Get it right, The only CoDs that should be put side to side with BF are the ones in BF and CoDs in-game timeline. [IE. Modern, WW2. Etc, Etc.]
Finally downloaded and played the beta for a couple hours. What F uck was the deal with the hate on this game? It plays just like BC2, but with increased lethality. The only reason I can comprehend the hate on this game is the fact that a lot more Call of Duty based players tried out this game and got sht on. I could tell from the gameplay too, I was throwing up big scores after my 1st game because I just knew how to play a real shooter. While everyone else was prone in the grass. If anything, I would take out prone for sure. Really gets on my nerves when I'm respawning and I see my entire squad prone somewhere while the charge is ticking down. Battlefield game have always been campier persay, but this measure only heightens it, and I guarantee some Battlefield vets will feel the same way. Also found it funny that half of each team was Sniping, and poorly. Most simply do not know out to successfully snipe in a BF game, and I was on top of my 3rd game using the standard rifle on the attacking side.
Im a Recon specialist xD but unlike the guys who camp all the way at the back and try and get 1000000 maskman headshots i just get my SV98 with a 4x and RUSH LIKE A DESERTFALCON, because personally dont like camping or i would just get myself a shotty or a ump/pp 2k and play recon
Will be playing Battlefield 3, League of Legends, and Super MNC. Seeing as I just found a config that lets me run it decently smooth, although I'm at resX=620 resY=480. :|