Best MNC related hate mail I've received

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, November 25, 2010.

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  1. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Best two I got were voice messages after a pre-DLC match on Steel Peel. Used explosive rounds to melt the Moneyball from the little pocket entering the back door area, and got those gems. If I could archive them, I would. FOREVER.
    On the same subject, I think JackTrips got some interesting hatemail today. :p
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I got a series of hatemails from someone who decided they needed to sleep on it first, and he sent me messages at least EIGHT HOURS after I was last logged on. To make things better, his text messages reminded me of reading something that was composed by Charlie Kelly (admittedly, with slightly better spelling). I was very civil in responding to him, but my responses caused him to plug in his mic, and suddenly I'm talking to someone who sounds like a very calm and collected serial killer, who claims to record every single game he plays in with no intention of ever sharing it on the internet. His footage is his and his alone.

    Oh, and he threatened to sue us for using the likeness of billy mays, because we are "disrespecting the dead." So maybe he's delusional and thinks hes related to Billy Mays or something.

    Regardless, I blocked communications with this guy, because it was the first time I've ever been legitimately creeped out by someone on XBL. I saved all the messages though, and am considering uploading the voice messages to youtube. :D

    If that was one of you trolling me: Props.
  3. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Two nights ago, I was playing, and I was doing getting pretty good games with my Sniper.

    At the end of this game where 'iTheColorRed' and 'iTheColorGreen' both must've decided in party chat to rage-change to Sniper and outsnipe me (which didn't go well), iTheColorRed sent me a message saying, and I believe this is accurate.

    "Oh, yeah? Ya don't use traps? That's funny, because I saw you throw down 3 traps at the end of the round. Stop playing this game, leave this lobby, you're horrible."

    I responded with 2 messages, one explaining that I REALLY don't use traps, and another complimenting their teamwork with a request to play with them later.

    No response.

    Oh well!
  4. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Lol, Arctic Fox and I with a few of his buddies destroyed that guy last night in a game. I remember him because his club tag was ITCR, short for his name. We got a laugh out of it.
  5. Deadza

    Deadza New Member

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    Our friend Deadeye sent me

    "Stop trying so hard its annoying."

    Now, this may seem typical but its actually sent midgame from him when he was on my own team! I wasnt exactly sweating on the edge of my seat just playing a frantic Assassin. But you know, the kind that helps out friendly pros and tries to not steal kills. I came in 2nd is all I recall thinking I did pretty well for myself at something like 20-27-4 actually despite my teammates complaining. I mean, I dont suck but I am not amazing.

    Of course I trolled him back after the match dumber than I should have and Deadeye responded with threats, elite preening, and accusing me of playing my balls off or some such as the only way I could do that well.Good times, especially his use of "random" as if to offend. Eventually accusing me of being afraid to not end up on his team, when I backed out to pick up my friends. He eventually got pretty quite when I agreed he was better but who really cares since I just love MNC.

    Too bad since Deadeye is good, he just needs a better attitude and teamwork. Doesnt seem the type of kid with many friends though.
  6. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Ummm. I sent you the msg "stop trying so hard, it's annoying", you sent me back "stop eating cock its annoying" and quit out the next game when you had 0 friends online playing MNC. Straight LuLz kid. Straight LuLz. Not only are you a nerd that sends out msgs like "stop eating cock", but you later post about it on the forums. I love when kids get on here to troll and lie out of their *** to try and make me look bad. Don't worry kid. You're just another one of those randoms who will now leave everytime you see me in a room, and all I can do is hope I'm right.

    I can honestly not believe how many randoms I inspire to start posting here. So many kids come on here basically just to troll me, I'm glad I mean that much to you kids.
  7. wienermcpeters

    wienermcpeters New Member

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    deadeye remember last time you ego tripped around here you had to ask to come back. just dropit. he made a screenname to start drama. who gives a ****.

    when people start making a living wage playing this game for money (and aren't developing it) there can be legitimate discussion of who is great and 'blah blah blah, my tank bought me a car' until then you just seem like ego tripping ball-smiths talking about how good you are. greatness isn't self proclaimed it is bestowed upon you by your peers.

    sending hate mail to your own team midround, when they are apparently second in game is probably the type of thing you should avoid if you are trying to become a member who isn't neg repped and hated( not because you're too good, because you are a always being a piece of ****.)i liked you alot before you got super cocky, but then you just let it get to your head.

    It's a game. It's a game that hasn't gotten any of the attention it needs in the awards circuit. hopefully its a game that survives till next summer. We don't need anyone who comes here to check the game out to see the fake 'best player ever' **** on people. The fact that you are so hard-on about everyone knowing you are better at an arcade title with 238000 entries in its leaderboard stats shows how smalltime you are. you are a large-ish size fish in a small pond.

    deadeye.when you start sucking your own ****, no one here likes you. go away. everyone respects you for skill, but your attitude and words have turned a large portion of the 'regular and similarly skilled' player base so far against you that you had to pretend to be someone else just to come back without getting full hatemachined every post. for your own sake let the kid vent. at this point it is common knowledge that you do shitty things to people over your xbox live connection because of your horrible real life. we understand that it is a part of your process of digging yourself out of a horrible human existance. we're sorry it's so hard to have decent human interactions in real life, what with the asperger's syndrome.
  8. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Love your sig pic
  9. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Holy crap. That's truly creepy. I got goose bumps reading that.
  10. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    lulz at all the rage
  11. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    "This aggression will not stand, man"

    Can I get a white-russian?
  12. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Got some rage mail from someone when I purposely made my team loose. (Bought all level one lazer blazers, put sensitivity on 10, went on assassin, spun in circles shooting shurikens)
  13. Deadza

    Deadza New Member

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    Eh I had an old account here that didnt match my xbl account so switched. Since the mnc community used to be very cool and I met some great ppl on the game. Wow thats changed sadly! So actually I have been here and on the game since launch week or so. I admit I am no "pro" I just love the game. Also my friends seegravesfilled and zombiebrainz have you blocked on xbl deadeye for obvious reasons. Try and chill out and make some mnc friends maybe?
  14. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    My friend, DeadEye isn't even THAT good.

    It's just pure luck.
  15. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    LuLz are LuLz. Weiner, I don't know you, so I didn't take the time to read your post. Deadza, this is the wrong thread son. See what I sent to you wasn't hatemail, it was a semi-polite request for you to stop trying so hard. You're the one who sent me a gay little xbl comment, and pretty much all I responded with was "why did you quit out" and "LuLz".. So basically your entire first post was a lie, and trolling just to troll. GG

    And yea Gentleman. All luck. Lucky that I'm so ******* good everyone's a hater. Except those that actually play with me, even if people hate me with a passion, once they play with me they like me. Oxyteam For example.

    I don't need XBL for hatemails, I know I'm doing a good job of making kids rage when they post about me on the forums on a daily basis. Know what's better than hatemail? MURQ. MURQ all day long.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  17. wienermcpeters

    wienermcpeters New Member

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  18. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    LuLz. You don't need credibility when DeadEye doesn't think you're randoms.
  19. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    All respect for Oxy diminished in a single post
  20. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Just wait'll I have my camera charged up. Then we'll see who has no credibility....
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