Battle of the Beasts organisational improvements

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Quitch, March 28, 2014.

  1. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    You are the first person I've encountered to say anything remotely on those lines.

    I'm constantly thanked for all of the effort that I put forward and constantly thanked for PA Matches. That is by definition community backed. As far as reddit goes, people would downvote the posts if they didn't like it – which they are regularly upvoted, I even have posts in the most upvoted of all time. If I was unsupported by the community, then why do I have more likes than anyone else on the forums?

    No concrete examples? You must not have read my posts. I even provided proof and asked you to provide a counter to my proof – which you ignored.

    You claim that it's jealousy and self interest, but ignore the evidence that points otherwise and don't bother to provide any evidence of your own. You also claim that I'm not backed by the community, despite all of the support and thanks I have from the community.

    If you suggest that we let it rest, why do you keep on bringing it up?
    drz1 likes this.
  3. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Based on what you wrote, you have more than 1200 posts that were unliked by the community. Probably the least favourite poster on the forums, too?

    I didn't see any proof either. You only said "it drives away other casters and harms the community", but where is the proof?

    On your defence, yes you are doing alot for the community. Let's say, in a manly manner, you are doing too much. And the reason, why you don't get bad feedback is because most of the PA community is mature and it is not a good and fair behaviour to criticize you. What is being said behind your back doesn't need to be mentioned here. You either have to discover yourself or live happily without it.

    In my opinion you should consider taking a break. Look at the number of posts you have, look at reddit, look basically anywhere that has to do with PA, it is you all over the place. Instead of creating a hype around yourself and people searching for you, because you have valuable content, you are forcing them. There is not a single question on the forums without your anwer.

    While philoscience raged here, he had a point comparing you and Zaphod. People like Zaphod and search for him. You are more like a Chuck Norris.

    You don't find Brianpurkiss, Brianpurkiss finds you.
    ace63, cptconundrum and shootall like this.
  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    You must have not read my earlier posts either. I've provided proof – I can't help it if you don't read them.

    Far from the least favorite poster on the forums. There's quite a few people with less unliked people than me. That's also some pretty poor logic.

    I'm well aware there are a few people that dislike me. You once again make a false in your claim that I don't get negative feedback. Some of it is bogus, some of it is valid – which I have changed some of my posting techniques accordingly. There's people that dislike everyone. There's quite a lot of people that say bad things about Zaphod as well. That's how the world works. As you have demonstrated, a lot of it is based on misinformation.

    People don't search for me you say? My google analytics stats disagree with that.

    Since this thread is turning into "hate on Brian" with quite a lot of misinformation and is no longer constructive or on topic – I'm unsubscribing.
  5. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    I'm done as well. I'm sorry, I did rage a bit. But I meant what I said. You would do well to consider it. Fan websites can come and go like the wind. Drama is one of the catalysts for such a thing. Keep doing great work, and just leave this stuff behind, and you will succeed. This is all it gets you. If I have learned one thing as a scientist it is that you should never reject feedback, no matter how negative. If you don't agree with the feedback, then try to think about where it is coming from. Use some empathy, it makes you a better thinker. And most of all, focus on the content, leave the drama behind, and don't cram yourself down people's throats.

    Goodnight folks. Let's get back to exploding robots.
    drz1, cptconundrum and shootall like this.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    For a tournament that's designed to pull in a new audience, Zaphod needs to suck it up and call the T1 bots Doxs, because having one caster calling them Dox and another causing them Scampers is not helpful :p Also, it's white, not grey. White.
  7. LetsOne

    LetsOne Active Member

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    It does look grey though :p
  8. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    It is not snow white or pure white, it is more grey.

    But no matter what it is, it sucks.
  9. metabolical

    metabolical Uber Alumni

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    Ok, so a few thoughts:
    • We picked a caster. I think it could have been one of several, and I think Zaphod was an excellent choice. I suspect no matter who we picked, somebody was going to be disappointed.
    • We chose to feature the community member instead of our own channel as an experiment. I arranged with Twitch to get featured on the front page. So I thought wouldn't it be great to throw some viewers at our casting community members? If the new viewers get in to the game, they will find our streams too. In the end, I probably wouldn't do this again because we can create a higher quality stream at Uber Entertainment than most of our casters can. We also didn't end up getting any footage of the game ourselves. Finally, I'd love to see some increased production quality where between games the audience doesn't watch us set up the matches, they see some pre-made content.
    • One of the nice things about Uber doing the tournament is we get to design it around the game we're writing. For the most part, the community made weekend tournaments are largely single planet systems with very little orbital play and almost no hope of seeing an epic planet smash. Feel free to do that if you want, but we're going to create the games that use more of what we built if we can. And that's going to include multiple planets and some 2v2 stuff.
    • That said, 1v1s are important too.
    • I agree pause button is important.
    • Brad told me we had stated rules up front about what was ok to say in chat. Those rules were violated, consequently a disqualification occurred.
    • We're not going to work our tournament schedule around people who can't show up on time. We're not going to try to explain to the audience that the posted team isn't actually the team anymore because of a substitution. Be punctual, and choose a partner you can rely on. I would recommend the same for other tournaments.
    I'm sure there's more, but that's what I've got for now.
  10. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Glad to hear that we think on the same lines. whew. :)
  11. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    I'm going to move PACE in a direction that includes things that are just not 1v1 single planet. With the current state of orbital and all that it might be possible soon to host games with big teams like 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5 and with the teams split up on multiple planets. Also I think doing huge planet systems has a chance. 4 main planets. 2 start planets that are identical and 2 other decent sized planets. Then with around 5 astroids. For smashing and just an overall epicness. That's just an idea.

