Balancing the assassin vs. tank fight

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by HI IM SNARF, November 14, 2010.

  1. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    Jetpack kills are good times all around.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    I understand what you guys mean, and I appreciate the tips. I also understand that in order for this game to be completely balanced, there HAS to be some advantages that some classes have over other classes.

    I just feel like the advantage that tank has over assassin is so much greater than any other class matchup that it really is an issue and not just a feature. Assassin is already one of the harder classes to play, in my opinion, and it's frustrating when I'm 20-0 in a game, and then one tank joins halfway through the game who isn't even THAT good at being a tank, and he kills me like a 2nd child in a Chinese family.
  3. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Get better. We've all told you how. If you can't beat the Tank, don't fight him. Your job is to kill bots and turrets, anyway.
  4. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Tanks are tanks.
  5. Gate88

    Gate88 New Member

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    Snarf, the game isn't balanced by class-by-class match-ups. It's balanced in the context of the objective, which includes killing bots, spawning bots, making money, controlling certain parts of the map (annihilator, juice) and ability to gain juice.

    Assassin is fast and can melt through bots, making her one of the best lane pushers in the game. In fact, she's fast enough that in a lot of arenas she can push both lanes at once. All these bot kills make her a ton of money, and she's fast enough to get to the annihilator first every time.

    The assassin gains juice super fast. While the assassin may not have the best juice, the frequency of it is certainly nice.

    Assassin arguably has one of the best bots in the game. Gremlins are annoying enough to distract the enemy substantially, and if the enemy is totally oblivious and sticking to the top of the arena, the gremlins will go right ahead and kill all their turrets and drop the ball.

    All these advantages come at a price -- the assassin can't take shots. She relies on hit and run tactics at best, and at worst, she has to just chip away at pro's health hoping that another beefier class will come along and take them out. Sure, her grapple gives her a little breathing room, but for the most part, she shouldn't be taking on pros head-on.

    While the assassination works on most classes, the tank just has a little too much health (with passive upgrades or health perks) to be assassinated. Additionally the tank has some of the best close range weapons in the game. Logic would tell you not to get close to a tank. Throw shurikens and then go for the kill. Or, if you don't do enough damage to warrant getting close, run away.

    A balanced team isn't one with all assassins. There is no one class with all advantages and no disadvantages. Sometimes you have to rely on your teammates (oh no) to take out that pesky tank (or really, get better with the shurikens; they do pretty ridiculous damage when you're accurate with them).

    Thank you.

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