Being a level 99 sucks sometimes. And quitters.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by An Artic Fox, November 10, 2010.

  1. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    An Arctic Fox, I thought you were cool. Then you go making posts like this, sounding like DeadEye or someone. For shame.

    Though BoltAktion always seems to disappear from my games against him...

    He's a cool dude, who makes me scared to fight his Assassin even as a Tank
  2. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

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    I didn't know it was rage quitting if the game hasn't started yet. Thanks for that insight.

    I only do this because if I do get in a match where the odds are REALLY against me, I'll just die a lot, get mad, try to do something, fails horrible, get mad again, and then sulk until the game ends. If I quit, it saves everybody the trouble.

    Man, that last paragraph makes me look like a noob. Well, I kinda am. Everybody rub it in my face!
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Like somebody pointed out, I also tend to drop games to pick up my friends.
    Also I'm a huge stoner so if I drop chances are somebody in my house lit one up ;)
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Yes, people will quit against stacked teams.

    When you're so outmatched that you can't do anything, there's really no reason to stay. It's just not fun. There's no point in sticking it out for the next round, because with no team scramble you know it will just be the same thing over again.
  5. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Two excellent reasons.
  6. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Rage quitting is so last year.

    Glee quitting is where it's at.
  7. Pig Of Denmark

    Pig Of Denmark New Member

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    Sad thing is...i can play and still smoke a bong and still out score most ppl >.>
  8. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I've played against a lot of you guys here on the forum, with some friends of mine like Philychesteak, and I can say that a lot of you are really good. We can usually hold our own but sometimes we get overwhelmed by you guys. I quit at these times usually. What I'm wondering is if I'm classified as quitter who was scared to get beaten, just because I don't like getting trounced on? As I've said in a couple other of my posts, I'm new to the forum and looking forward to getting to know some of you guy up there on the leaderboards. What's up yo?
  9. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Being lvl 99 rules. Why do I say that? because you're "in the club". I think most, if not all 99's hope that the team spilt puts us against each other. You know, as a lvl 99, that you've probably forgotten more about MNC than a lvl 57. You also know that the 99's on the other team could be awesome, or they could be having an off day. If someone quits because of the team split, so be it. Im a 99 and I'll be the first to admit the I get my *** kicked by lower level players all the time. That being said, I play to win and could care less about K/D. Not that I roll over and take it, believe me I try to beat em. While they may smoke me when I don't see em coming, or they get good teamwork and good position, I win far more often than I lose.

    The thing about 99's is, you can usually depend on them. You can depend on them to do the right thing and push as a gunner or tank when being overhealed, instead of hiding in ur base until someone shows up juiced too kill you both. You can also depend on them going for every advantage, whether you're with them or against them.

    You know, when overtime hits, those 99's are bringing the heat, and there's probably nothing you can do about it.
  10. JerryStigmata

    JerryStigmata New Member

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    I feel like this is a trick, since its a good logical post. I love getting matched up against other 99's and seeing who can carry the team further.
  11. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Not always.

    Although technically a 94 or something, there was a certain splitscreen group that I played with yesterday. While I can understand the guest not knowing how to play the game, I was disappointed to see that this level 90+ was still walking right into airstrikes, shooting at turrets with the minigun and other, very silly things. Both he and his guest ALWAYS played gunner and ALWAYS had like 3 kills and 10+ deaths. I don't mind it when people just aren't good at the game (and I suck compared to a lot of people here) but the awfulness was all-encompassing.

    He could have been high, or just goofing around, but it was really really annoying being essentially down 2 players for 5 or so games.

    I can't remember the GT, it was like captain something or corporal something... if I see him and his guest on my team again, I quit :l
  12. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    There must be balance. You suck at MNC compared to others because your sig is godlike. Balance.
  13. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    That's why I said usually. I'm not freakishly good at the game like a few elite players MIGHT be. I do dumb stuff from time to time. Sometimes I give chase when I should take cover. Rarely do you catch me "counting my change" out in the open, or ignoring that Assassin hum and airstrike whine. We all have off days.

    I stress MIGHT because, individually the "elite" aren't anything special. They'll put up a good fight, but they bleed like everyone else. The higher level guys who take it too seriously usually won't play unless they have, at least, 2 or 3 buddies in their party. This sucks for those of us who don't have a friends list packed with other MNC junkies. You end up with quitters, noobs, or just not enough high-level players to deal with the other teams pre-planned and practiced tactics.

    I know it's off subject, but I just think some of these guys who think so highly of themselves should try playing a match or two with random teams. Not hard to dominate if you're playing 6 v 4.5 as a supported gunner with a tank teammate watching your flank. Not hard at all. Face off with equal teams and they're nothing special.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You guys know you can become a 99 without ever playing Crossfire, right?
  15. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    This is an interesting quote and I wonder how true it really is.

    I have played against certain players (Chaos57 last night for instance) who was good no matter which team of randoms he was on. He always dictated the pace of the game, kept a really positive K/D, and made the most money.

    But I am sure there are some elite forum dudes who only play with teams and maybe don't realize that without their dedicated healer buddy or team or whatever they aren't as good as they think they are.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Why do you think we only really play with parties? We are terrible without friends in a team based objective game.
  17. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Speak for yourself. ;)
  18. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    I played chaos557 today. He was actually decent, but I think I made him rage quit anyways. So... probably not the best example for this thread about quitters.

    And... trust me, not many kids on these forums are "elite" and the ones that are don't have high post counts.
  19. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i by no means call myself an elite player but i know for a fact that i helped a team push off a spawn trap and come back to win, i also know for a fact that a gunner and a tank can beat 5 was fun
  20. Noob Sa1bot

    Noob Sa1bot New Member

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    Meh, I only tend to quit if I'm flying solo and it's getting late. I'm not going to stay up late and risk the wrath of my boss if I'm just being farmed despite my best efforts at pushing a lane.

    Oh and I DO care about my KD ratio, but not enough to quit over it. In my opinion if you're playing an offensive support right you should supporting anyone/thing and everyone/thing around you so you can build that beautiful juice, which generally translates directly to kills. There's nothing wrong with ending a game with 150+ bot kills and a 4:1 or higher KD ratio.

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