Big Skill Gap

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by sokoto, September 4, 2010.

  1. StargazingGarou

    StargazingGarou New Member

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    This. Although I have lost against teams that seem to be going for K/D as they've sometimes managed to keep the whole team more or less on lock-down so the bots could do all the work while we're busy respawning. (I also wind up mostly on pub teams, so that may have something to do with it, as well.) I'll normally stick through it, but it doesn't make me a happy camper seeing that map more often than I'm running around on it. My own stats aren't exactly stunning, with my K/D being 1.084, but I also typically run support. Admittedly offensive-minded, which can get me killed if I'm trying to push up the map to let my Firebase lock down a lane from as close to the bot spawn as possible while I try to keep the button protected and bomb/hack turrets as possible.

    Right now my Bot + Turret to Pro ratio is 4.25, but I don't know where that actually stands as an overall ratio as far as helping the team get the Moneyball down. But, yeah, I've had games where I've gone 25-16-2 and others where I've gone 10-17-15, but as long as we're getting the ball down and destroyed, I'm happy.
  2. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Lately I've been playing games against people that are clearly concerned about k/d raitos and still end up winning against them every time because I charge their base and kill the money ball. Surprisingly enough my k/d ratio is .73 I think, but I'm on the winning team a good 80% of time time because I don't give care about k/d.
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Wrong... the best lane pusher is a tank (unless your assassin is speed cheating). If you care to claim otherwise please send an assassin/support team past round.... lets say 1000 in blitz. Any assassin playing legitimately clearing lanes is going to get shot very quickly. Meanwhile the tank has a ton of health and a nice escape move. Gremlins are not bound to you and will prioritize chasing other players before they go after turrets. Ammo mule makes bot clearing more difficult for the tank. On this map the tank is still the best for bot clearing if you know what you are doing.
  4. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I think they should do their best to separate it out into 30 level clumps now that theres lots of people at various levels. IE 60-99 (yes i know its not 30 levels) 30-59 and 0-29 play together?
  5. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    Very true friend. I like to often brag about how bad my K/D can be sometimes while still obtaining a clear victory. Don't get me wrong some matches I have a great K/D... but as an assassin Pro's are SECONDARY... Bots on the other hand are warm butter for a katana lunge, and if games go into overtime... I usually end up with greater than 120 bot kills. Pushing bots, building turrets and helping teammates in need are the most important aspects of the game by far.
  6. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    No. Assassins are easily the best lane pushers. If you've played with an assassin the can actually push lanes then this wouldn't even be a discussion. There is a reason why a team without an assassin never wins GB matches. Assassins move faster, spawn much better bots, and can escape much better. They don't even need to buy any upgrades to be efficient.

    Sokoto, the skill gap in this game in monstrous. But that's only because the competitive scene is so small. This game is going to take a huge hit when Reach comes out in a few days, and I don't think it would've lasted too much longer anyways. Competitively, I just don't like it when the most important player in a shooter is someone who's role isn't to shoot. It is to destroy AI controlled bots and turrets. Imo the most important skill in a shooter should be shooting.
  7. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I think Sokoto forgot to mention that him and Pandemic use a gay little glitch so that they always have host. Man.. 3 tryhards who play a **** ton, with host, against a bunch of random pub kids .. Such a big skill gap!!!!! lol

    There's a skill gap in every game, but in MNC it's more of a knowledge gap. There's not too much skill to be shown in this game, it's much more about gay tactics and just having basic game intelligence.

    I'm with Myrick on thinking that shooters, should be mostly shooting. Over the past two weeks about 10% of my deaths have been from getting shot, other than that it's all basically kids using gay tactics and getting lucky because they have no real talent when it comes to aiming or making split second decision. Most of the time I play people don't even try to shoot me anymore, they either try to stick me with a grenade/airdrop, charge me, knock me of the map, or run until someone else starts shooting me. There are way too many options for talentless cowards in this game.
  8. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    A lot of gamers learn really slow, like in 3 years the average play level may rise to competent. That's why deathmatch works a bit better for your average pub. It is impossible to play for yourself only in deathmatch, K/D whoring is what DM is all about.

    Objective based gameplay is fundamentally different. It provides superior team play, but also is more difficult to understand what is going on. Most plays fail to understand this game on a fundamental level (anyone is runs around saying K:D ratio is a great example of this.)

    My guess is you probably get 1 competent player on the other team and he quits because it is downright impossible to beat 3 people who work together with a bunch of idiot pubs. The next game he will be paired with the same idiots who cannot learn vs you again and continuing ends up an exercise in futility.

    Sounds like someone got rolled and doesn't really get what this game is about. Anyways if they are a decent host, good for them, it benefits everyone in their game. Only one players gets the host advantage and there are way to many people with crap bandwidth getting host.
  9. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    So...Gays are talentless cowards? :?
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    If you play against a team that doesn't let an assassin farm bots (which is very easy to do) the assassin has to sit around and wait. Assassin is the most broken class right now and with the cheats, it is the best class. Want to know a secret? Cloaking during a grapple and shooting down the ball are both exploits. Assassins do not escape well from a slam or when shot by pre-spun miniguns. Assassins can easily be countered by walking on ledges and keeping support characters against walls (unless the assassin is cheating).
    Assassins also have no way of dealing with a sniper standing on 3 traps.

