Balance Idea for Assault Bomb

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by StarPilot87, January 23, 2011.

  1. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Good assaults are too good, they negate the need for a gunner on a competitive team, because the assault can pro kill very close to the amount the gunner can, they are more mobile, have the bomb, deal massive damage to money ball and a lot more that the gunner can't do. The only thing the gunner really has over a good assault is turret killing abilities, but that should be left to your assassin to juice chain their base.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    You ever consider that's where balance issue comes from? Y'know, when someone competent uses a class? That Support you see standing still healing his Lv 1 Laser Blazer isn't a problem. That Support you see moving around healing everything, getting juice in 30 seconds, and being able to run out like an Italian Rambo is what made people ask for a nerf.

    The Sniper who insists on getting shots off on the enemy team while never using teamwork to stop bots is easily taken care of/ignored. The Sniper who killed bots, trapped people in random locations, and would camp with ice traps that were indestructible was what got explosive rounds and traps nerfed.

    The Gunner who runs around going DURSLAHM! whenever he senses danger is laughed at. The Gunner with gold accuracy who would literally snipe people with his minigun is what got him a nerf.

    See where this is going? So, the Assault who puts a bomb down and stares at it while ignoring his surroundings isn't that much of a threat. The Assault who uses the bomb to destroy f*cking everything with it's god like abilities, and buzz around the map like a fly toting a miniminigun with no prespin is perhaps the biggest pain in the *** in the game. Because, unlike other classes, there's no set counter for the Assault. Everyone else has a counter. The Assault is only outplayed by skill, or lack thereof, or teamwork.

    The supposed jack of all trades has few too weaknesses for me to consider him this.
  3. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    And that's where the assault sits with this game
    Destroys pros to stop bot movement
  4. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    So then what, may I ask, is the point of a Gunner?
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    the balance issue comes from him being better than the assassin and sniper, but not having anyone who is better than him. if he could be balanced to have a weakness or two, or not be so powerful against the sniper assassin

    XENONOX New Member

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    Deploy gunner.

    I get destroyed EVERY time.

  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    lrn2goldarmor, nub.

    a deployed gunner can be countered by a sniper or tank, even with deploy 3.
  8. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I thought those were called Supahsnipahs. Fear them for their ability to riddle you with death and instant crits!!!
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    the assault counters the sniper and tank

    the assault is countered by the support and gunner (yes the gunner)

    before you argue he is better than the gunner, the gunner can outfight an assault if he is of the same skill. if he isnt, then if he chose assault instead of gunner, he would probably stare at the bomb he set all game, ignoring his surroundings.

    cant fix stupid with a specific class on this game, maybe street fighter (sagat and honda) and CoD (ump45), but not this game.

    however, the assault could use a nerf on bomb-spam. maybe make the cooldown on a bomb start AFTER the previous bomb is gone, and make it destructable in the same way an ice trap is (not every lolnoob can shoot one, they hafta use an explosive)

    NOTHING ELSE needs a nerf. he isnt God-tier. a high-level competitive team against another high-level cometitive team couldnt use any more than 2 assaults, and couldnt use 2 assaults any more or less than 2 gunners (depending on the matchup and map, but factoring in all matchups and maps its equal for both)
  10. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    A few things there though. I already said that he would be outplayed by skill. Using a Gunner as an example is the perfect example. If they are of EQUAL skill, then it will be a power struggle. The Gunner wont always win, and the Assault wont always win. That's as close as you'll get the whole game.

    I didn't say the Assault didn't counter anyone, just that he didn't have one. No one "shuts him down", which earns him the title "Jack of All Trades, Master of None". Yet, what's his weakness? Lack of health compared to a heavy. That's really about it.

    I said that the bomb was god tier. Not the Assault itself.

    The only things I truly ask for as a nerf are the two things you said right there. That, and maybe less mobility somehow. But, I'd wait to see how he functions without the bomb first.
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    LOLWUT? Support? No. Gunner? Not really. Possibly, but it's not really a counter.

    So again, the Assassin would be left as the only class that wouldn't be able to get rid of the bomb. Just like ice traps. Awesome. And the bomb's ring out potential could be toned down. It's ridiculous right now.
  12. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    There's a reason I didn't touch that one.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    initiating a charge saps away the rest of your fly skill?
  14. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Wow, you're like a fountain of good ideas.

