Best MNC related hate mail I've received

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, November 25, 2010.

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  1. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    Best MNC hate mail I've ever had were a couple messages from Deadeye after making his life miserable for a couple games. I couldn't post it up here due to his colourful choice of words (he's got a pretty limited vocabulary it would seem), but he chose to include the word "rape" enough to make me concerned (methinks he might be a real-life victim and lost his butt virginity at a young, helpless age).
  2. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    Some Little kid hated that i Tanked him so much, He said that i must have a Aimbot. I told him "Have you seen a Aimbot? Its not what you think kid."
  3. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I got a message from some Sniper with no Armour Endorsement I railed and nade'd to death multiple times telling me to "stop playin tank lik a lil hidin f*g n fite properly".
  4. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Every one of your posts has been about someone banned from this website, not only are you pathetic and obsessed, but you're patheticly obsessed.

    My guess, you're trying to make a name for yourself by hating on one of the best players in the game. You're a 81 kid, stop acting like you have anything on the good MNC players.
  5. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Is that a girl or a guy? I'm very confused. :|

    But apparently not as confused as him, Hey-O!
  6. ElfControl

    ElfControl New Member

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    he has a good point, you cant throw 2 grenades at the same time...or can you? DUN DUN DUN!!!!
  7. ElfControl

    ElfControl New Member

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    the best, or i guess worse mail i got was from some guy telling me that assassin's are NOT meant to kill pros. Lol, I finished the match 30/5 as an assassin.
  8. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    The best hate mail I've ever received was...

    Oh, I've never received any hate mail. I guess everyone must love me. <3
  9. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Someone sent me a message earlier claiming I was cheating because I restored my health via upgrading the Tank's passive skill.

    Otherwise I haven't received any.
  10. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    You are either deadeye, or you follow him around the prison yard holding onto his turned-out pocket.
  11. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Remember when Prison Break wasn't completely ridiculous?

    Just got one there from an Assassin I butt-bounced a few times - mostly indecipherable ranting about my mother's questionable morals and my sexuality.
  12. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    And we have public forum hate mail! Save it for the PMs. Your attitude is pretty grating.
  13. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    that guy accused me of speed glitching once or twice, funny stuff
  14. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I haven't recieved hate mail but I have heard game lobbies and when people complain. Heard my name get dropped a lot after one game on Steel Peel aka Sniper Heaven. I played Assassin the next map and I still heard complaints from the other team :/ And I honestly thought I wasn't that good at the game. I mean, my best game is really sad compared to most people I play this with xD
  15. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Well, I just got some hate mail from some moron who was criticizing how I played my sniper, which I went 32-2 btw. He sends me a message saying how he wishes he had the skill to sit by Ice Traps all day. My first thought was "LOL!" This was also the guy who ran into my base 6+ times as an assassin and was destroying all of our turrets back to back to back. He had the guts to run after me a couple times which I simply Knocked his juiced butt out of the map. I told him I wish I had the skill to go buy juice with my 4000 dollars and just die every single time by an unjuiced sniper. He sent me a message back calling ME a troll. Lolwut?? He sent ME the message calling me out and calls me a troll lolz. I took a picture of the scoreboard too because it was quite funny to me. I'll post it in the "Post your scores" thread.
  16. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    That's because he sounds like Deadeye. Whom he probably is.
  17. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    My most unique hate mail so far:

    So I join an AmmoMule game in which my team's turrents are all destroyed and the moneyball is down. The other team is taking turns juicing in our base and spawnkilling our team. I choose sniper.

    After laying down freeze traps, headshotting the juicers, and pushing back the rush, our moneyball goes back up. The juice rushing continues.

    I upgrade traps to level 3 and keep a perimeter around our base so our newly built turrents can survive. I kill bots from the base while the rest of my team tries to push to middle. One juiced Support makes it past the traps and comes at me. I back into the spawn to stay alive. I figure keeping my current freeze traps active and not giving the support more money to buy juice is worth backing into my spawn for a second or two.

    Then I get a message from the Support: "Grow a pair of testicles."

    I think to myself, "Grow a brain dude, not going to give you kills so you can keep juice rushing."

    The rest of the game I continued to thwart their juice rushing through freeze trap/ headshots and made sure I always taunt after I kill that particular Support. We still lost, but it makes me happy to think how much money they wasted buying juice and then getting stuck in traps.
    Last edited: November 27, 2010
  18. Sianoux

    Sianoux New Member

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    Who're you calling "kid", kid? How old are you? 12?

    And I'm level 82. A good level 82. Levels don't mean crap in this game, especially when I'm so skilled I sent you off crying to your momma.

    Anyway, I made like, what, two posts about this DeadEye guy? And you think I'm obsessed? Meanwhile you're following me around like a yappy dog around this forum as if it's your new life mission. Give it a rest. I'm almost totally certain you're the same guy anyway due to your attitude and your apparent dog-like loyalty to DeadEye. Is that what you are? A dog? Because your actions heavily mimic those of a dog. Who's obsessed, again?


    Some of the more common hate mail/messages I get are from people who say things like "assassin is a n00b class" and "I could be doing that well if I was playing assassin". Of course, once I challenge them to play against me with that class, they lose horribly or they come up with some excuse to keep playing as their own class. Which is fine by me.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    we might have enough black bars, i can lend you one. i dont need it right now as i currently have pants on :shock: :? :lol:
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i think moderators would keep track of the IPs. dont they?

    if not, forums have really gone back in time. i got banned from a really strict renegade community forums six years ago, and i did manage to rejoin it... three years later and under a completely new set of names and such. the first year i tried bunches of times and they noticed my ip was related to one of the old recorded ips for the banned acct.

    and even then, one of the members noticed who i was (but didnt report me or care). nobody else did cuz i used to type like this, And then I started talking like this, and now i talk without color or capitalization or punctuation again lmao.
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