Backers Only (for now): Localization Testing

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by garat, January 17, 2013.

  1. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    How could I missed that topic ?

    Some good advise to all translators :
    - The goal of a translation is to pass the wanted message to the audience, not to be as close as possible to the original sentence.
    - Acronyms (like RTS and so) should not get translated, to catch the eye of the targeted public (no friend of mine playing RTS call them "STR"...).
    Or use the common term, like "Jeu de Stratégie" in my case.
    - Beware of number convention !
    Ex : in French, numbers are separated by a " ", not a ",", or ".".
    => 44 000.

    Made my contribution on the site, do not hesitate to comment !

    A few remarks from my side :

    "Command and Control" is a specialized expression, and thus can not be direclty translated.
    And i can't find any equivalent in French :-(
    If i had to propose something that match, it could be this "Déployez, Commandez, Attaquez !" (litterally : Control, command, attack !), or "Stratégies Avancées" maybe.
    Really difficult case.

    "Divide + Conquer Galaxies"
    The best translation had a typo in it :-( Should be "Régner" and not "Reigner".

    "Strategy: Destroy Planets"
    I do not see a correct translation for this one too. Any more or less accurate (that mean with the same number of words and such) translation feels odd.
    A little more complete sentence looks much better : "Stratégie : Détruirez des planètes entières".

    Personnal note : Pizwitch and Keb, if you read me, i like your translations :)
  2. Zimeon

    Zimeon New Member

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    Started the Finnish translation, need to finish it at a later point :)
  3. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    well I have to say, that all looks quite promising, with that you will be able to translate the game in many language in high speed, but how will it look for voice translation? Will you use Voice Actors and if yes, how many languages? I would be happy to hear voices, but i would understand it if its not possible or only in english.
  4. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    J'ai corrigé, merci de l'avoir signalé ! :p

    It's not my case. I often use "STR" acronym, and I'm not alone.

    The problem is that translations can't be too long. I would translate this by "Nouvelle option stratégique : Détruisez des planètes entières".
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Erm, why the heck not? Minecraft has a 'Pirate' localization. I can totally see LOLspeak. Good luck with the technical terms though... ;)

    Hmm, I think we could go with something more enthusiastic when it comes to ads.

    Command them to Destroy. I can't think of any good German translation, everything will sound awkward.

    I suggest:
    Sie erwarten Deine Befehle. (They are waiting for your orders.) <- close to the original, kinda boring
    Deine Truppen erwarten Dich. (Your troops are waiting for you.) <- still close to the original, slightly better
    Vernichte allen Widerstand. (Annihilate/crush all opposition/resistance.) <- sounds better, different semantic
    Führe sie zum Sieg. (Lead them to victory.) <- kind of sounds like Nazi propaganda... :?

    Another example:
    Be ruthless. The correct translation would be: Sei skrupellos. Zeige keine Gnade. (Show no mercy.) sounds better though. Then again you already have 'Show No Mercy.'

    AaaarrrRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHH. That's why I hate translating. I can never stop. Don't get me involved or you have to push the release date to 2025... :x
  6. poncegabriel

    poncegabriel New Member

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    Well Spanish is half way done so i might as well vote for that (my native language).
  7. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    You can add your own translations if the ones available for voting are no good. So in reality its not finished. Some of those translations could be wrong.
  8. nightnord

    nightnord New Member

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    Without context - bad enough (I can't translate "Command Them To Destory" with proper sense without knowing that sense).

    P.S. Also, to correct right there should be generic guidelines how appeals should be handled - more familiar or more official?
    P.P.S. I do hope that this string packets are not from same booklet. "Special pricing" and "Be ruthless" are just... well... you got it.
    P.P.P.S A lot of strings has similar meaning - they are supposed to be different, right?
    P.P.P.P.S. "More than X Y". X+1, it seems.
    P.P.P.P.P.S "As Seen on Kickstarter" - separation is weird, really. That's not even a phrase!

    Russian done. But it's all wrong unless full picture will be available.
  9. DeadMG

    DeadMG Member

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    Perhaps when the real localization strings are in, we can have a British English translation. I read through the existing English text and there's none that need work, but perhaps in the future, we can get proper spellings, instead of those peasant American spellings.
  10. fateandwar

    fateandwar New Member

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    English translation of
    Sentence contains many of the same content in the same thing again and again did not translate.

    I'm sorry, wrong English, I are talking through a Google translator :D
  11. Gabberkooij

    Gabberkooij New Member

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    I could also add to a dutch translation. I've translated Demigod in the past for my kids :)
  12. sinanm89

    sinanm89 New Member

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    I'd love to help translate to Turkish if I can. Just got Riot games and Crytek in Istanbul, uber maybe?^_^ I'd love to apply for a job at uber... gosh... :oops:
  13. syox

    syox Member

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    I see u are translating to Korean also. Thats nice but i want you to nerf Koreans for Multiplayer then ... ......... :lol:
  14. ucsgolan

    ucsgolan Member

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    As a native Korean speaker, I need lots of context for better translation.

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