Background stars are static even when the planet rotates?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by snierke, October 2, 2013.

  1. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    hehe this is because I am a smart guy :p

    The background is much too blue btw also. It should be darker^^
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. 2nv2u

    2nv2u Member

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    I agree as well, the background just isn't right!
    Depending on the galactic warfare implementation, there should be a point of reference in the middle like a black hole or star depending on the size of the field (assuming galactic warfare will include multiple solar systems and thus have a black hole in the center).
    The complete sky box should be centered around that black hole or star and should be completely black containing only procedural nebula and stars with an HDR showing less stars and no nebula when something bright is in view.
    Whenever a planet or star is rotating in reference to the center object the background should move accordingly when the camera is attached to it's surface like snierke says.
    The rotation speed of each planet in reference to it's star should be it configurable in the editor as well.
  3. guzwaatensen

    guzwaatensen Active Member

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    that is easily fixed though, the just have to fix the skybox to the celestial coordinate system instead of the camera coordinate system... Which I also fully support...
    snierke likes this.
  4. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    Yes, it should be done.
    If it will cause dizziness, it's better to dim the stars than to make them stay so unnatural.
  5. 2nv2u

    2nv2u Member

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    I don't think the stars would fly by at extreme speeds, the distances would be too large, the dimming should be done with HDR, like in everyday life, stars and nebula are only visible when there is almost now light visible form other sources like stars or reflecting planets.

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