit roster.

    Nobody had enough AA to counter that many Bombers (and Fighters). It got to the stage that people were picking up Commanders with Astraeuses in order to avoid getting sniped.
    It was too soon for people to have enough T2 Flak, and T1 AA wouldn't prevent massive numbers of bombers dropping their payload on a single target.
    All I'm suggesting is that the Commander be able to move out of the way.
    Last edited: October 20, 2014
  2. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Things where alot better when the t1 bomber dropped one bomb and t2 was the carpet bomber. Air is just too strong, too early in the game.
  3. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    Reduce the health and damage of fighters, take away their ability to tank damage so hard, but still be able to kill each other fairly quick, increase fall speed of bombs, but greatly reduce damage, make it really good at mopping up dox like it currently does, and at harassment and sniping expanding fabbers, but nowhere near as useful as a snipe weapon. Then change the T2 bomber back to... you know, a bomber, that is expensive but moderately tanky and heavy hitting to be used in smal-ish numbers as a strategic move to strike critical buildings within a base, not designed to be anti-unit.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I thought the t2 bomber would be neat if it had more range and had a "flight path" like bombers but at "max range", so it still circled.
    pieman2906 likes this.
  5. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, that could also work, like, firing the tac missile as it does a fly by, that would be cool as well, and combat a lot of their current problems, and differentiate them more from the gunships we already have.

    I just know that air was a lot more fun earlier in Beta with the old bomber balance. i feel like going back closer to that model, while avoiding the issues that were inherent back then would be the best.
  6. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    T1 bombers are spammable like nothing else. It doesn't take a very big game to be able to have 10-15 air factories, and the speed you can amass a hundred bombers with a hundred fighters as escort is far too fast. I had thought the air problems of SupCom and TA had been solved, but they really haven't.

    Bomber snipe is becoming the standard way to end any medium to large game. It's not even that hard in a 1v1 if you can stick some air factories down in a lake somewhere.

    Literally the only way to protect your com is to surround him with a circle of flak cannons, and that seems wrong to me.
    klovian and eroticburrito like this.

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