    Translation: I have the speed glitch on so why should I bother with dash. The sword and dagger lunge are currently reversed (a mistake). If you don't like tank as a lane pusher than try the sniper. Late game he is an amazing pusher (from long range) on every map except LaseRazor. Penetrating AoE shots > non cheating assassin on 3/4 maps.
  11. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I agree, UberGunner. Tank and Sniper are underrated. Teams that use them effectively almost always win.

    After the patch, Assassins that want to live will have to lurk in the shadows or buddy up with a heavy class.

    But MNC is a hybrid game: TDCBTPS

    Tower Defense Class Based Third Person Shooter

    Most console shooters are just arcade gun porn. If you want to play an actual "shooter" (two hit kills, bullet physics, no regenerating health, strong AI), give ArmA 2 a try.

    These "gay tactics" are part of the game. Maybe you should go back to Halo/CoD.

    Interesting. I played against you last night, but you quit once your team started losing.
  12. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I'm not going to quote a bunch of ****, cause I'm lazy and don't care enough about your opinions. But lets see...

    Patch: I've played a true shooter for 3 years. Shadowrun. Was a top player the entire time, and stuck with it even when it wasn't popular because I'm a fan of skill based games where intelligence and skill leads to victory. And no, I won't go back to Halo or CoD.. Because I haven't played Halo even a little since 2007, and only played very little CoD on my friends PS3.. I don't play bad games(unless they're 13 bucks and all my friends are playing them...MNC). And if you did play me and I quit out, it was probably because I was playing with a group of friends and we got split up, so we all left.. Other than that, I rarely lose, and if I do lose I'm usually going +20 and losing in overtime because 3 tryhards rush my ball in OT after I made them go negative the entire game.

    Warskull: when you say I got 'rolled' I guess you think I played them and lost? No. One of their friends showed it to me and my friends and after I called him a nerd 20 times for figuring it out, he told me it was Pandemic and Sokoto. And no, I'm pretty sure neither of them have good internet, they just glitch to get host to give themselves the advantage, while they're using the assassin glitch and streaming to make it lag even more.

    I hope no-one makes a big long rant in response to this post, because I really don't care. This game is fun and stuff, but no-where close to competitive, and no-where close to a real judge of talent or skill, and if you guys want to argue that "the game's not supposed to be about true skill and talent" then have fun with it.
  13. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    I lost some braincells reading this.

    How someone can be this arrogant is beyond me.

    He probably sucks at the game too :lol: .

    Most big talkers try to shoot down games they suck at so they can feel better about themselves.

    Hypocrites are funny.
  14. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Your desperation to make yourself feel superior is entertaining. You had an organized group beating up on random groups? How novel.

    Also, you are a known cheater so your opinion doesn't matter. I also saw some video you linked where you throw a nerd tantrum at the end because your internet is so bad you lag like I've never seen. Hilarious.
  15. Wooglin

    Wooglin New Member

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    I didn't even know you can cheat in this game. I just like to play it! :D
  16. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    How many GB games have you played? How many tourneys hosted by Uber have you made it into the finals of? That's what I thought.

    First off, I don't play Assassin. Secondly, the few occasions I do, I don't speed glitch. My left bumper is broken so when I first found out about it, it took me 3 games to be able to do it. (Pandemic, sokoto's butt buddy, did speed glitch against me earlier today lol)

    No other class can cross the map and get to your enemies bots then get juice and kill their turrets faster than an assassin. Go into a private and test it. I guarantee the assassin will do it faster and better than anything. I'm not trying to sound arrogant (^sorry) but I can confidently say I've spent more time on this game then anyone else in this thread. Not that that is something to be particularly proud of, but it's a fact. I've played with an organized team in more games in pubs and against other organized teams than nearly anyone in the community, and assassin's>everyone at killing bots.

    Their ability to traverse the map, quickly kill bots, and escape without having to engage an enemy is ridiculous. That's why they're the best. They don't have to buy upgrades. Dash+lunge moves you much faster than any other class, you shouldn't ever need to be cloaked for more than the default, and smokebomb is only good for turrets and/or last ditch attempts at running. None of that needs to be upgraded to be successful. Spawn gremlins at the start of the match and any time you die. Save your money for juice or the Annihilator. The gremlins don't care about the other team's bots. If you get juice and kill the turrets, then gremlins will down the moneyball even if there are opposing bots in your base. They don't care.

    Basically, I have no doubts I've spent way more time on this game than you, especially competitively. I know from way too many hours of experience that assassins are the best bot-killers in the game, and are THE most important player on any team. Think otherwise? Get 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6 if we can field that many) of your friends/teammates on and try to beat my team without an assassin. It will never happen. And in no way am I saying this to try and say we are the best team. Currently, we aren't. I say it as a way to back up my claim that the assassin is so superior. My GT is aka Myrick. Feel free to message me or Fojib270 if you ever feel the need to test my theory.

    PS: Deadeye sucks at this game.
  17. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Im guess about the same amount of tournies as people care?
  18. Mr Audiofly

    Mr Audiofly New Member

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    Im not taking sides here, But i think your misquoting what was said. The quote you replied to was utilising bad adjectives to describe the tactics. and then further added the phrase " talentless cowboys" . The two can not be co-joined to create the statement you came out with.

    If deadeye cant deal with players using the skills that their class is granting them, then its his fail for not understanding that there is more than one way to skin a cat. with him/her being the cat. As this is not a "shooter game".
  19. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Or I was having fun with something that is completely offensive. You know, not misquoting at all, but mocking.
  20. Wooglin

    Wooglin New Member

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    Amaranth, I got it. Your point wasn't completely lost.

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