I haven't tried too many planets or much more than 1 small planet and a moon because my system is just on min specs. But now i have made this final revision of the "empty shaders" i get awesome gameplay, i can even up my resolution from 1280x720 to 1366x768 and play nicely. i have changed quite a few shaders now, and the impact is minimal graphically but massive boost in framerate my end https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-performance-booster-v2.53233/ obviously i wont be able to mash heaps of planets into a system anf play as this is ram dependent not gpu. but i'm sure that playing with 2 planets and 2 moons will now be fine, where as before it was a little jumpy on the FPS side of things. Also if you want to know how my shaders work. I have "OPTIMIZED" the code, LOL, or more like "i deleted all the code and saved an empty file." It's the most optimal code of them all So the best explanation on how it works is, "No Code" puts less or no strain on the GPU allowing it to do other things, like instance more models, emit more particles, animate scene's, deform meshes, and render explosions
More Control testing done, with screenshots. Ubers' current shaders Max's "No Shaders" Performance Boost Mod