    With PACE I think getting some recorded in game video and getting a just showing smashes, epic battles, and com explosions would make some awesome video.

    Matiz was talking about Bo3 and that will soon be added to some extent into tournaments.

    Pace will have full automation of brackets being updated and results recorded onto a Web page at This will be done and finished within 2 weeks!!

    Casting is something I want to think hard on with the pros and cons of multiple casters or a single stream in tournaments. Size and type of tournament will probably change what would work best.
    philoscience and proeleert like this.
  12. arm2thecore

    arm2thecore Active Member

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    I thought the cast was good, and a good job was done by Zaphod and Meta. It was nice to have Meta's mic toned down just a tad and as a bonus it more closely matched Zaphod's level, so the listening experience was better all around. It was fun to watch.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  13. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    What happend in the chat that lead to a disqualification? I wasn't present for most of the tourny, so I have no clue what is going on here.
  14. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Afaik use of language in a way that imho shouldve died out 2000 years ago
  15. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    Clopse said Matiz's internet "gayed out". I'm not even punning here so I hope this doesn't get deleted -.-
    Yes, there were rules, but what's NSFW in some countries, isn't in others.

    In an ideal world there wouldn't be any drop outs in a tournament, but unexpected things often happen, and many of us are of the opinion that in a tournament environment it's better to have a substitute than dropping a team and giving a bye. This will be even more important in the future with larger teams. There are subs in many "real" sports, why not in vidya game tournaments too? The rules stated (not exact) "if a team doesn't show up, it's disqualified", NOT if a team MEMBER doesn't show up.

    Therefore I think the rules at least need to be more SPECIFIC.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    which I featured :p
    LavaSnake likes this.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I find it disturbing that we have people on the Internet who feel they need to be specifically told that using a sexuality as a pejorative is a no-no. And to help you along, also no-nos would be using genders, disabilities or race.
    tollman likes this.
  18. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    Agreed, I really complicated the situation for our team and you would probably have much better chance with someone fresh and 100% ready. But since it was the first tournament, I cannot blame them for some mistakes. Next tournament will for sure count with these problems and rules will be modified accordingly.

    Well, you are on the internet, that is one thing. And it is always gonna happen and I am not fighting against that, anyone can say anything if he wishes to, sometimes he has to face the consequences.

    I agree that such a language shouldn't take place during official event and especially in ones, that are being broadcasted to wide audience.

    Otherwise, I am not sensitive about such things. Why should I get offended by such a normal thing? People have to learn to behave in a good manner during official events and that's it.

    But let's not discuss it anymore I guess, cuz once again this is a topic we will not solve, we can only express our opinions and this thread is not a right place to dig into it.

    I agree that in future events using any toxic language should get you banned. If we all stick to this, everything is gonna be fine.
  19. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I think it will be good to see other casters involved in future tournaments, to help grow the community.

    Also, I find that some of the objective discussion here has turned more towards subjective and bordering on ad hominem attacks on @brianpurkiss.
    Whatever you think of Brian's opinions, he HAS dedicated time to PA, in many ways, and is constantly trying to get more of the community involved, either by hosting other casters on his PA site, or getting stuck in with tournaments/tutorials/coaching/whatever.
    I appreciate the work he does, and as such, think he is entitled to voice his concerns, even if I don't always agree with them, or how he comes across sometimes.
    LavaSnake likes this.
  20. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    While 1v1 are the easiest tournament to organize and to play, The true potential of PA lies in team games.
    Sincerely, i can't see any way Uber can create a truly good UI for multiplanet 1v1s. And even if they do, it would be extremely difficult for players to play on multiple maps. Imagine yourself playing Supcom on 2 maps with the strategic view on both (good UI).
    It will make a very high skill ceiling and don't get me wrong, it's a good thing.

    In team games, players can split their attention resources between the different bodies and the overall strategic and tactical depth is raised. The quality of games will be much higher.

    Also, with Marshall, we set up our own way to play. Both of us were managing our own base until the first t2 units were out. From that point, Marshall was exclusively managing the bases and i was doing the army tactics. It let me doing intense pressure on the players if they were playing the standard way 1+1 vs 2 players, each doing its own stuff.
    It worked well in the PACE 2v2 tournament and in practice games. Not so well in this tournament. ;)

    It has its upsides and downsides, i wanted to share that method with you.
    Murcanic, cwarner7264 and wpmarshall like this.

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