Best MNC related hate mail I've received

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, November 25, 2010.

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  1. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I think he was talking to PeachyPony.

  2. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    He was translating Sigmar's Engrish, and Jon was thanking him for deciphering it

  3. kniS

    kniS New Member

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    Actually SMBD stands for suck my BACON d!ck, get it right.
  4. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    You're from Kilkenny.

  5. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  6. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    I'm so proud, I just finally got my first real hate mail last night! It was from this same guy. I'm pretty sure he was partied up with some other folks pubstomping and I came in as a tank and with a few other good teammates took them from dominating the map to losing in overtime. Then I received this little gem:

    "S#*T ON B*#CH!"

    To which I replied, "Impressive. You've really given me something to think about. I'll keep that in mind." and blocked him.

    In my little heart I was giggling with glee over having ticked someone off sufficiently to receive such rage.

    Yes, yes, I have finally arrived.
  7. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Not to burst your bubble but failoftroy does that to everyone. hell even I got "**** on" whatever the hell that means.
  8. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I love the "U mad?" reply. I can't wait to get a rage message so I can send that.
  9. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    qp optimus qp sent me several voice msgs saying I'm a f@g for spawning gremlins (went 32/14/3) and how I am so poor I coz I don't own halo reach :D my (text) reply was- I can't be that poor if I can afford to pay for yo mama to fly over to the u.k and let me do her up the @~$* once a week after that I blocked him and he get his mate to send me a voice msg to apologise for being offensive bout his mother :lol:
  10. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I sent one of these a few days ago cause he sent me mail raging about how I was a spawn camper when all I did was juice off a LB and wreck his base and he decided to run towards me like a moron. He said, "your a ******* spawn camper". I sent back "UMad? lol" and he said "hell yea cause you have to play like a 5th grader to win, your a *****". Keep in mind I was only in his base for a grand total of MAYBE 15 seconds. His name was Alionsghost. I kept his hate mail cause his tears give me lolz every time I check a new message.
  11. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Played a random game on my friends gamertag tonight to help him learn some tricks on different classes. Ran into some guy named Harpy515 who was playing an Assault. Needless to say I went 32-1 and my only death was because he bought juice just to kill me. He didn't get stuck in any of my ice traps, but just kept getting headshotted or flakked(?). He sent me mail saying "camp more 'hateful gay terminology here' ". I was on my half of the map because his team was trying to spawn camp our team. I even ran into their base to finish the game and he said I never left my spawn. Someone was just mad they got stomped by a level 65 that hard.
  12. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Funny cuz you stayed on your spawn ring the entire game with ice traps all over. You killed me maybe three times. All of them were a body shot then flak, aka nothing impressive. But ya I was not having a good day so I was pretty upset, nothing personal.

    Edit: And you forgot to mention how I wrecked you the game before that when I was playing sniper ;)
  13. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    No I didn't because that wasn't me. We took turns playing games. If you didn't notice, every other game the score was like 17-0, then his crappy 5-14, then my 32-1. He was at my house and he wanted to play MNC. Also, I was in my base because your stupid team was trying to spawn camp my base. I didn't let it happen, did I? Nope. Put it in bold for you.
  14. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    I believe that my team of randoms was trying to win the game, that might explain them being on your side of the map "trying to spawn camp". It obviously didn't work (spawn camping or winning).
  15. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Trying to win? I didn't see one person pushing bots. There was an assault and a Sniper just throwing their bomb/traps on our elevators. If I wasn't there killing them, then they would have succeeded. Hell, even your tank wasn't pushing bots.
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    just ignore jraw. everyone knows he spends the entire game camping, no need to bring it up. that being said, JRAW brought it up, so yeah.
    spending your whole game on your spawn ring means that, at most, you have control up to mid ground, if that. that means you arent going for map control, you are just playing for kills.

    you go have fun with your k/d ratio.
  17. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    JRaw, you spend like most of your games against anyone decent hiding on your spawn ring with the Sniper and running back into your base when you get scared. I admit I do it once in a while (lol I did it against Shammas' party once and the only way they could kill me was a bomb + juiced Assault :lol:) but damn, you do it all the time, then you think you're pro when you get kills by doing it.
  18. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I think the point is that Harpy515 was so upset about this tactic that he felt he needed to type up and send a message containing "hateful gay terminology". I can't really say there's much of a defense for that. Pretty sad actually.
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    no real excuse, im just sick of jraw lording around the forums as if he were a godly sniper when he plays like that. people like pohtaytoes put up the same numbers playing on the other half of the map.
  20. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I love how all of you act like you play with me so much you know what I do on a day to day basis. I have played maybe one or two games with Tom. And if I recall right, F5in maybe a total of 5 games. But on that same note, your internet opinion of me matters not. Thanks though. Please stop trolling me. Kthxbye.
    Last edited: January 25, 2011
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