Beta Build: 57164

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, November 19, 2013.

  1. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    As a general rule, if you are unable to build a mex, try rotating the building. Or try building with an air fabber - sometimes the latter works.
  2. devilpuppet

    devilpuppet New Member

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    Ok, first of all: Awesome that I got into the beta!

    Second: I ran into quite a few bugs already, which sometimes render the game unplayable. (Mac OS X)

    1. I could not find a way to click&drag the map on Mac OS X, is there some button combination I'm not aware of?
    2. The game does not go in fullscreen, even though it's selected in Settings
    3. Changing display settings while in-game result in a black screen and you can't do anything else than quitting the game.
    4. When you want to quit the game, you have to force-quit it (cmd+alt+esc), just cmd+w/cmd+q/clicking on the red cross in the left top of the window/clicking on "Quit PA" don't work and the game will keep on running in the background.
    5. Sometimes, when wanting to open the menu (by pressing esc), the HUD/UI disappears and pressing U does not bring it back.

    Then just a general question: is it possible to easily turn the planet? I sometimes find myself looking at my base from a different angle after zooming out, which kinda screws with my head, haha!
  3. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    I'm not too familia with Mac however;
    Click and drag can be done with the middle mouse button. If that doesn't work it's possible to use the fix in this thread:

    I know there is a shortcut for swapping to full screen. Not sure exactly what it is but you could try that. You will find it under keyboard in settings.

    The black screen is just the map reloading again. Usually if I wait it reloads fine And all is good, however if you read the first few lines of the latest patch notes it mentions this. Basically it says they know about it so just don't go into settings during the game atm.

    Pole lock is good if you are having problems with orientation. This is also found in settings. Also if you press n in game the North will be at the top of the screen.
  4. devilpuppet

    devilpuppet New Member

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    Thanks for your reply!

    I'll look into pole lock, that sounds like what I want.

    With the scrolling: My Magic Mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel, so there's nothing to click. Here's hoping for a button combination (ctrl+click for example) in the future.

    Full-screen (alt+enter) doesn't work.

    I'll remember with the black screen.
  5. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    You should look into auto hotkey and just make a button be the middle mouse button. Just make sure this button isn't hardcoded into the game. I believe shift, cntrl and a few others are.
  6. amiar

    amiar New Member

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    I also just installed and can't get the mac version out of windowed mode :(

    I'm using a dual monitor setup if that has anything to do with it.
  7. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    There is no "fullscreen" mode for Mac/Linux yet.
  8. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Hey guys,

    Ok, another "scientific" experiment, on another laptop. This time I thought I would actually be able to get into the game, since this laptop is a dual core, 2GB RAM one. So more in tune with the minimums of the requirements.

    Now, not wanting to be a douche again, here are the specs:

    • Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop
    • "Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU, T4200 @ 2.00GHz" (From cat /proc/cpuinfo)
    • 2GB of RAM
    • "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)" (From lspci)
    • "Mobile IntelĀ® GM45 Express Chipset" (From the System Settings/Details box)
    • Ubuntu 13.04 64b

    So it seems it's a bit more in tune to what the bare minimums should be. It would, wouldn't it?!?! NAHHHH!!

    • I got it loaded with no Coherent_Hub editing since this one has no 32b version of libudev.1
    • Mouse issues were expected, but it still surprised me:
      • Instead of a square of gliched image, I got one single pixel.
      • It would be fine, but having no such luck, said pixel was the top left pixel of the mouse mask.
      • Quite an adventure in "sharp-shooting" trying to select the bloody Login/Password text boxes, since they don't highlight on hover, ARGHHH!!
      • Ok, got past that and navigated through some of the initial screen menus.
    • Lag on actions was about the same on the single CPU. Hard to believe, but still true. It highlighted items with about 2-3 seconds after hover. Sound effects were more on time with the actual action.
    • After that, selected Me versus AI, etc... and clicked on Ready.
    • Command line showed many lines on loading graphics, planet facets and etc... but got stuck and did nothing else.
    • Before last line on the log was a bit disappointing:

    21719 16:53:20.327906 W | View 0 terminated in an abnormal fashion!

    So now I'm wondering:
    1. How much better should I make my hardware?
    2. Did this fail due to the Graphic Card alone?

    SXX, what do you think?

    I know I'm quite scarce on the system, since I forgot how to give Mesa info and all that stuff, so can anyone give me a hint on how can I give the same type of report that you guys on Windows have with DXDiag?

    Cheers all,
  9. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Mouse issues are not related to graphics card, they present on all Mesa drivers: PA#1595

    Actually I successfully run PA on this card with about 1FPS:

    Data such DxDiag not required on Linux because if you use open source drivers you should always stick to latest kernel and Mesa.
    gcarreno likes this.
  10. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Good to know. But my surprise was more about the single pixel on the top left of the mouse mask, LOL!!

    Which means, there's something slightly off with this Ubuntu setup. I'll need to compare your glinfo with mine in order to have a clue.

    Mesa and Kernel are up to date, I checked; no updates on the pipe. I have no proprietary drivers. I don't even have the Hardware Drivers app in the system. So I'll assume all are open source.
    So what's missing?
    Well, I'll have a look at your link, mainly at your glinfo and the other txt file and compare with mine.

    One thing I left out, from the analysis of the log, is that it does not engage in HW Acceleration.
    But again, all my troubles on this particular system may mainly be due to something missing on the GL or Mesa plugins.

    Cheers all,
  11. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    When I say that you need latest Mesa I mean you need to add this PPA: archive/ppa
    And make "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade". ;)

    Then you'll have latest Mesa.

    PS: Also please notice that I made my test in August and currently game might use some extensions which isn't implemented for this integrated card.
    gcarreno likes this.
  12. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Ok, I've had a look at yours and mine glew|glx-info and the only obvious difference is that you're using Mesa 9.2.0-devel and this system is on 9.1.7.

    And these 2 also worry me:
    You: "Reporting capabilities of display :0, visual 0x75" (glewinfo)
    Me: "Reporting capabilities of display :0.0, visual 0x78" (glewinfo)
    May also influence something, but those hex numbers mean squat to me.

    Don't know if that is enough to make a difference.

    Cheers all,
  13. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    AH-HA, so that's where you got them 9.2.0-devel!!! :p

    Oky, that's quite true. I'll update my Mesa and then come back and report.

    Cheers all,

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