Bandwidth requirements for online-matches

Discussion in 'Support!' started by arkoftruth, October 1, 2013.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I know that there are regions where bandwidth is not cheap, but for large parts of the world bandwidth IS cheap. Sure there are extreme cases where bandwidth is expensive, but on the other hand there are also places where you can get 1gbit/s for a reasonable amount of money. Generally speaking 2mbit/s isnt a lot.
    Look here:
    10mbit/s+ is average everywhere according to that page. Actually that's higher than I expected :eek:

    I guess my rethorical question about expensive bandwidth was not phrased very well.

    The bandwidth problems in FA were mostly due to the upload-rate, which was below 2mbit/s, but since upload generally is far smaller for most endcustomers it still was a problem that it required like 60kbyte/s or so for larger games that often resulted in lagging for people with a weak internet connection. PA does not limit on the upload but on the download which generally is faster for most people. So a 2mbit/s connection here in germany might have had troubles with FA because the upload of such a connection would be far slower than 2mbit/s. Now PA doesnt need much upload and it will hopefully be able to work with 2mbit/s down. So the situation might improve compared to FA if PA really gets down to 2mbit/s.
    So when I am talking about bandwidth I don't think about a traffic limitations, I think about the speed of the connection and if you get lags or not. FA troubled people in that it used too much upload. PA won't do that.
    Since I am fortunate enough to live in a "large" city in Germany I don't think of traffic limits when talking about landline internet access. That's just not the common case here. It's all unlimited. Only the speed counts.

    Also 200gb a month for 80$ is expensive, but 200gb is quite a lot. I think in the biggest month of streaming PA I had like 150GB from PA and streaming together.

    2mbit/s wont push you into a 3 digits area of gigabyte in a month unless you play 24/7
  2. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Netindex includes 3g and 4g download and upload data too not just landline access so that average bases things off of the fact the 3g coverage is almost everywhere and 3g is usually minimum of 14.4mb/s . thus my point about me using it for gaming on my PSVITA and iPad.

    If netindex were to account for landline internet only in thier stats those figures would be dramatically lower.

    its cheap enough here too, there are cheaper solutions , just more of a pain in the *** for some who has already invested in a solution that works, i.e prepaid mobile net.

    also again , me personally dont really care about PA's bandwidth usage coz i will most probably only be playing it in epic LAN matches if offline LAN play is implemented to the end release (im sure it will be as it has been stated it will be in other post's)
    Last edited: October 2, 2013
  3. Bhaal

    Bhaal Active Member

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    2mbit pa for 10hours a day would mean 300gbyte traffic every month for only average sized games.

    What about big games wIth 20 or 40 players and huge systems??

    Even in germany in the biggest City traffic is limited. The biggest provider offers at max 200gbyte traffic with his Flatrates. Not considering all the people living in smaller villages. I have plenty of friends not having access to faster Internet than 2mbit. You will not be able to play Witz 2mbit if it requires 2 Mbit because the ping will explode near the line capacity.

    Germany is one of THe countries with the wirst Internet connections in Europe.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You think 10 hours of playing each day is realistic?

    It is unknown what a "average sized game" actually is, but yeah 40 players games have the potential to use a lot of bandwidth. But I doubt there is much that can be done about it. PA's whole network structure is build to reduce the bandwidth usage in such cases I think. Using a p2p model like in FA would be insane as you would need to upload your data to 39 other people. In PA you only need to download the worldstate from the server which at the start will be pretty small. Sure if you play for 10 hours with 40 people you will probably need a monster internet connection with a monster server and a monster client. But I dont think that should come as a surprise.

    _Especially_ in bigger cities you have plenty of alternatives to the Telekom. They are the only provider who plans to introduce such limits after all and they will utterly fail with them. It's your fault for using the telekom in most cases.
    Yes germany is one of the worst countries in Europe in terms of internetconnections, but 2mbit/s is still okay for most people here.

