Best MNC related hate mail I've received

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, November 25, 2010.

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  1. royalal

    royalal Member

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    For the first strings I told him I was playing for fun on a game I paid $7 for and told
    Him to relax. And asked him why he was so
    Mad. For the latest four, I just coPy pasted his messages, changed a few words, and made him mad. I also asked him why I wasnt blocked since he cried so hard that he blocked me :)

    Also, for some of these messages, he sent me two rage mail paragraphs in a row before I could respond. Trust me, I'm not sending serious messages to someone who is this delusional :)
    Last edited: July 14, 2011
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Delusional you say?...
    Irony is very funny if you understand it.
  3. royalal

    royalal Member

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    Explain how my signature is ironic using the definition of irony, please.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You play Assault. I don't think I need to say more.
  5. royalal

    royalal Member

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    That's not ironic. The game is full of assaults, as my signature states. Please look up the definition.

    Oh and please keep this on topic
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I guess the irony I was referring to was more of the hypocritical irony and not so much of the traditional meaning. More of the way in satire and dissimulation...
  7. Anastatius

    Anastatius New Member

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    Practically everyone plays assault.

    Point is moot.
  8. royalal

    royalal Member

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    I don't call people out for playing assault. Its arguably the best/most annoying class in the game which is the point of my signature.
  9. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    This + Back + Juiced Tank = Rage
  10. Know your Role Randy

    Know your Role Randy New Member

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    Royalal, how pathetic are you kid? I understand that you're such a nobody in MNC that you have to troll well known players to make a name for yourself, but you could at least do it with some pride.

    You also apparently have no idea what the real purpose of this thread is. It's for msgs like the ones I used to get all the times, calling me a cheater, telling me to stop hacking.. It is NOT for nerds like you to troll people that beat you, then print out a screenshot and post it on the forums. Sure it's been turned into that by terrible kids like yourself, but all it really does is prove that you're a huge *****, and a huge nerd.

    Seriously. What sort of ***** plays pub assault, quits after one game, nerd trolls msgs to someone who just beat them, then gets a boner from taking a screenshot and lying to complete randies on a forum where he knows(hopes) he'll be protected from the repercussions. Just more proof that you're nothing than annoying little nerd who hides like a ***** from anyone who can put him in his place.

    Oh and Anastisia or whatever the **** your name is. I don't take this game seriously at all, I play to make kids rage quit, and play between 2-3 days a week. What I do take seriously is people trolling and being nerds when they're straight up cowards and do cowardly stuff. Sorry, but nerds annoy the **** outta me, and this Royal faggot is a huge ******* nerd.

    Oh and Royalal, do your parents a favor and play in traffic while cutting yourself with a rusty knife. Once again, I'm done with you. I have you blocked, pretty sure I'll be banned from here again pretty quick, and after this post I won't be back on Uber again. I mean.. what the **** was I thinking anyway? These forums are filled with cowards like you trolling and nerding while they jerk their nerd boners while. Have fun quitting out of every game you ever see me in, I'll be sure and think of you next time a nerdy pub assault tries way too hard and then quits after getting beat.

    God.. I ******* hate that I made an account and made this long *** post just because some faggot *** nerd wants to troll me on forums I'm banned on. You nerds don't realize, that kids like you are the reason all of the good gamers don't go to forums, and are quitting video games. You're ruining the good nature of competition with all your nerd trolling and being terrible. I'm gonna go take a shower, wash all of this nerd off of me, and go to my friends to smoke a blunt. Be sure and make some sort of nerd *** comment that I'll never read, you wouldn't want people to see you getting smacked around on the forums without some sort of "umad" type post.

    PS. Ubad, Unerd, Utroll, Ufag.

    PPS. Mad? Cried? Come on kid, the only thing about you that makes me mad is that the popular culture is making kids like you as big of faggots as you are. Get a ******* life, realize you're a tool, and go outside. Ever think that while I was msging you, I was also playing MNC, getting more ubers than you'll EVER get, and laughing at how big of a nerd you are. Also, sorry that I'm not a big enough nerd to actually block you... I didn't think you'd be a nerd enough to try and continue to argument after I said I was done with you.

    PPPS. Deadstretch don't be a nerd and delete this before the nerd gets to see it, I won't be coming back to the forums, so there's no need in insta-banning me.
    Last edited: July 14, 2011
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Hey there Deadeye. Y U SO Made?
  12. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Sounds like somebody needs to remove some phallic object from one's arse.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    in reference to the circumstances, that is one of the best usernames ever.

    i <3 deadeye.
  14. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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  15. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i literally lol'd at going to take a shower at washing the nerd off him. its post like this that make me wish deadeye had a twitter

    i completely agree with this statement. nearly all video game forums are nothing more than a haven for retards that do nothing more than post complete garbage to troll trolls then some idiot comes along looking to countertroll the trolling trolls trying to troll the countertrolling trolls trolls TROLLS TROOOOLLLLLSSS. it really is ridiculous though. and then the people who post viable content or topics that discuss competitive gameplay and voter based rankings get a ton of flak for ego stroking and "trolled". Its not ego stroking, its the same names being mentioned because instead of being active in a community to act like a retard, we get active in a community because we want to actually discuss the game and therefore improve
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Was your intent to blow our minds? :lol:
  17. Anastatius

    Anastatius New Member

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    You typed all of this out and are this pissed and you're telling me that you don't take it seriously.

    Damn son, I'd hate to see what you do when you do take it seriously.

    And yes, it was necessary for me to quote the entire message.
  18. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    have you made a single post in this forum that wasnt "you mad? lol im funny. hey mnc friends, look at me and my funny jokes!"?
  19. Anastatius

    Anastatius New Member

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    Of course not. Don't be silly.
  20. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    tom numbers is a hater
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