    While I like this idea, it should have a minimum amount of fly before you can execute it. Not sure if that would be balanced or unfair though.

    An alternative to this might be after he charges, his jets are unavailable for x seconds. Since he overheated them using the charge.

    And of course there is the fact that using fly lets him break out of ice traps. Is that intentional?
  15. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I can't see why for the love of god it'd be intentional. If it is, then I officially declare the Assault overpowered. But, seeing as how I'm 99.9% sure it isn't, I'll just stick with abuse it while you can. I love purposefully walking into a trap just to set it off.
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i have always assumed it was, based on the fact that any other movement skill (usually charges) are completely shut off during icetraps, the skill gets greyyed out.
  17. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    True, but that same logic applied to the whole cloaking while assassinating thing would mean that was intentional as well.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    the assassin has a lunge, and the assassun has a dash-jump, and the assassin has a smoke-bomb. as you can see, there are many things that classes have in this game, and there are many things they dont. the assassin doesnt have explosives, she cant destroy placed devices. sorry. she does have juice and close-range-high-damage weapons. no other class has that, so if she gets a way to destroy traps, then every other class gets a sword to destroy turrets with. deal?

    if you dislike assault, really, play supports. assaults pyling on turrets are the only way to kill a turret being healed. a properly placed firebase harasses assaults more than anything. a shotgun beats an assault when you have backup, or solo at close range and around corners.

    i think even the devs and top-players would agree all-supports would give all-assaults trouble.

    bottom line: everybody that plays only one class will bitch and complain about another particular class. thats called a counter-class. the assault could use nerfs, not too many tho, but it shouldnt be a bad class against EVERY other class.
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I don't have many negative things to say about his, just what a few "Wait...." moments.

    I don't really see the reasoning behind that statement. Well, I do. But, it's just that other classes have longtomid-range-high-damage weapons. So, what advantage is the sword that forces you to get close as opposed to the Assault Rifle/Minigun that lets you mow through enemies or Mortar Launcher that lols at turrents? Her only advantage in that context is her extreme speed, which could honestly use a slight buff. But, I suppose that's what speed pick-ups are for.

    While calling myself a top player my sound a bit arrogant (I feel a bit uncomfortable saying it), I will say I feel I have enough experience with the game to call B.S. on that one. Going after turrents as an Assault is truly pointless. The only reason I ever go after one is:
    1. For teh lulz.
    2. Because I can do it with nobody going after me.
    3. Because I have juice.

    They just don't deal enough damage to effectively kill turrents that have anyone near them, imo.

    Saying that a "properly placed Firebase" will bug them more than anything is a bit weak. First, that's a bit vague. Is this one that covers ground? Covers air? Spots more pros, or more bots? Is it often distracted? Is there an easy route around it? If not, why? Is it within ejector range? Could a Lv. 3 Bomb ring you out if you get close? Can the Grenade Launcher let him hit it around corners?

    This is assuming he actually cares enough to go after it, as well. If one Firebase was truly irking me, I'd just avoid it until I got juice. Or, avoid it until I see it alone. Or, just avoid it completely. Not my job. I have the Sniper/Assassin/Gunner/Support/Tank on my team to take care of a Firebase far more effectively than I can.

    Second, saying that it will harass them more than anything else may be true, but if the stationary turret that can be easily avoided is the worst that the game has to offer is considered "more than anything else", isn't that a bit sad?

    Third, the Support vs. Assault argument with his shotgun also seems a bit weak. You say a Support will win with back up from teammates. Well... that's sorta true.... for every class.... in the game. Teamwork is not class specific. This boils down to my earlier point of an Assault being taken down mainly by teamwork, or the other two options. Next, you say that he's effective at close range or around corners. Well... that again.... kinda, sorta, applies to every class. If anything, he's LEAST effective under these circumstances, as the Assault can instantly charge away and put himself at the ideal distance. OR, just flee altogether.

    I agree, at least on the second part. They could use a nerf. But they don't need a nerf gun.
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    and other classes have LONG range high damage weapons.

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