    EDIT: Also on the topic of the Deutsche Telekom: Didnt they already react to the pretty harsh critics on their plans and set the speedlimit after the monthly traffic is exceeded to 2mbit/s? So that would happen to be an okay value for most PA games.
  5. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    why does everyone have such slow internetz, here in the Netherlands it's fine!
    [​IMG] and this is using wifi (on lan it's 100Mbit)
  6. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    I will just say that I pay while streaming on my currently poor network for streaming because I max out my Upload I play with ~400+ Ping while streaming and I have no issue playing like this either. It was worse in the alpha and it was noticeable in the Alpha when you had high ping. Here in the beta I have not encountered a hickup at all or any Chronocam Desync which was the issue that happened in the alpha with high ping. So it has improved greatly already.
  7. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    Because the companies in the US wont upgrade their networks for higher bandwidths unless forced to. They dont want to put out the money to up their connections because people wont want to pay the higher price points for those higher bandwidths. We still offer 1.5Mbps connections here in the US and that can cost you 40-50 Dollars depending on your provider. In contrast your 50Mbps and 13up would be $100+ more likely $120 a month. You dont find many paying for a connection like that because it costs so much. Im trying to get my Dad to upgrade the network to 25 down/5 up from our current 6 down/1 up. He keeps saying he doesnt see why i need the bandwidth. And I had to explain to him that its not the download im after its the Upload. The Download is nice but Upload is what we get screwed out of here in the US because most will put the lowest amounts as they can on the uploads. This tends to be 896Kbps.

    Many of the companies have now begin to put bandwidth caps on your networks now. I know Comcast has always had a 250GB caps but For the good portion of the year and i still believe it is now has been taken off and we have had uncapped bandwidth.
  8. Bhaal

    Bhaal Active Member

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    They sold this game talking about Huge games with lots of players involved and now already medium sized games eat bandwidth like nothing.

    I only heared about Servers needing bandwidth and power but not that Clients need so mich bandwidth.
  9. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    it's quite cheap here actually, only 60 euro a month (about $80) for a 120Mbit/25Mbit connection. And no bandwidth cap either here.

    and for the US, if google can offer 1000Mbit internet for $70 a month fast internet should be possible at normal rates
  10. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    Googles network is provided Via fiber rings that are located in 2-5 areas across the US. They are trying to add more to it but again its really an outlier and isnt exactly counted as the norm. It would be nice to have the connection but it would require me to move to one of these areas. Even Verizons Fios is rather scarce except for big name cities but it rather hard to find inland.
  11. dionytadema

    dionytadema Active Member

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    yes but if they reduce the required bandwidth to 1Mbit for normal matches it should be playable almost anywhere, and if a optional unit cap gets implemented that can help as well. So the finished game should not have problems with bandwidth, except for giant 40 player games (that most players would probably play on lan anyways)
  12. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    64Mbits/s (8Mbytes/s) cost me here in France ~40$ per month
  13. Rebuilt

    Rebuilt Member

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    You have no friends and nobody likes you.

    I'm paying $130/m for unlimited 6Mbit down / 1Mbit up. Some times it sucks to be on an island of pink sand beaches moored in the Western Atlantic.

  14. perecil

    perecil Active Member

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    I live in France too. However such an offer (you're speaking of Numericable, right?) is only available in big cities.
  15. perecil

    perecil Active Member

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    You're speaking of the case where Uber is maintaining the server, but in WAN conditions (where a player is doing the server) the player acting as the server will then need to have a huge bandwidth?
  16. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough
  17. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Yes, it's 100Mbits/s but i can't get more than 64Mbits/s.
    An There's the specific case of Free in Paris and Montpellier where i think you can get just insane download/upload rates with Fiber.
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Yes, the server will need more bandwidth. Especially way more upload. But you only need one server, finding at least one person with a good connection should be possible. An alternative is to rent a dedicated server for it. Bandwidth for rented servers really is cheap, no matter where your house is.
  19. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    The very fact that this newer game needs less bandwidth than a older game FA is quite the achievement i think.
  20. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well may need less in some situations. FA probably uses less overall bandwidth in most cases, but it is bottlenecking on upload, whereas PA has the bottleneck on download. Since downloadspeed is far better for most people it's less of a problem.

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